Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1633 Slap in the face according to the order, find a companion, Jiebi

Chapter 1633 Slap in the face according to the order, find a companion, Jiebi
"Stop!" Xiao Yi immediately stopped Zhu Wu's chatter, "How is your situation now?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and replied: "It should have arrived in a new galaxy, and someone has already spoken on the public channel."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said: "Don't forget to find someone."

"Don't worry, I've sent it out. Everyone is still mocking me. I'll wait until I slap them in the face." Zhu Wu chuckled.

"What kind of evil are you doing?" Xiao Yi said speechlessly.

"It's cool!" Zhu Wu replied with high spirits.

"Well, all right, keep having fun, this time you will probably stay in that galaxy for a while, take your time!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, I've been slapped in the face by order!" Zhu Wu became excited.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and cut off the communication.

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, then switched to the public channel indifferently.

Most of the survivors in this galaxy are mocking him.

"Although the screenshots you sent out look decent, I will never believe that you can come from other galaxies."

"Idiots will believe that most of us are now escape pods, and it's too fake to use escape pods to travel between galaxies."

"Why do you bother with such a liar?"

But there are also a small number of skeptical.

"But there should be no way to falsify the screenshots he sent. Will he have other ways to travel to the galaxy?"

"This person's ID is really uncommon, so it's hard to tell."

"It's okay if it's not common, if it's common, how can he lie to us?"

"He's not a liar, I found the first-stage companion in the screenshot!" This message popped up out of nowhere.

There was a moment of silence in the entire public channel, and then the discussion started again.

"Brother, have you been cheated?"

"It's impossible. We already agreed on our IDs before we entered the second stage, and it's impossible for him to just make up our languages."

"It really has information about your first-stage partner?"

"Indeed, I have already privately chatted with the dancing pig, but I haven't replied yet!"

"Thor, it's definitely Thor!"

"He is not Tuo, I have found my companion!"

"Me too, I'm chatting privately, but I haven't replied yet."

"@会跳舞的猪, check out the private channel!"

Seeing someone calling him in the public channel, Zhu Wu deliberately left them alone for a while, and then said in the public channel: "Now someone has proved the authenticity of the information, so everyone should take a look, in case you really find The companion of the first stage!"

After finishing speaking, he sent those looking for people information again.

This time, no matter whether they believed Zhu Wu or not, they all looked around carefully.

In addition to the previous five, another fifteen people found their companions this time!

"Brother Pig, I was the one who didn't know Taishan before, so hurry up and watch the private channel!"

"Now it should be certain that Brother Pig came from another galaxy."

Seeing that so many people contacted him, Zhu Wu was also taken aback for a while. He had encountered so many new galaxies before, and every time he was looking for someone, there were basically only one or two people who could match his number.

Unexpectedly, this time I met twenty at once!
Zhu Wu smiled and spoke on the public channel: "Everyone, don't worry, I should stay in this galaxy for a while, and I will deal with your private chats later. Now I will list some basic resources on the trading floor. If necessary, you can Buy it yourself!"

"Okay, I will definitely support Brother Zhu's business. I hope Brother Zhu can reply to the private message as soon as possible!" "Yes, I will also support your business."

"I want as many things as Brother Zhu has, so hurry up and reply to my message!"

All the survivors thought that Zhu Wu just wanted to use the information of these companions to promote the sale of his goods.

Seeing their news, Zhu Wu curled his lips, and muttered, "You're not a small voice, you still want it? The cornerstone and dark gold in your hands may not be enough."

Zhu Wu first hung some basic resources on the trading floor.

Survivors in this galaxy were shocked when they saw how cheap Zhu Wu's basic resources were.

"Brother Pig, your price is not wrong, is it?"

"Yes, it's one-third of our market price!"

"Whether Brother Zhu made a mistake or not, I'll snap up some of them first!"

"In this way, the boss of Jiebi probably wants to kill Brother Zhu."

Zhu Wu ignored everyone's discussion and began to deal with the private chats of those survivors.

Prioritize those survivors who found companions, Zhu Wu didn't talk nonsense with them, and directly sent the screenshots of those survivors who asked him to take them to the corresponding survivors.

Then he briefly explained the cost of bringing his own phone and the cost of delivering materials.

After the explanation is completed, then I roughly read the private chats of other survivors, and anyone who curses will be blocked directly!

Suddenly a private chat caught his attention.

"Hello, is there a person named Yi Ranpin in your galaxy?" The other party's ID is Jiebi.

Looking at the language and characters that were completely different from Xiao Yi's, Zhu Wu was a little dazed.

The language is different, and the other party knows Yi Ranpin?
"You know Yi Ranpin?" Zhu Wu asked suspiciously.

"Yeah, we met at the first stage, and we can be regarded as competitors with a good relationship!" Jiebi replied with a smile.

Seeing his answer, Zhu Wu frowned slightly, and said to himself: "You don't think I can't confirm this, do you?"

While muttering, Zhu Wu started to contact Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi was about to go back to rest at this time, when he suddenly saw the inter-galaxy communicator light up again, prompting Zhu Wu to request a call.

He had to stop to answer the call.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Island owner, you haven't rested yet!" Zhu Wu said immediately.

"Just getting ready to rest, let's talk about things quickly." Xiao Yi replied.

"There is a survivor in this galaxy who says he knows you, but his language is different from yours!" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

"There are many different languages ​​on our home planet, maybe the other party really knows me!" Xiao Yi replied, "What's the other party's name?"

"Many different languages ​​and characters?" Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then quickly replied, "His ID is Jie Coin!"

"It's him." Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then said with a smile, "I do know him, we can be regarded as ordinary friends, things can be sold to him first, and the price doesn't need to be discounted!"

"Okay, I understand!" Zhu Wu responded.

After Xiao Yi finished speaking, he ended the call, looked at Jiang Yuntian and the other three who were still drinking, and said helplessly: "Go ahead, I'll go back and rest first!"

"Okay, Island Master, we can just be on duty here." Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi shook his head and walked to his bedroom.

(End of this chapter)

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