Chapter 1624 Lend 600 to keep them safe
Hearing Lu Meiyu's words, Xiao Yi immediately asked, "How many cornerstones and dark gold do you need?"

"600 million each!" Lu Meiyu replied.

"It's so badly damaged?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised, and then said, "I can lend you 600 million cornerstone and dark gold, do you want it?"

"Of course!" Lu Meiyu said without the slightest hesitation.

Although it is said that it takes 600 million to repair, it takes 1000 million to upgrade one!

If it can be repaired, at least 400 million yuan will be saved. Such a simple math problem will not be difficult for Lu Meiyu!
"Okay!" Xiao Yi initiated the transaction directly.

"[Cornerstone] * 600 million, [Dark Gold] * 600 million. No transaction."

Seeing Xiao Yi's decisiveness, Lu Meiyu was stunned again, and then asked: "Boss, are you not afraid that I will take these cornerstones and dark gold and not do things?"

"You're a smart person, you probably wouldn't do that!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "Unless you really don't want to experience using advanced items in advance."

Lu Meiyu nodded and said, "Thank you, boss, I will definitely return these cornerstones and dark gold to you!"

"Well, let's repair it first. After the repair is complete, Hu Yi still needs to be treated." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Lu Meiyu agreed to the deal, and immediately chose to repair it.

The Huyi spacecraft was immediately repaired, and Lu Meiyu used the cornerstone and dark gold in Huyi's hands to buy enough oxygen to restore the air pressure in the cabin to normal.

After Lu Meiyu took care of all this, Mimi came to that Huyi again.

Lu Meiyu also wanted to step forward to help Mimi unfasten Hu Yi's spacesuit, but before he took a step, Hu Yi's helmet was already opened.

"This machine will still take off the space suit? But it seems that I haven't seen it start?" Lu Meiyu thought so.

Most nanobots are so small that they cannot be seen with the naked eye.

After taking off the spacesuit, those nanorobots immediately began to heal.

Hu Yi's body can almost be called dilapidated, but the repair speed of the nanobots is not slow at all.

Mimi was dealing with Huyi's waist, which was almost completely broken.

It fixed the fracture with its own manipulator, and the nano-robots that had entered Fox Instrument's body began to work, restoring the displaced organs to their original positions, repairing the damage on them, and finally stitching up the fracture.

In Lu Meiyu's eyes, Hu Yi's body recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"What kind of medical machine is this!" Lu Meiyu said with emotion.

After about four or ten minutes, Mimi finally stopped. It returned to the island monument and said, "Island Master, everything has been dealt with, but it should take another week for him to wake up!"

"Such a long time?" Xiao Yi asked in surprise. When he was treating other people before, he didn't wake up for such a long time.

Mimi explained: "His injuries are too serious, and almost all internal organs have been damaged to varying degrees. It is a miracle that he can persist until I come here. We don't have any medicine to help him recover. He needs to recover slowly. So take it slow."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied, "Okay, I got it!"

After communicating with Mimi, Xiao Yi looked at Lu Meiyu aside, and said, "He needs a week of recuperation before he wakes up, so I'll ask you to take care of him from now on!"

"Don't worry, boss, I will take good care of him!" Lu Meiyu promised.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, and then initiated a lease again. "[Optical Detection Satellite] (SSS level) one-week usage rights * 6 transactions no."

Since so much has been invested, Xiao Yi needs to ensure that they can survive safely for a week. It is still a bit dangerous to only rely on the light curtain detector with a detection range of only [-] kilometers.

So Xiao Yi leased six detection satellites to Lu Meiyu, six satellites were enough for them to detect danger in advance!
When Lu Meiyu saw the optical detection satellite, he was struck by lightning.

It's another SSS-level equipment. How many SSS-level equipment does Xiao Yi have in his hand?

"The detection effect of this satellite is not bad. If you make good use of it, you should be able to detect danger in advance." Xiao Yi said, "This satellite can be installed on the hull of the spaceship, or it can be launched. You can explore the rest yourself!"

"Yes, thank you, boss!" Lu Meiyu hurriedly responded, and then agreed to the deal.

Xiao Yi nodded, and said: "If he wakes up, let me know."

"Okay, please rest assured, boss!" Lu Meiyu responded, and then asked cautiously, "Boss, can I buy these six detection satellites?"

Xiao Yi was about to end the chat. When he saw his question, he smiled and replied: "Use it first. Can you stay? Let's talk about it in a week!"

"Okay, I understand!" Lu Meiyu replied.

Obviously, Xiao Yi depends on his performance. If he performs well, he can naturally sell him to him. If he does not perform well, he will be gone!

After finishing the call with Xiao Yi, Mimi's lease time also came and disappeared in the spaceship.

"I must keep these six detection satellites!" Lu Meiyu swore secretly.

Although I don't know the specific performance of these detection satellites, just looking at their level, Lu Meiyu knows that they must be not simple!
At this time, Brother Lu who was on guard above the crater was already a little anxious.

"It's been down for an hour, nothing will happen!" Brother Lu thought worriedly, then turned on the walkie-talkie and asked, "Brother, did you encounter any problems?"

Lu Meiyu immediately replied: "No, everything is going well, I'll go up now!"

With that said, Lu Meiyu flew up the newly repaired spaceship.

Seeing a miniature spaceship flying out of the crater, Brother Lu asked excitedly: "Brother, have you already repaired that Huyi's spaceship?"

"Of course, first find a place to land." Lu Meiyu replied with a smile, then found a small flat place nearby, and landed the spaceship.

Brother Lu also drove the spaceship to follow. After Lu Meiyu parked the spaceship, he walked out of the spaceship, came to his own spaceship, and drove over.

He parked his spaceship on top of the Huyi spaceship and fixed it with a mechanical arm.

He will be flying with a tow bottle in the future.

There is no way, there are only two of them, and they can only drive two spaceships, so they are useless.

As for Hu Yi, Lu Meiyu didn't consider contracting him at all. He witnessed Hu Yi's injury, even if he was rescued, he would still be disabled, so he didn't consider it.

When Brother Lu saw Lu Meiyu's actions, he actually parked the spaceship on top of Lu Meiyu's spaceship and fixed it with a mechanical arm.

Then Brother Lu entered Lu Meiyu's spaceship along the docking port of the spaceship.

(End of this chapter)

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