Chapter 1667 Fight, Abandon Ship and Flee, Restoration

A laser beam brushed against Jiang Yuntian's spaceship and flew over.

"Counterattack!" Jiang Yuntian shouted in a deep voice.

The soldier manipulating the weapon immediately shot at the enemy spaceship.

They still use electromagnetic rail guns!
The evasion ability of the soldiers of the Dana family is still very strong, they easily dodged Jiang Yuntian's attack!
While dodging, they can still attack!
The driver on Jiang Yuntian's side concentrated on receiving all kinds of information, and perfectly reproduced the driving skills he had trained in the game cabin.

Of course, what's more important is that he feels exactly the same as reality in the game cabin, so the skills developed in the game cabin can be used in reality almost without hindrance.

The two sides fought back and forth, and the Dana clan became more and more frightened as they fought.

"They were all rookies in the morning, why are they getting started now?"

Although their fighting skills are still a bit jerky, they can already fight back and forth with them!
The spaceship that was hit before was now at a disadvantage, completely crushed by Ergou's spaceship.

Jiang Yuntian and the others suddenly emitted a laser beam, which was even thicker than the laser beam of the Dyna clan!

The spaceship of the Dana family couldn't dodge and was hit by the laser beam.

At the critical moment, their driver avoided the vital point!
"They even have laser weapons! They seem to be of a higher level than ours!" said the commander of the Dana clan in shock.

"Yeah, and the enemy's spaceship seems to be unkillable!"

"What do you mean?"

"We've hit them a few times, but their ship is still intact!"

"how is this possible?"

"Look at this video, it was destroyed by our laser, but watch it, it's back to good condition!"

Watching the video played by the soldiers, the commander was stunned.

"How did this happen? Could it be an active memory metal?" the commander said in shock.

"It shouldn't be possible, how could they research such advanced metals!" said the soldier beside him in disbelief.

"It's too weird, we'd better retreat first, and then make a long-term plan!" The commander said in a deep voice.

At this time, the commander of the damaged spaceship also issued an order to evacuate!
"Abandon ship and escape!"

At the same time, they sent a signal to the friendly ship to escort them away.

Dozens of escape pods immediately flew out of the large spaceship hit by Jiang Yuntian and the others, and flew away rapidly.

The other large spaceship that was still intact was responsible for breaking the rear, and stopped Jiang Yuntian and the others with an attack.

Of course, they were a little self-indulgent, Jiang Yuntian had no intention of chasing after them!
I only encountered one large spaceship in the morning, and those spherical objects were found later, and now two more large spaceships have come.

God knows if there are any large spaceships in the back, so chasing them in case they fall into the opponent's trap, the loss outweighs the gain!
The first thing to do is to get the downed spacecraft into the bag.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the large spaceship in front of him, thought for a while, and said, "Continue to attack! Destroy it!"

Ergou was taken aback when he heard Jiang Yuntian's order, and asked, "Brother Jiang, they have already abandoned the ship and fled, are you sure you want to continue the attack?"

"Well, keep attacking, you should know about the explosion of the opponent's detector, right?" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Ergou was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, I understand!"

A force that doesn't even allow the enemy to harvest the detectors and has installed self-destruct devices, there is a high probability that the spaceships they abandon will also have self-destruct devices!
Ergou immediately ordered: "Target the large enemy spaceship, shoot!"

"Yes!" Although the soldiers were equally puzzled, they still carried out Ergou's order.For a moment, the cannonballs and lasers flew towards the spacecraft together.

The enemy's large spaceship was hit instantly, bursting into flames.

Seeing that Ergou had completely destroyed the spaceship, Jiang Yuntian ordered: "Ergou, you are waiting here for 10 minutes before dragging that spaceship back, pay attention to safety!"

"Yes!" Ergou replied.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the direction the enemy was leaving, thought for a while, then contacted Xiao Yi and said, "Island Master, we need to mobilize seven more large spaceships to come up! I'm worried that the other side will come with more spaceships next time!"

"Okay, I'll let Wang Yang send it up!" Xiao Yi responded.

Xiao Yi also saw the battle just now, and he was very satisfied with everyone's training results in the game cabin.

After finishing the call, Xiao Yi immediately contacted Wang Yang through the communicator, and ordered the matter to continue.

Soon, all seven large spaceships lifted off, and then came to the side of the satellite-level spaceship.

At this time, Ergou had dragged the large spacecraft they had captured back to the satellite-class spacecraft.

He also personally led a team to board the ship for inspection. The spaceship was smashed into a sieve, so naturally there were no survivors.

However, Ergou discovered a device suspected of self-destruction system, but the device was directly knocked out in half by the laser cannon.

"Take this thing back and study it to see what it's used for." Ergou pointed to the broken device and said.


After checking, Ergou left the spaceship and came to the cockpit of the satellite-class spaceship.

"Island owner, the captured spaceship has been inspected and found no danger." Ergouhui reported.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work, I will harvest the harvest here!"

Xiao Yi had considered letting Ergou repair it before harvesting it, but now the cornerstone and dark gold in Xiao Yi's hands have enjoyed the quadruple state.

If it is repaired first, these cornerstones and dark gold that contain the four-fold factor must be used, which will cause the spaceship to also contain the four-fold factor.

If it is really because of this that the spaceship cannot be quadrupled, it will be a big loss.

After all, Xiao Yi does not lack cornerstones and dark gold now, so there is no need to take risks just to save such a little!

Xiao Yi put on the extravehicular spacesuit and boarded the spaceship.

"Get supplies:, trigger quadruple harvest, get supplies: destroyed large spaceships*4."

Asking the soldiers to connect all these destroyed spaceships to satellite-level spaceships, Xiao Yi returned to the island monument.

"Do you want to consume [cornerstone]*1.6 million, [dark gold]*1.6 million, and repair [destroyed large spaceship]*4?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi replied decisively.

The four spaceships were repaired in an instant.

At this time, the device researched by Ergou Rang Chaos Star Research Institute also had preliminary results.

"This device is indeed a self-destruct device, and its self-destruct power can easily tear apart a large spaceship!"

Hearing the expert's conclusion, Ergou said: "They are really ruthless. They don't want us to harvest any items about them."

(End of this chapter)

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