Chapter 1635: Give you one hour to purchase materials

"[Electromagnetic Railgun System] (SSS level) *1."

"[Small spacecraft engine] (SSS level)*1."

"[Space special double-layer glass] (SSS level)*1."

In addition to these SSS-level items, there are also many lower-level items, such as S-level laser pistols, food of various levels, etc.

Although the level is slightly lower, any one taken out is enough to cause looting.

"Are you going to sell all these?" Jiebi asked with a face full of shock.

"Of course, otherwise what would I send you to see? To show off?" Zhu Wu asked rhetorically.

What Zhu Wu was thinking at the moment was: "That's right, I'm just showing off, are you envious?"

Jiebi suppressed his shock and asked, "Are these all items made by Yiranpin?"

"Of course, you don't think that I can harvest a lot of material boxes just by flying around with comets?" Zhu Wu replied, "Even if you can harvest the material boxes, you should be more concerned about what can be opened in them." Be clear!"

Jiebi nodded slightly, the probability of getting high-level items from the material box was shockingly low.

At the same time, Jiebi also understood one thing, what Zhu Wu said was right, he wanted to compete with Xiao Yi, and he was a bit overconfident.

Xiao Yi actually sold such high-end items, which means he should have better ones in his hands!
The items that Xiao Yi eliminated were the ones that everyone flocked to, and the gap between them was too great.

"Then how do you plan to sell these high-end items?" Jiebi asked directly without thinking too much.

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "Raw materials plus cornerstone and dark gold."

"Huh?" Seeing Zhu Wu's answer, Jiebi was stunned again.

Obviously, what Zhu Wu meant was that Xiao Yi could continuously produce these high-level items, otherwise why would he use raw materials for trading, wouldn't it be better to use cornerstones and dark gold directly.

Cornerstone and Dark Gold are universal currencies that can be traded for any other material.

The raw materials can only be used in the manufacture of specific items, and it is clear at a glance which is better.

Therefore, most survivors will give priority to cornerstone and dark gold when trading, unless he really needs some raw materials.

"You mean, you can still make these things?" Jiebi asked.

"Of course, otherwise how would we do business?" Zhu Wu asked rhetorically.

Jiebi took a deep breath, which meant that Xiao Yi should have obtained a template, and there was more than one template, and all of them were top-notch!

"How did this Yiranpin do it?" Jiebi looked at the information on the island tablet, a little dazed.

"Do you want it? No, I'll start selling it on the public channel!" Seeing that Jiebi didn't respond, Zhu Wu asked.

"Yes!" Jiebi immediately responded, it would be great to get one of such high-level items, and now there are a bunch of them in front of me, if I don't seize the opportunity, I will definitely regret it in the future.

"Well, there are no purchase restrictions for glass and engines, but there is a purchase restriction for electromagnetic rail guns." Zhu Wu continued.

"Purchase limit?" Jiebi was stunned for a moment and asked, "How many sets can I buy?"

"Our purchase limit is not limited to a few sets, but the first set is [-], and the amount of cornerstone and dark gold required for each additional set will be doubled." Zhu Wu explained.

"So that's the case!" Jiebi nodded slightly, thinking to himself, "It seems that Yi Ranpin should also be worried about the proliferation of these high-end weapons, and the weapons he sells may really point to himself."

"Does this also mean that Yi Ranpin doesn't have any better weapons?" Jie Ji thought.In his opinion, if Xiao Yi had more advanced weapons, there would be no need to implement the purchase restriction policy.

At the beginning, Xiao Yi's consideration was true. Later, a medium-sized laser cannon template appeared at the check-in, and he did not change the purchase restriction policy.

After all, it has just been done for a few days, and it was suddenly released. Survivors who bought electromagnetic railguns under the purchase restriction policy before will definitely have great opinions.

Simply continue to implement it for a while, find a suitable time point and change it back!

Jiebi continued: "Can you tell me the specific price of these items?"

"Engine, raw materials plus 10 base stones and dark gold each. Electromagnetic railgun, raw materials plus 1 base stones and dark gold. For each additional unit purchased, the raw materials remain unchanged, and the number of base stones and dark gold doubles. Glass, raw materials plus base stone and Unique Gold 500 each”

Zhu Wu explained the prices of all items.

Seeing the high price of the engine, Jiebi frowned and asked, "Can this engine be used by micro-ships?"

"Yes, this engine can be used on small spacecraft and all aircraft below!" Zhu Wu replied.

"No wonder it's so expensive!" Hearing Zhu Wu's explanation, Jiebi immediately understood that it is understandable that this kind of engine with high adaptability and high grade is expensive.

"Please tell me the raw materials needed for those things, I'll go and collect them right away, please keep those things here for me for a while," Jiebi said.

"Don't worry, our island owner said that you are a friend, so I will keep it for you, and I will start selling these items on the public channel in an hour!" Zhu Wu replied.

"One hour? That's enough!" Jiebi responded, "Thank you!"

Zhu Wu switched to the public channel and continued to watch everyone's discussions.

"Brother Pig just came back to me. He definitely came from another galaxy. I agreed with my partner on the password, and it was on the screenshot that Brother Pig sent me!"

"It's up to you to say, so many people have found their companions, are you still doubtful?"

"How can you doubt it! I trust Brother Zhu very much now, and I am going to ask him to bring some words back for me!"

"Survivors are really able to travel between galaxies? How can the gap in development be so large?"

"Yeah, I feel that the best-developed Jiebi boss in our galaxy doesn't have this ability, does he?"

"Speaking of Mr. Jiebi, I just saw him buying some raw materials on the trading floor. The price is not bad. You can go and have a look!"

"Really? I'll go and have a look, but the raw materials bought by the boss must be very precious!"

"It doesn't seem to be. I read it. It's not a rare material!"

"I'm going to follow suit, in case it's of great use!"

"They are all common materials. Even if they are useful, we can slowly collect them by ourselves. Don't worry!"

"I feel like the boss didn't respond to Brother Pig's arrival?"

"What reaction do you want? A warm welcome? A backlash?"

"Um, that's not the case, but Brother Pig's basic resources are sold so cheaply, so there must be some reaction!"

"I don't think it's necessary. Brother Zhu can only stay with us for a while. Didn't he say he can go back!"

(End of this chapter)

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