Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1689 Those who arrive first dare not go, wait until later

Chapter 1689 Those who arrive first dare not go, wait until later

The moment Jiang Yuntian took the two spaceships away, he immediately turned on the fog generator.

And Xiao Yi's side was exposed because there was no fog generator.

Immediately, the Dyna family's spy satellites took pictures of the situation around the satellite-class spacecraft.

Of course, their spy satellites are relatively far away, and they dare not get too close, otherwise the more than 50 miniature spaceships around them are not vegetarians.

"Report to the patriarch, the other party suddenly gave up the shield, and now you can see the situation of the other party's satellite-class warship." The intelligence department immediately fed back this situation to Dynas.

Dynas frowned slightly, while others had already started discussing.

"What does he mean? Could it be that he thinks we don't dare to go there anymore, so there is no need to block it?"

"Is the other party so arrogant?"

"Is this mocking us? Should they be taught a lesson!"

Dynas said: "The last time our team was defeated, it has already shown that the opponent is very difficult. This time, the opponent suddenly exposed the satellite-class warship. Maybe it is to lure us to take the initiative. We must not act rashly."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

"The intelligence department should pay close attention to the other party's movements." Dynas urged.


Ergou has already boarded a miniature spaceship and boarded a large spaceship that is about to go out.

Jiang Yuntian boarded the miniature spacecraft and returned to the satellite-class spacecraft.

After Ergou boarded the large spacecraft, he immediately released many detection satellites, guarding around the large spacecraft, and constantly feeding back the surrounding environment to Ergou.

"Ergou, pay attention to safety, report the situation immediately after arriving at the destination!" Xiao Yi sent Ergou a message.

"Yes, please rest assured, the island owner!" Ergou replied in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi switched back to the public channel and continued to pay attention to the news.

"Are you here? I'm almost there."

"No way, are you so close to the wormhole?"

"It's not close, I've been driving for almost an hour, going at full speed, and it's just arrived!"

"One hour is a short time to travel in space. You must know that space travel takes years and months at every turn. You only have less than an hour, which is already very close."

"Have you arrived? Why didn't I see you?" the survivor who discovered the wormhole asked suspiciously.

"There is still a distance, but I have stopped, I need to prepare."

"If there is anything to prepare for, hurry up and act first!"

"Idiot, you don't really think that the wormhole is full of dark gold, do you?"

"Even if they are, it can only mean that it is more dangerous! The rules of the world will not allow us to harvest a large amount of supplies so easily."

"That's not necessarily true. Look at Yiranpin boss, how many supplies he has harvested, and he hasn't seen how the world rules affect him!"

"How do you know that the rules of the world don't take special care of him?"

"That's right, maybe it's because the boss is so powerful that he has resolved the special care of the world's rules!"

"Since he can resolve it, we also have a chance to resolve it."

"I really don't know where your confidence comes from. You don't think that if you buy some high-end items from the boss, you will be the same as the boss?"

"There are always some people who are pretentious and unwilling to face reality. It is better to be cautious. If you fail here, there is no chance to start over!" "So, shouldn't I leave this planet first? Wait for everyone We’re here, let’s come up together!”

The survivor who discovered the wormhole immediately activated his escape capsule, flew into space, slowly explored the orbit of a synchronous satellite, and made a synchronous circular motion around the planet.

After the survivor's escape pod left, there was a wave of fluctuation in the distance, which spread to the position where the survivor had just landed, and then fell silent.

"You are all too conservative. I have always believed that wealth and wealth come from risks. If you are so timid, you will never even think about developing rapidly!"

"Yes, if it were me, I would definitely rush over there. No matter how bad the opposite galaxy is, will it be worse than what we experienced before?"

"The living environment of our galaxy was really harsh before, but it has stabilized now. It must be stable for a while before experiencing the waves!"

"I don't like calm weather, let the storm come more violently!"

"There is no need for everyone to argue on this issue. Everyone has their own favorite life. Some people like plain water and calm waves, while others like stormy waves and violent storms. Everyone just needs to bear the consequences of their own choices."

"That's right, you guys are really bored, this matter can take so long."

"Isn't this the topic of menstruation! We always have to talk about it every few days."

"Okay, let's discuss some serious business. When are you going to log in?"

"At least wait for three or four survivors to come together! Who else is coming soon!"

"Squeak! There are three more hours!"

"Another hour and a half!"

"Is everyone this close to this planet?"

"Anyway, it's not too far away. I still have six hours, and I'll probably be there by dinner time. You guys go explore the road first!"

"There are so many people, is there a boss?"

"I don't know if you big brother are talking about Yi Ranpin, or someone else?"

"As long as you have a miniature spaceship, you're considered a boss. I'm just an escape pod!"

"You big brother's requirements are too low, I'm just a miniature spaceship."

"Lying grass, where did you get so many cornerstones and dark gold!"

"I excavated it from the ruins. According to the boss's prompt, I dug it and ran away. I was not caught up by the guardian of the ruins."

"Made, why haven't I opened a map of the ruins!"

"I mined it from meteorites, so if you have nothing to do, you must mine more meteorites, and there will be unexpected gains."

"That's right, I actually harvested this thing when I mined meteorites, [Manufacturing Diagram of Water Circulation System of Miniature Spaceship]*1."

"Brother, how much is this thing, you make a price, I want it!"

"What are you thinking, as long as you are not stupid, you won't sell this kind of thing. With this thing, you can greatly reduce the demand for water and survive in space. This thing is a magic weapon!"

"Yes, please don't bid in private. I really won't sell it. After I make this, I can sell my excess water resources to everyone."

"At that time, you should sell it cheaper!"

"Why should it be cheaper? Now, Yiranpin is not expensive, right?"

"The main reason is that I want to scrub my lower body with water, which consumes a lot!"

"Fuck, you are too extravagant!"

(End of this chapter)

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