Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1653 Wang Yang's shock, allocating the game cabin

Chapter 1653 Wang Yang's shock, allocating the game cabin

"My lord, I just heard from Mr. Jiang that you have made some game cabins. I wonder if you can distribute some to us?" Yang Yan said cautiously.

"Well, there should be. I will give Wang Yang eighty game cabins and let him allocate them." Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing this, Yang Yan nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I understand."

Then Yang Yu took the other four people and chose to leave, preparing to return to the planet.

The other four astrophysics experts were called out from the game cabin by Yang Yan, and they were a little puzzled.

"Old Yang, I haven't experienced it well yet, why did you call me out?"

"Yeah, this game cabin is also very useful for our research!"

"Old Yang, it's so comfortable to stay on the island owner's spaceship. He called us out so early. Maybe the island owner sent us back."

Yang Yan looked at them and said, "It's not that the island owner told us to go back, but we have to take the initiative to go back, the sooner the better."

"Why?" The other four were a little puzzled.

"Island Master has made another batch of game pods, and he will give us [-] Star Masters. How to distribute them depends on the Star Master's wishes, so we must go back to find the Star Masters as soon as possible!" Yang Yan said in a deep voice.

The four people suddenly realized, and said one after another: "It is true that we should go back earlier."

Yang Yan came to Xiao Yi again, and said, "Master Island Master, the parameters related to the universe and stars in the game have been checked. If there is nothing else, we will leave first."

"Okay, if there is a problem, they will contact you in the follow-up competition." Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, if it's just a matter of individual parameters, you can contact through the communicator." Yang Yan replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Alright then, I'll send you back home."

Yang Yan and his party of five boarded the spaceship again and flew to the planet, taking the eighty game cabins with them.

After landing on the planet, Yang Yan begged to see Wang Yang immediately.

"Come back so soon? Are things going well!" Wang Yang asked with a smile when he saw Yang Yan.

Yang Yan nodded, and replied, "It's pretty smooth!"

"Since it went well, is there anything you can do to find me in such a hurry?" Wang Yang asked suspiciously.

He thought that Yang Yan was so anxious to find him because Xiao Yi's affairs were not handled well.

"Star Master, now our chaotic star has entered the sea of ​​stars!" Yang Yu replied, "But we know too little about this sea of ​​stars, so our astrophysics department is a very important frontier science department. That's right, right? ?”

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, he didn't know why Yang Yan suddenly emphasized the importance of his department?
But he still replied: "Yes, your department is really important."

Yang Yan then said: "Since it is very important, the game cabin assigned by the island owner must be tilted a little bit towards our department!"

Hearing this, Wang Yang was taken aback again: "What game cabin? Your department still needs to play games?"

At this time, Wang Yang didn't know that there were [-] game cabins on the spaceship that sent Yang Yan and the others back.

Wang Yang thought in his heart: "After Mr. Yang and the others went to the satellite-class spacecraft, they are also interested in games. This is not a good sign!"

Yang Jin was also stunned when he heard Wang Yang's words. It was obvious that Wang Yang didn't know about virtual reality technology! "Star Lord, you probably don't know what kind of game the Lord of the Island is going to play, right?" Yang Jin asked tentatively.

Wang Yang nodded slightly, and asked curiously: "Is the game developed by the island owner different from our previous games?"

"It's completely different!" Yang Yan replied affirmatively, and then explained the virtual reality technology and the game cabin.

Wang Yang's eyes widened, and he said in disbelief: "That is to say, if we can provide enough parameters, we can form a virtual world that is basically the same as reality?"

"Yes!" Yang Yan replied affirmatively, "I have experienced that game cabin, which is exactly the same as when we enter space in a spaceship."

"So, can we create a Chaos Star in the game and live on it?" Wang Yang continued to ask.

"That's right!" Yang Ting replied, "If the island master's technology goes a step further and can separate human consciousness from the body, then we can completely abandon the body and live in the game."

Wang Yang's eyes widened.

"Of course, this is just an idea, it's too difficult!" Yang Yan continued, "The biggest significance of this technology for us now is that we can experiment infinitely in the game without worrying about resource consumption or security issues."

Wang Yang already understood the importance of this technology, and at the same time finally understood why the island owner asked him to help find game-related personnel.

"Every decision of the island owner will not be aimless!" Wang Yang said with emotion.

"Star Master, now that you understand the importance of the game cabin, do you think you can allocate [-] to our department?" Yang Yan continued to ask.

"Mr. Yang, there are only [-] in total, and you only have [-] in one department, too many!" Wang Yang shook his head and replied.

"Star Master, it depends on the importance of the department!" Yang Yan continued to fight.

"I will naturally consider this, but in order to build Chaos Star in the game as soon as possible, we must distribute these game cabins to all walks of life!" Wang Yang said in a deep voice.

Yang Yan knew that Wang Yang would use this excuse, so he said: "Then give us at least twenty, otherwise, there is no way to conduct experiments!"

"No, we have so many industries, and eighty game cabins are simply not enough. Giving you five is the limit." Wang Yang said.

"Star Lord, for the sake of my coming back early to tell you the news, you should give more, five is really too little!" Yang Yan began to play the emotional card.

Wang Yang thought for a while and said, "At most ten!"

"Then ten!" Yang Yan agreed immediately, for fear that Wang Yang would go back on his word.

Wang Yang said helplessly: "I heard that when you first passed, you were still a little dissatisfied with the game made by the island owner, but now you are here to bargain with me for a few game cabins!"

"I didn't know that the island owner actually took out the virtual reality technology!" Yang Yan was not embarrassed at all, but just said with emotion.

Wang Yang nodded slightly. In fact, he was also talking about himself.

When Xiao Yi wanted to make a game, he discouraged him for a long time.

"We still have to be cautious in the future!" Wang Yang said with emotion.

After going through these few incidents, Wang Yang never questioned any of Xiao Yi's decisions again, so I won't mention that for the time being.

At this moment, the communicator on Wang Yang's side lit up, and it was Xiao Yi who requested to talk.

(End of this chapter)

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