Chapter 1692 Landing together, invisible enemy
Lu Meiyu will arrange for someone to visit the fox instrument every hour to prevent abnormal situations. Yang Yangyang will also be arranged to visit the fox instrument, so he knows the fox instrument.

The language barrier between Yang Yangyang and Lu Meiyu seriously affected the communication between the two parties.

If it wasn't for the language barrier, Yang Yangyang would have asked Lu Meiyu about that fox instrument a long time ago!
"Go and rest first, you will be on duty in the second half of the night today!" Lu Meiyu urged.

Brother Lu nodded slightly, and then walked to his bedroom.

Yang Yangyang saw that Lu Meiyu was still in the cockpit, and he really wanted to tell Lu Meiyu to go back to rest too, but he opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak.

He knew that Lu Meiyu must still be wary of him, so he didn't express his suggestion.

"Pay more attention to the collector here, maybe we can also collect those good things." Lu Meiyu ordered using the power of the contract.

Yang Yangyang nodded slightly, and then walked to the recovery port of the collector.

Lu Meiyu continued to pay attention to the information in the public channel.

"Brothers, I have already reached the outer edge of that planet, why didn't I see you?"

"Haha, I see you, I'm circling around the orbit of this planet's satellite."

"I saw you too, let me go into satellite orbit too, how about we coexist peacefully for the time being?"

"Of course, all the survivors who come here, we must coexist peacefully. Otherwise, if the world on the other side of the wormhole has not been developed and the world starts to fight, it will not be worth the loss."

"That's right, let's form an exploration alliance first, and go to the world opposite the wormhole. If we don't need to join forces to fight against the enemy, how about we get opportunities based on our own abilities?"

"I agree!"

"No problem, I agree, if you don't agree, then let's unite and drive away!"

"Just do it!"

As time passed, more survivors went to the wormhole planet, and they all concentrated on the planet's satellite orbit.

"Now there are seven of us, can we do it?"

"Yes, there are already a lot of people, you can enter the wormhole to have a look, and the people who come later will form a team. Let's build a small group!"

"Don't, just chat in the public channel, let us also see the process and progress of your exploration."

Although some survivors wanted to watch them explore, they decided to form a small group to communicate.

After the small group was established, they immediately discussed in the small group.

"Then who of us will come first?"


"No one wants to be at the front, what should I do?"

"No, because I just want to be at the front."

"Great brother, I didn't expect someone to be willing to walk in the front!"

"Anyway, I think the first person to eat the crab will definitely earn!"

"High risk, high return!"

"It's not too late, let's log in!"

Six escape pods and a miniature spaceship started their engines and landed on the planet.

They landed right next to the wormhole.

"Can we build a base here in the future? If anyone wants to explore through this wormhole, they have to pay, such as one hundred cornerstones and dark gold at a time. It doesn't need to be too expensive, just make small profits and sell quickly!"

"It's really a good idea!"

"The premise is that we can defend this base, otherwise everything will be in vain."

"That's true. Let's start now. It's better for everyone to enjoy the feeling of gravity first!"

"Wait a minute, it's not too late anyway. I want to feel the feeling of gravity." "There should be a planet on the other side of the wormhole. We have to adapt first."

"That's right, we can't stand up now, it's too reckless to just pass by."

While they were discussing, the surface of the planet surged again, and this surge quickly spread to the spacecraft of the survivors.

"Didi, the outer wall of the escape cabin is under attack, please repair it in time!" The island monument of the seven people issued an alarm at the same time.

The seven people who were enjoying the gravity immediately replied nervously: "Repair it immediately!"

After choosing to repair, they immediately started the engine and flew up, while nervously observing the surrounding environment.

To their surprise, the surroundings were very quiet, and no enemies could be seen at all.

"What's the situation? Why was the outer wall of my escape pod attacked?"

"Yeah, mine was attacked just now!"

"I don't seem to see the shadow of the enemy?"

"I didn't see it either. It's so weird. Should we continue now?"

"Continue to fart, let's figure out this invisible enemy!"

"That's right, let's go to the satellite orbit first, otherwise if we keep hanging in the air, we will run out of fuel!"

At this time, the island tablet reminded again: "Didi, the outer wall of the escape cabin has been attacked, please repair it in time!"

"What's the situation? Why is the island monument still reminding me that I'm under attack?"

"Me too!"

"You go to the island monument and zoom in on your own escape pod or spaceship to find the location of the attack. Only by going there to see for yourself can you know what happened!"

"But I'm alone, and I still have to drive the escape pod back to the satellite orbit, so I don't have the skills to do it all at once!"

"So now we can only use the cornerstone and dark gold to carry it hard, and wait until we return to the satellite orbit!"

After making such a decision, they quickly came to the position of the satellite orbit while continuously repairing their aircraft.

"Lying grass, what kind of attack is this? It feels faster and faster, and the consumption of cornerstones and dark gold is also faster and faster!"

"The main reason is that the dark gold consumes a lot!"

"It has returned to the satellite orbit, I want to go out of the cabin to see the situation!"

"Be careful, I think this kind of attack is too weird."

A survivor put on the extravehicular space suit, immediately got out of the cabin, came to the bottom of the escape cabin, and observed carefully.

I saw that the bottom of the escape cabin was being corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And at the corroded wound, something seemed to be wriggling constantly!
"What the hell is this?" the survivor said in shock.

Everything in front of him was too weird, and he didn't dare to get close, so he could only take out the laser pistol he carried with him and shoot at the wound.

The other survivors who didn't come out became puzzled when they saw his movements.

"What's going on here? How is he shooting at the air and at his ship?"

"He's not insane, is he?"

"Impossible! With an SSS-level physique, there will be absolutely no insanity."

"Not necessarily, what if his spirit is attacked?"

"I was attacked by something? I didn't see anything, it must be a ghost!"

"Everyone, don't make random guesses. You're scaring yourself. When he returns to the escape cabin, we'll find out by asking!"

(End of this chapter)

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