Chapter 1675 Purchase rejected, borrow a scanning analyzer

"That's a good idea! Finding a planet solves all the above problems!"

"I advise you to think about it clearly. If you build on a planet, what should you do if you encounter a meteorite impact? This is arranged by the rules of the world, and you can't even hide!"

"That's true. In the middle of last night, the man named Yang Yangyang was about to be killed by a meteorite, but also encountered a volcanic eruption!"

"Yes, if it is built on a planet, it cannot be moved. If a meteorite strikes and causes a volcanic eruption, there is no way to move it!"

"Brother, can you see the area occupied by this nuclear power plant from the manufacturing drawing?"

"Yes, it covers an area of ​​9 square kilometers, and the height needs to be 50 meters. I tried to make it before, and the data prompted by the island monument."

"Lying grass, if this is a square, the side length needs to be 3 kilometers! Such a large area, I am afraid that even a large one may not be able to accommodate it."

"It's not necessarily, it must not be able to hold it! The size of the miniature spaceship is about [-] meters. If it is calculated according to the doubling of each level, if you want to put down this nuclear power plant, it must be at least two levels higher than the large spaceship. OK!"

"That's over. Now I'm just an escape pod. I don't know when it will be upgraded to a miniature spaceship, let alone a spaceship that surpasses a large two-stage spaceship!"

"Then we can expand the escape pod to such a large size!"

"Expand the escape pod to such a large extent? Let alone whether you have enough cornerstones and dark gold, even if you do, expanding the escape pod to such a large size will greatly reduce the flexibility, and the possibility of meteorites being unable to escape will greatly increase. If you hit the vital point, the nuclear power plant explodes and the nuclear leak occurs, can you handle it?"

"Well, if you put it that way, let's forget it."

"It was originally a very happy thing to have a B-level manufacturing diagram, but I didn't expect that this manufacturing diagram can only be viewed!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi thought for a while, and chatted privately with that person: "If you want to sell this nuclear power plant, I can consider taking over."

When the other party saw Xiao Yi taking the initiative to contact him, he was slightly taken aback, and then immediately replied: "Hello, boss, I'm sorry, I'm not ready to make a move yet!"

"Okay, if you want to make a move, you can consider my side, and I will give you a reasonable price." Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, thank you big brother, if you want to make a move, I will give you priority!" The other party replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and closed the private chat interface.

The other party's reluctance to make a move was expected, even though he could only see the manufacturing map now.

But people always have some expectations, in case there is a chance to build it in the future!

Although it is difficult, there is always hope.

The discussion in the public channel is still going on.

"If it were me, I would use this manufacturing map to find the boss to exchange for some high-level items that are currently available."

"I won't change it anyway. B-level manufacturing drawings are hard to come by!"

"That's for you. Even if you are willing, the boss may not be willing. After all, the items in the hands of the boss are all top-notch!"

"The boss is willing to take over. He has contacted me just now. If he really wants to make a move, I will definitely find the boss!"

"Fucking grass, have all the bosses taken a fancy to this nuclear power plant?"

"That can only show that the value of this nuclear power plant is very high!"

"That's right, so I can't even make a move!"

Seeing the discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.He really wanted to get this B-class nuclear power plant, preferably when he was in quadruple state, so that he could fuse it into an S-class nuclear power plant.

With an S-class nuclear power plant, Xiao Yi can fuse a second satellite-class spacecraft!
This can be regarded as increasing one's combat strength in disguise!

Although the opponent wasn't going to make a move, Xiao Yi didn't insist on it. One was because he didn't have a quadruple state now, and the other was because he couldn't act as if he really wanted it. Otherwise, the opponent would really hold on tightly and not let go. !

At this time, Lu Meiyu sent a private message: "Boss, I have contracted a survivor here, and I need to confirm whether we can communicate face to face, so I need your super scanner, can I rent this thing?"

Seeing Lu Meiyu's message, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "You contracted a Survivor so quickly?"

"It's still in your honor. If it wasn't for the medium-sized spaceship you provided, and I'm getting closer to you now, the other party would definitely not surrender so easily!" Lu Meiyu said hastily.

Xiao Yi smiled, and initiated a lease transaction.

"[Super powerful scanning analyzer] (SSS level) one hour usage rights * 1 transaction no."

Seeing that Xiao Yi gave him free use, Lu Meiyu hurriedly said, "Thank you, big brother!"

"You're welcome, if you find something good in the future, you can give priority to my side!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Definitely!" Lu Meiyu replied.

After getting Xiao Yi's scanning analyzer, he immediately put on the space suit and put on the laser pistol, and at the same time confirmed that there was no problem with the contract before setting off for Yang Yangyang's spaceship.

After entering Yang Yangyang's spaceship, Lu Meiyu didn't talk nonsense at all, and immediately used the super powerful scanning analyzer.

Yang Yangyang looked at the instrument in Dalu Meiyu's hands, his eyes were full of doubts.

"What is this? A weapon tester?" Yang Yangyang thought to himself.

After the scan, the analyzer immediately gave the analysis results. The types and quantities of microorganisms in the air of Yang Yangyang’s spacecraft were consistent with those of Lu Meiyu!
This means that they can communicate face to face.

After seeing the analysis result, Lu Meiyu immediately took off the helmet of her space suit.

Yang Yangyang immediately said: "Master Lu, wait a moment!"

Lu Meiyu waved her hand and said, "Don't worry about the difference in microorganisms between us, this instrument has already analyzed it, and it's exactly the same!"

"What? Such a small thing can analyze the types of microorganisms on my spaceship so quickly?" Yang Yangyang felt a bit far-fetched.

"It's really unbelievable, but it's true!" Lu Meiyu replied, "This is something from Yiranpin, and it's on loan to me!"

Hearing that this thing was made by Yi Ran, Yang Yangyang suddenly realized: "No wonder it's so powerful!"

If it was other survivors, Yang Yangyang would definitely be skeptical, but Yi Ranpin, he dared not have any doubts.

"Okay, dock your escape pod to my spaceship, and your main work will be done on my spaceship in the future!" Lu Meiyu ordered.

"Yes!" Yang Yangyang replied, and then flew the escape capsule to Lu Meiyu's medium-sized spaceship, completing the docking.

Lu Meiyu led Yang Yangyang through the docking port and walked back to the cockpit of the spaceship.

Seeing Yang Yangyang approaching, Brother Lu looked at him warily, with one hand still touching the laser pistol on his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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