Chapter 1641 Popularize beer knowledge, 16 million
"Sure enough, survivors are incomparable with survivors. Our ordinary food is almost out of supply, and we have to buy it from outside. The boss has already started to use food to make wine!"

"However, using C-grade grain to make wine is really a luxury for a boss!"

"By the way, can wine be made under weightless conditions?"

"The boss has found the planet a long time ago, and reminded others to pay attention to the landing last time!"

"That's right, we are the only ones who are weightless, and the boss is now on the ground!"

"Just now I tasted the beer of Daxie, and the taste is much better than that of Hydrostar!"

"I'm a little embarrassed by what you said, how does this taste so good?"

"It's just that the grade is a bit higher, the taste and so on, there are indeed some flaws, but the flaws can't hide the merits, just don't brag!"

"Tch, I just feel that this is better than Hydrostar's, what's wrong? You're not my tongue, you know what my sense of taste is like?"

"That's right, everyone has different tastes, so there's no need to argue about it!"

"I just can't bear the embarrassment of some people!"

In the Hydrostar Fleet, Captain Walter naturally grabbed some beer sold by Xiao Yi and tasted it.

"Except for the poor taste, everything else is better than ours!" Walter said with a frown.

The analyst on the side also frowned and said: "It seems that our price increase plan is going to be shelved."

With the beer that Xiao Yi advertised, if they continue to raise the price, they will probably lose a lot of customers!

Walter nodded slightly: "And we have to come up with better beer!"

"Yeah, this Yiranpin is a scourge. We just found a profit point, and he came to meddle in it!" The analyst said angrily.

"Now we can't stop him, we can only improve the quality of our products!" Walter said helplessly.

At this time, Xiao Yi said in the public channel: "About your evaluation of the taste of this beer, I have found a professional here to explain to you, and you will understand the reason for the different taste!"

Seeing the message from Xiao Yi, Walter looked at the island monument curiously. He really wanted to know how deep the subordinates of Yi Ranpin had on beer.

On the satellite-class spaceship, Xiao Yi pointed to the island monument and said, "Du Kang, it's up to you now!"

"Okay!" Du Kang walked up and began to spread knowledge to everyone.

Following Du Kang's explanation, everyone finally understood the difference between draft beer and cooked beer.

"No wonder there is such a difference in taste!" Lu Meiyu looked at the information on the island tablet in surprise, "How come the boss's subordinates are so familiar with beer?"

"Could it be a professional on Chaos Planet?" Brother Lu speculated.

"Very likely!" Lu Meiyu nodded slightly.

At this time, Walter and the analyst beside him were also stunned. They didn't expect that the other party was so proficient in beer!
After Du Kang finished his knowledge, he finally said: "Don't worry, everyone, we will also supply draft beer in the future. I hope you will support us a lot!"

"Great, I'm just not used to drinking cooked beer, but the original taste is delicious!"

"If the draft beer of the boss can be made to match the quality of this cooked beer, I can try it too!"

"However, big brother's beer is a bit expensive, it would be even better if it could be a billion points cheaper!"

"Can I give it to you for free? This is high-grade beer. The low-quality beer of Hydrostar can be sold for [-] cornerstones and dark gold. The price is enough for the boss!"

Seeing everyone's discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Don't worry, everyone, the current high price is only due to insufficient raw materials and insufficient space. After these problems are solved in the future, the price will naturally come down slowly! "

"Women, boss, will the price of high-level food also be reduced?" "Of course, I have always pursued the policy of small profits but quick turnover!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Boss is awesome! It's so lucky to be in the same galaxy as Boss!"

"That's right, if it weren't for the presence of the boss, at least half of the survivors in our galaxy will be eliminated!"

"Half? You really overestimated everyone's ability to survive. It would be good if [-]% survived."

"That is, if you look at the survivors of other galaxies that merged into our galaxy, there are basically only 20 to 200 people, and our galaxy has at least [-] million survivors!"

"Damn, is Yi Ranpin so fraternal? Is your galaxy so cool?"

This galaxy is no longer the original gamma galaxy, it has merged with four galaxies, plus the gamma galaxy itself, a total of five galaxies.

So some survivors didn't know about Yi Ranpin from the very beginning, they only found out that there was such a resourceful survivor after they merged in.

They knew that Yiranpin was very strong, but they didn't expect that Yiranpin would save the lives of so many survivors!

Survivors can also be regarded as a competitive relationship, at least they have never seen such a fraternal opponent in the first stage.

"Bo'ai? I don't think so. Yiranpin just takes a long-term view and has nothing to do with Bo'ai!"

"That is, the more people survive, the greater the benefits for him. To give the simplest example, if 20 people buy his items, and 200 million people buy his items, the sales will be ten times difference!"

"It seems reasonable to think so."

"Perhaps this is the reason why the boss can become bigger and stronger!"

Xiao Yi ignored everyone's discussion. At this time, all the beer he had hung on the trading floor had been sold out.

Just like those survivors said, don't talk about the taste, just rush to this level, and they will rush to buy it!

20 liters of beer, one liter can be traded for [-] cornerstones and dark gold.

"The transaction is successful, and materials are harvested: cornerstone * 4 million, dark gold * 4 million."

"Trigger quadruple harvest state, get materials: cornerstone * 16 billion, dark gold * 16 billion."

After selling the beer, Xiao Yi continued: "The sale of small engines will start today. If you have the raw materials ready, just go to the trading hall to complete the transaction!"

"Boss finally started selling engines, I've been ready for a long time!"

"Yeah, although we haven't upgraded to a miniature spaceship yet, we can always experience the power of a small engine!"

"Already guarding the trading floor, waiting to kill the engine at any time!"

The resources in Xiao Yi's hands certainly cannot produce enough engines to sell, so he needs to purchase raw materials while completing the manufacturing.

Today Xiao Yi can't pretend to be someone else, because the state of quadruple harvest needs to be done by himself.

He can only go into battle himself, making and selling at the same time.

During the manufacturing gap, Xiao Yi found that he had already purchased the raw materials for five sets of holographic simulation game cabins.

All agreed to the transaction.

"The transaction is successful, triggering four times the harvest, and obtaining materials: holographic simulation game cabin raw materials * 20 sets."

(End of this chapter)

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