Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1639 4 times the harvest, holographic simulation game cabin

Chapter 1639 Quadruple Harvest, Holographic Simulation Game Cabin

"Yeah, just like the first stage, the undead are thrown in through the wormhole."

"Perhaps we should be thankful. Fortunately, this time it is not undead. Since it is other civilization forces, we have the opportunity to communicate and even conquer!"

"Communication? Are you thinking about farts? We haven't communicated yet!"

"Now we can only communicate through the island monument. When we meet, we will talk to each other."

"So, it can only be fought?"

"Not necessarily, didn't you get a contract card from the material box before? As long as you can successfully contract the leader of the opponent, you will have a chance to conquer the opponent's power."

"This is too difficult. Since it is already a civilized force, it must be different from the natives in the first stage. You have contracted the leader of the other party. Maybe they will change their leader soon. If they want to conquer a force with one person, I guess It was only possible during the Aboriginal period!"

"That's true, it seems that the contract card in our hands can only be used to accept younger brothers!"

"Brother Pig, since your galaxy has encountered the invasion of other civilizations, can you pass on your experience to us?"

"Yes, brother pig, tell us about it."

Zhu Wu replied helplessly: "There is really nothing I can do about it. I have been flying with the comet, so I have never encountered other civilization forces at all, and when other people encounter civilization forces, they are just fighting. Few can communicate and cooperate. The language aspect is the biggest problem."

"I understand, this thing is random, we can only improve our own strength, there is no shortcut!"

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "It's not that there are no shortcuts. For example, buying our advanced equipment is a shortcut."

"That's true, we probably won't be able to open such high-level equipment by opening the material box by ourselves."

"Brother Pig, I have gathered all the materials here, when will I put those advanced equipment on the shelves?"

"It's almost the same here, just wait for the equipment to be put on the shelves!"

"Are you collecting materials so quickly? Why do I feel that it's so far away!"

"Me too, who has collected all these materials, and I haven't received it after collecting it for a long time."

Zhu Wu saw that some people had already collected all the supplies, so he hung up the supplies that were going to be sold on the trading floor.

The selling price of the electromagnetic railgun will double, and manual review is too slow.

Zhu Wu thought for a moment and then hung up the electromagnetic railguns at different prices on the trading floor. Each price was limited to one set per ID.

In this way, there is no need for review at all. If you want to buy a second set, just find the price of the second set and take an auction.

"I'm a fucking genius! The island owner even arranged for someone to review it, how slow!" Zhu Wu muttered happily, "Tomorrow, I must tell the island owner about this method!"

After hanging all the things on the trading floor, Zhu Wu grabbed the doll floating aside and got into the sleeping bag.

"I don't know when I can feel the feeling of gravity!" Zhu Wu muttered again, and slowly fell asleep.

The next day, Xiao Yi woke up at five o'clock on time.

"Tip, trigger the quadruple harvest state, the state lasts for 24 hours, and the remaining."

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately chose to sign in.

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Holographic Simulation Game Cabin Template (S Level)*1."

"Trigger the quadruple harvest state and obtain supplies: Holographic Simulation Game Cabin Template (S Level)*4."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was stunned.

I'm still trying to survive, what does it mean to reward me with a game pod?
Does this mean you want me to relax?However, everyone's life is really boring now. Having a game cabin to play in can be regarded as a change of life.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and then began to practice by himself.

On Earth, there are many sects in Xia Kingdom, but only Taoism is the native sect of Xia Kingdom. I don’t know if this has any connection with the Taoism rewarded by the system.

There are some things that I can't figure out, and Xiao Yi doesn't know how to dig into a dead end. It doesn't matter whether it matters or not, anyway, I have already started to practice, so let's continue!

Xiao Yi quickly settled down, and that slightly weird feeling came back recently.

He felt that there were more light spots around him, and these milky white light spots were making irregular movements around him.

Xiao Yi was already used to it, and ignored these light spots, but continued to practice.

An hour and a half later, Xiao Yi finished his practice, got up and walked to the restaurant.

Su Wan had already prepared breakfast, and while eating, Xiao Yi asked, "Brother Jiang, how long did they drink last night?"

"A little bit." Su Wan replied, and then added, "However, they have already got up and started training!"

"So dedicated?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Su Wan smiled slightly: "With their current physique, drinking beer should only make them feel full, and it won't affect their work at all."

Xiao Yi nodded, and then said, "Wait a minute, help me get the super fusion device back, it's useful on my side!"


"Also, don't forget to give me everything you need to harvest today." Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes, I understand!" Su Wan replied.

Su Wan turned around and walked out, heading for Du Kang's laboratory.

"When using this new type of strain to ferment, remove the subsequent sterilization steps and directly fill it!" Du Kang was telling the production manager at this time.

The half-bucket interpreter on the side is trying to convey Du Kang's meaning to his companions.

But his companion still looked puzzled, feeling a little confused!

Su Wan opened her mouth and said in chaotic language, "Du Kang wants you to remove the sterilization step and fill it directly!"

Seeing Su Wan approaching, the translator hurriedly said, "Hi, Mr. Su, it's a good thing you're here. They communicate with a lot of professional vocabulary, and it's too difficult for me to translate!"

"To be an interpreter, you must be fully prepared. Since you are going to be an interpreter in the laboratory, you must learn those professional vocabulary in advance. Of course, you are not very familiar with the language of Xia Guo, so I don't blame you. However, in the future Be more careful!" Su Wan said in a deep voice.

"Yes, I would like to follow Master Su's instruction!" The interpreter clasped his hands in response.

For a truly talented person like Su Wan, the language team of Chaos Star all admire from the bottom of their hearts!
"Well, next, I will translate, you should pay attention here!" Su Wan said.


Du Kang secretly gave Su Wan a thumbs up, and then continued to tell the production side to pay attention.

Su Wan successfully translated Du Kang's words to the production staff.

"Okay, that's all, do you have any questions?" Du Kang asked.

The person in charge of production hesitated for a while, but said: "Master Du, are you sure that the beer brewed with this strain does not need to be sterilized? It will probably go bad in two or three days!"

(End of this chapter)

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