Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1637 Fighting, Fortunately, I just changed the equipment

Chapter 1637 Fighting, Fortunately, I just changed the equipment

As a game strategy master, Jiebi is very good at observing and summarizing.

According to the previous period of attack, the enemy in front of him has a high probability of avoiding shells to the right. If he attacks the opponent's position to the left, it is basically certain that he will dodge to the right.

Having reached this conclusion, when Jiebi was about to attack the opponent, a laser beam suddenly shot out from the opposite spaceship!
Jiebi immediately dodged aside.

Although Jiebi reacted very quickly, the laser still hit the left side of his spaceship, which was not serious.

"Didi, the spaceship is damaged, please repair it immediately!"

Jiebi immediately chose to repair the spaceship on the island monument, and at the same time controlled the spaceship to make irregular movements.

"There is a laser weapon. Fortunately, the engine has just been replaced, otherwise it is estimated that it will be hit!" Jiebi secretly said, while continuing to attack the opponent.

In this irregular movement, the accuracy of Jiebi's shooting is still very high.

The opponent didn't dare to be careless, and also shot while dodging.

"It's almost there!" Jiebi secretly thought, and then fired an ordinary shell again.

After a brief pause, he fired the electromagnetic railgun.

Two cannonballs were fired one after the other.

The first shell was aimed at the left side of the opponent's spaceship.

The opponent seemed to have adapted to Jiebi's previous attack methods and frequency, so he subconsciously changed to the right.

But in the next moment, he saw a shell blocking all the escape routes on his right side.

"No!" shouted the other driver.

Before the words fell, the shell of the electromagnetic railgun hit the cockpit of the spacecraft, and the pilot died tragically on the spot.

From other perspectives, it was more like the opponent directly hit the shell.

For a moment, sparks flew everywhere, and in the next moment, the opponent's spaceship unexpectedly exploded violently.

Although Jiebi couldn't hear the explosion, but just seeing the brilliant fireworks and the broken spaceship, he knew that the explosion was not small.

Jiebi looked at everything in front of him, and secretly said: "I didn't expect to have unexpected gains!"

According to Jiebi's original plan, first of all, he wanted to hit the spaceship, and then use his own advantage of the island monument to slowly grind the opponent to death.

Unexpectedly, his blow actually hit the vital point and caused an explosion.

At this time, two humanoid creatures in spacesuits floated out of the spaceship that exploded.

"There are still people who survived such a violent explosion." Jiebi muttered in surprise.

Now that he has met the captives, Jiebi will never let them go.

He has more than one contract card in his hand, all of which were obtained by selling basic materials in the early stage.

Now he only has one person, but his own spaceship is enough for him to be busy. If the captured spaceship is added, he will definitely not be able to do it alone.

So he had to accept the younger brother.

Jiebi immediately took control of the spaceship and flew towards the two of them.

The two of them seemed to understand their situation, and they didn't dare to act rashly. They just floated in the space, a little away from the spacecraft after the explosion.

After approaching the two, Jiebi manipulated the robotic arm on the spaceship to grab them.

He prepared some wire, and directly wrapped the two of them together with their space suits.

This is the magical function of the robotic arm, but it is not easy to control it as precisely as Jiebi.

After wrapping the two people with metal wires, he pulled them into his spaceship. After passing through the buffer room, the two people came to the inside of the spacecraft.Jie Bi picked up the laser pistol he had just purchased, floated over, pointed at the tied two people, and regardless of whether they could understand his words, he said: "Don't resist, otherwise, you will die!"

With that said, Jiebi came behind the two of them and pushed them to the side of the island monument, took out the contract card, and used it on the first person.

The two captives really couldn't understand Jiebi's words, so when the contract card took effect, the man subconsciously resisted, and the contract failed!
Without the slightest hesitation, Jiebi raised the laser gun in his hand and pulled the trigger at the man!


The laser gun hit the man's space suit, but failed to penetrate the space suit.

The man immediately yelled loudly, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Quiet!" Jiebi yelled.

Hearing Jiebi's angry shout, the man didn't dare to make a sound for a moment.

"Last chance!" Jiebi took out a contract card again and used it on that person.

This time it was successfully used. With the contract, Jiebi can simply communicate with the contracted person through the power of the contract.

"Tell him, if you resist, you will die!" Jiebi said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The person who just succeeded in the contract immediately responded, and then talked to his companions beside him.

With the power of the contract, Jiebi is not worried that he dares not to do what he wants!
Under the current situation, the other captive would naturally not resist, and Jiebi successfully contracted him.

"Tell me, who are you?" Jiebi looked at the two and asked.

The two responded immediately, but Jiebi couldn't fully understand what they meant, and could only vaguely hear the general idea.

The power of the contract can only make the contractee fully understand the contractor's order.

"Forget it, you'd better go back to your own spaceship!" Jiebi ordered helplessly.

The two immediately waved their hands frantically.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it for you!" Jiebi replied.

The two captives thought that Jiebi was going to execute them so that they could return to the spaceship that Jiebi had destroyed.

You know they just escaped from that spaceship.

The two captives looked around, it seemed that Jiebi was the only one, and it was too difficult for one person to repair a spaceship.

Jiebi naturally understood what the two of them were thinking. He smiled and said, "Go and help me occupy that spaceship first."

Because of the power of the contract, the two had no choice but to leave Jiebi's spaceship honestly.

At this time, Jiebi had already driven the spaceship to the side of the destroyed spaceship.

The two fastened their safety ropes and floated towards the spaceship.

Looking at the spaceship that had reached the level of being scrapped, the two smiled helplessly.

When the two of them returned to the spaceship again, Jiebi got a reminder from the island monument: "It was detected that you harvested [broken miniature spaceship] * 1, whether to spend [cornerstone] * 200 million, [dark gold] *200 million for repairs?"

Seeing this prompt, Jiebi was a little bit pained. He just got hit by a single shot, and he needed so many resources to repair it.

"Cannon needs to be careful!" Jiebi said with emotion.

Although it hurts, Jiebi will still choose to repair it. After all, it costs much less than upgrading one.

While Jiebi was repairing the island monument, the two captives were still discussing in the dilapidated spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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