Chapter 1679 Network training, team battles are ugly

"Well, it's already connected here, we need to test it first!" Jingwu replied.

Jiang Yuntian hurriedly said: "Now that we have so many people, let's start the test!"

"Okay!" Jingwu responded.

Jiang Yuntian, Jingwu, and Du Kang brought a dozen members of the game team into the game cabin.

Everyone selects the online game at the same time, and then selects a large spaceship, and everyone appears on that large spaceship.

"Brother Jiang, this game cabin is really amazing. Your image is completely indistinguishable from reality!" Du Kang came to Jiang Yuntian, squeezed the muscles on his arm, and said with emotion.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then said: "Everyone, let's start."

Following Jiang Yuntian's instructions, everyone returned to their posts and started operating with full concentration.

There was a problem immediately with their operation, although Jiang Yuntian kept telling others the direction and speed of his sailing.

However, the hit rate of the personnel controlling the weapons is very low. Of course, this is due to the fact that none of them are combatants, and there is also a lack of direct cooperation with each other.

If they can train in this way, Jiang Yuntian believes that the strength of their combat team will be improved to a higher level.

Jiang Yuntian and the others operated for half an hour, then they all quit and entered the online game again. This time, every three people chose a spaceship, and then carried out spaceship group battles!

This time the problem was more obvious. There was no communication between the spaceships at all. Even if Jiang Yuntian used his mouth to direct, it was too late. After all, Jiang Yuntian's perspective was only on his own spaceship.

Tried to fight a simple enemy once, and ended with Jiang Yuntian's group being wiped out.

This time it's mainly a question of testing the network, so don't care too much about the outcome.

Jiang Yuntian walked out of the game cabin, and immediately said to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, the game cabin of our combat team must be connected to the Internet as soon as possible. We have almost zero experience in group combat."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied: "It seems that there should be no problem at present, I will let Jingwu and the others connect to the Internet immediately!"

"Okay, my training plan needs to be revised!" Jiang Yuntian hurriedly left while talking.

At this time, Yan Jing came over from the side, holding the report in his hand, and said: "My lord, after the test for about an hour just now, there is no problem at all on the server side. I checked the backstage. When they were playing just now, Not even 0.1% of the memory and computing capacity! It is conservatively estimated that this server can accommodate the game cabins used by everyone on Chaos Star!"

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Your estimate is indeed too conservative, tell me if there is any problem with the game running online!"

Strictly startled for a moment, it seems that the island owner clearly knows the capabilities of this server.

However, since Xiao Yi changed the topic, he didn't ask more rigorously, but replied: "At present, the problem is not serious, and some parameters may need to be fine-tuned."

"Complete the fine-tuning as soon as possible, and give priority to ensuring that all the game cabins of the combat team are connected to the Internet!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, my lord, please rest assured!" Replied rigorously.

At this time, the Dana family had returned to the vicinity of the wormhole, and they immediately arranged for a miniature spaceship to pass through the wormhole and asked about the situation of their own planet.

The companions on the other side of the wormhole were a little confused when they received the news?
"What's the situation? We haven't seen any enemies invading our galaxy at all?"

"The patriarch said that there may be other wormholes, so let's confirm with the planet!"


Ten minutes later, the home star sent a message back: "Everything is normal on the home star, and no other civilizations have been invaded." After receiving this news, the micro-spacecraft once again passed through the wormhole and returned to Daodenasi.

After receiving the feedback from the home planet, Dynas frowned slightly: "Since our home star has not been attacked, where did the other party harvest our spaceship?"

"Could they have imitated it based on our spaceship?"

"It's possible that the other party can repair their damaged spaceship in an instant, so it's also possible to imitate our spaceship!"

"Yes, maybe the other party uses this method to make us suspicious and dare not do it easily, and they will achieve their goal!"

"According to this analysis, shouldn't we take action immediately?"

"The other party wants us to be suspicious, which means that they are not sure about eating us directly, and even said that they are a little worried about us doing it!"

"According to the previous battles, they are not weaker than us, why are they still worried about us doing it?"

"The previous battles seemed to be one-on-one, and there was no spaceship group battle. Could it be that the opponent has no team battle experience?"

"So, they are still a group of rookies who only kill one-on-one?"

Dynas listened to everyone's discussion and became thoughtful. After a while, he raised his head and said, "In this case, let's try them again. This time, we dispatched ten large spaceships at once. The purpose of this time is still the same. It's a temptation, pay attention to ensure your own safety!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

This time Dynas and the others did not follow, but stayed on the planet where the wormhole was located, waiting for the result of the battle of the ten spaceships.

Under Jiang Yuntian's urging, Jingwu and the others quickly connected the combat team's game cabin to the network.

Jiang Yuntian immediately let all soldiers enter the online training.

Another advantage of online game training is that Jiang Yuntian doesn't need to go to the large spaceship aside, he can direct the training directly in his bedroom and enter the game cabin.

According to the group, each group has a large spaceship, and the cooperation between the spaceships is trained in the game.

"Spaceship No. [-], can you keep up? If you fall behind, your defense position will be empty!"

"Spaceship Nine, cover, cut off the rear, understand?"

"Spaceship No. [-], you old sixth, this is not a team to eat chicken, you can't do it, understand?"

At the beginning, he could resist for a while, but after hitting him, the whole situation became chaotic.

What's even more outrageous is that the simple enemy actually took advantage of the flexibility of the spaceship to allow Jiang Yuntian's attack to hit his own spaceship!
"All exit the game, don't leave the game cabin, all come to the spaceship I chose, and we will conclude here!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

All the soldiers appeared on Jiang Yuntian's spaceship with their heads downcast.

"What? Are you discouraged by this little setback?" Jiang Yuntian looked at these soldiers who had "lost the battle" and sneered.

"Who counseled? I won't counsel, I just feel a little embarrassed!"

"Yeah, I thought we were strong enough in individual combat, but I didn't expect that we would not be able to exert our individual capabilities in group combat."

(End of this chapter)

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