Chapter 1670 Retreat, they also have satellites
Some of these soldiers were transferred from the planets, and the rest were soldiers who had been trained in the game cabin. It was old and new!

None of these people had seen the self-explosion of the spy satellite of the Dyna family, only some soldiers who were in charge of patrolling in the miniature spaceship had seen it.

Naturally, Jiang Yuntian had seen it before. Xiao Yi sent the video of the spy satellite's self-destruct to Jiang Yuntian, but he hadn't had time to spread it to everyone.

Therefore, the soldiers trained in space only heard about this matter, while the soldiers temporarily transferred from the planet did not know about this situation.

Jiang Yuntian saw that the other party released the spy satellites at this time, so he knew that they were going to explode themselves!
Because the Dyna family is completely at a disadvantage now, the release of spy satellites at this time will never be given to them for research!
So the only possibility is that they blew themselves up to cover them from leaving!
"Instructor, after the self-destruct, do you want to continue the pursuit?" The temporary captains on the other spaceships asked.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head, and replied: "There is no need to chase, all the large spaceships are patrolling the interior of the miniature spaceships and even the second patrol line, and at the same time, they are ready to support the external microspaceships at any time."

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

With the cover of the explosion of the spy satellite, the other party escaped smoothly.

When they fled back to their own fleet, all the Dana family was stunned.

None of the spaceships that went out this time were intact, and all of them were damaged.

When the commander came to Dynas helplessly and angrily, everyone was full of doubts.

"What's going on? You went out six spaceships, why are each injured?"

"That's right, the other side only has two large spaceships, and the six of you won't be beaten and injured, right?"

Hearing their questioning, the commander said with a gloomy face, "Not only are our spaceships damaged, but we also lost six spy satellites."

"What! Leading six large spaceships out to achieve such a bad record, you must give us an explanation, otherwise you will wait for the military law to deal with it!" The head of the intelligence department said in a deep voice.

"Haha, military law?" The commander sneered and said, "I think the first military law to deal with is your intelligence department!"

"What's wrong with us? Our department has been working hard to collect intelligence, and we dare not slack off at all."

"Hmph, we all made battle plans based on your intelligence information. This failure is entirely a problem with the intelligence department!"

"Please pay attention to your words, your command is not good, and you blame our department?"

"Enough!" Dynas said lightly.

The entire conference room fell silent immediately.

Dynas continued to ask: "Let's talk about the situation first!"

The commander replied respectfully: "Yes!"

He asked the soldiers on the side to play the previous battle video, and at the same time began to explain.

"We always thought that the opponent only had two large spaceships, but that's not the case. In the video, there are at least two large spaceships in each of the six directions!"

There was an uproar in the conference room!
"No, isn't that our spaceship?" The head of the intelligence department said with wide-eyed eyes.

As an intelligence department, he is very familiar with his own spaceship!
"That's right, we found four spaceships on our side in this battle."

"Four ships!" Everyone exclaimed in unison.

"How could there be four? They should only have captured one of our spaceships!"

"Didn't that spaceship activate the self-explosion system? Could it be cracked by the other party?"

"It shouldn't be so fast!"

"Why not so fast? The other party has a more advanced laser cannon than us, which means that the other party's technology must surpass ours!" "Even if the other party's technology is advanced and cracks the self-destruction system of the spacecraft, there should not be four Ship!"

"Yes, we must have our own spaceships, and now our fleet is only missing one!"

"They won't hit our planet, will they?"

"Probably not, there seems to be no information about being attacked from the wormhole!"

"Who can guarantee that there is only one way to reach our galaxy?"

"Then should we confirm it?"

At this point in the discussion, Dynas frowned and said: "Let's withdraw to the vicinity of the wormhole first, and at the same time, let the teams stationed near the wormhole go back through the wormhole to confirm the situation on our planet!"


The Dana family's fleet immediately withdrew in the direction of the wormhole. At this moment, several detection satellites flew near them.

"Report, an unknown detector was found. According to the comparison, it should belong to the unknown force we discovered. Do you want to attack?"

Dynas narrowed his eyes slightly, and replied, "Attack immediately!"

Hearing Dynas's response, the heads of other departments in the conference room were stunned.

"Patriarch, will such an attack anger the opponent?"

Dynas smiled slightly, and then replied: "If the other party is really stronger than us, after these few trials, they would have come here long ago!"

Hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

"That's right, the opponent didn't call all the large spaceships to fight us at the beginning, which means that their large spaceships should have other missions!"

"Yes, they are also very afraid of our spy satellites, and they didn't chase after them, which shows that they are not sure about eating us."

"So, they may be very strong, but they are not so strong that they cannot be defeated!"

Dynas nodded slightly: "So, everyone, don't regard each other as a scourge, let's just fight steadily!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

Following the order of Dynas, the fleet of the Dynas immediately attacked the flying satellite!
Although Xiao Yi's detection satellite was top-notch, it didn't have anti-detection capabilities, so it was discovered by the other party when it flew over.

The opponent launched an attack, and Jiang Yuntian tried to control the detection satellite to avoid the opponent's attack.

But each detection satellite is taken care of by several spacecraft, and there is no way to avoid it!

On Jiang Yuntian's main console, the originally clear video lost its signal in an instant, and it was obviously destroyed.

"Island Master, the opponent's attack is too fierce, and there is no way to dodge it!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It's okay, judging by their actions, they should be retreating, and we should be able to survive for a while!"

"Well, but they actually have satellite-class spacecraft!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

Xiao Yi let out a long breath, and replied: "Yes, if they dispatched the satellite-class spaceship directly, we would be in danger. Their spaceships are obviously geared toward combat!"

At this time, Xiao Yi still didn't know that the opponent's satellite class was not a spaceship, but a battleship!

(End of this chapter)

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