Chapter 1608 Water's Analysis Ability

"Brother, how do you know that their weapons have limited damage to our spaceship?" Brother Lu still didn't understand.

Lu Meiyu squinted her eyes and said, "If their weapons were powerful, they wouldn't spend supplies to buy the boss's electromagnetic railgun!"

Brother Lu nodded slightly, and said, "Then we can catch up?"

"Safety comes first, don't chase after the poor!" Lu Meiyu replied, "And we've already made money this time, so we'll take it first."

With that said, Lu Meiyu grabbed back the destroyed miniature spaceship with the robotic arm, and the escape capsule destroyed by the hydroplanet.

Take these two trophies and immediately withdraw to the distance.

Seeing the harvested miniature spaceship, Brother Lu was extremely excited: "Brother, this is much faster than our own upgrade, can you give me this spaceship?"

"Of course, if I don't give it to you, who will it be?" Lu Meiyu asked with a smile.

Brother Lu excitedly circled around in the cabin, and after being excited for a while, he said, "Don't we now have two spaceships and two escape pods? I guess no one is richer than us!"

"Look at your ignorance." Lu Meiyu scolded with a smile, and then looked slightly serious, "There are many capable people in the universe, others don't know, at least Yiranpin boss definitely has more than one spaceship, and the type of his spaceship The level is absolutely huge."

Brother Lu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is this big guy named Yi Ranpin so powerful?"

"Please remove the word "?" Lu Meiyu replied, "He has an untold number of top-level equipment, and he is ahead of us by an untold number of days. We have no chance to catch up with him."

"Brother, isn't what you said a little exaggerated!" Brother Lu said, looking at Lu Meiyu in astonishment.

"It's not an exaggeration at all. What we can see is probably just a drop in the bucket. Anyway, we just need to maintain a good relationship with him." Lu Meiyu said with emotion.

Brother Lu nodded, and asked suspiciously: "How can this Yi Ran product get so many high-level items?"

"This is the doubt of all survivors." Lu Meiyu had already left the previous battle position with the spoils.

Brother Lu nodded, then put on his outer space suit and floated out of the spaceship.

He needs to get those spoils back first.

The miniature spaceship fled back to the planet, stumbled and landed on the ground. Because they only stayed in space for a while, they didn't feel any discomfort. They wore spacesuits and rushed to Walt's spaceship.

Entering Walter's spaceship, taking off his spacesuit, the captain of this battle immediately knelt down.

"Captain, it was my negligence that allowed them to take advantage of the loophole!" The captain said regretfully.

Walter frowned. When they returned, he had already received the news of his team's defeat.

"Speak carefully!" Walter did not reprimand the captain immediately, but said in a deep voice.

"Yes!" The captain recalled carefully.

After some careful explanation, Walter knew what happened in space before, pondered for a moment, and asked, "You mean when you captured the escape pod, you kept paying attention to the surrounding environment?"

"That's right, it is absolutely impossible for us to ignore what's around us!" the captain replied.

Walter took out a piece of paper and said, "Draw the position and orientation of your two spaceships at that time, as well as the warning direction and route of the spaceship around you!"

The captain was slightly taken aback, and then began to draw on the paper.

After he finished drawing, Walter began to observe along the warning line, and suddenly he picked up a pen and drew in one position.

"How long does it take to pass through this position?" Walter pointed to the position he drew and asked.The captain was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he replied in a deep voice: "Two seconds at most!"

The position drawn by Walter is exactly where the two spaceships have the same blind spot. As long as they get close within these two seconds, the sneak attack will definitely succeed!
"That is to say, the spaceship that attacked you this time can come to your vicinity from fifty kilometers away within two seconds!" Walter said in a deep voice.

Walter believed that his soldiers would not deceive him, they were all well-trained, otherwise, they would not have brought them here.

Therefore, the spaceship attacking them can only approach and attack them within these two seconds.

"That's impossible!" cried the captain.

Walter looked at him and asked, "Why isn't that possible?"

"That spaceship is obviously the same as our spaceship, it's all miniature, how can it have such a fast speed!" The captain replied.

The maximum speed of the miniature spaceship is 16km/s, even at full speed, it is impossible to travel fifty kilometers in two seconds!
Walter was also a little puzzled: "If you were on alert at the time, their speed would definitely exceed the speed of the micro-spaceship!"

"Captain, I was the one who was on guard at the time, and there were three observers observing at the same time. There will never be any carelessness!" The captain reassured.

Walter nodded slightly, and then continued: "In addition, the opponent's spaceship must have more than [-] kilometers of detection equipment. Without this equipment, they would not be able to complete this sneak attack!"

Without detection equipment and relying only on eyes, it is difficult to distinguish the situation fifty kilometers away.

What's more, they also found a blind spot for inspection!

The captain nodded in agreement.

"You are not responsible for the defeat in this battle. We can only say that the opponent's equipment is too good. Let's go down and rest!" Walter waved his hand.

"Yes, thank you Captain for your understanding!" The captain stepped back.

Walter pondered for a moment and asked, "Are the ground weapons ready?"

"Back to the captain, everything is ready!"

"Well, I really shouldn't rush out! These outsiders have endless good things!" Walter said with emotion.

The subordinates on the side nodded slightly, and said: "I thought I could get an extra island monument, but I didn't expect to kill another outsider halfway."

Walter frowned: "Why is their spaceship so small but so fast?"

"It should be to optimize the engine!" The subordinate speculated.

"Only optimize the engine, I'm afraid the hull of the spacecraft can't withstand such a high acceleration!" Walter said, "The hull of their spacecraft must have been optimized too!"

"Well, if we can get this optimization technology, our hydroplanet's aerospace technology will definitely go a step further!"

Walter nodded and said, "Yes, but this technology is not easy to grab!"

At this time, the battle just now was also being discussed in the public channel.

"The aborigines also have electromagnetic rail guns. It is basically certain that the aborigines have obtained the island monument and are spying on the screen in the dark!"

"Is the brother who first discovered that planet cold?"

"Yeah, I saw with my own eyes that his escape pod was blown up, and he was also shot."

(End of this chapter)

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