Chapter 1603 Fusion of SSS-level templates, luck
"During my first stage, the undead did indeed come out of space cracks!" Xiao Yi replied again, "I don't know what the world you're trying out in!"

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yi ignored the discussion in the public channel and glanced at his system space.

He suddenly found that there were still four templates lying in his system space.

When he was in the quadruple state two days ago, he signed in and got the S-level space water circulation system template. At that time, he felt that it was useless, so he threw it directly into the system space.

At that time, the farm had completed the transformation of the water circulation system. Although it would be better to use the S-level formwork, the previously transformed ones were a bit wasteful.

So Xiao Yi still planned to let the water circulation system after Chaos Star's transformation work for a period of time, and then replace it with this S-level template.

But now Xiao Yi has a new idea.

"Du Kang, bring back the super fusion device, I'll use it here!" Xiao Yi said using the walkie-talkie.

"Yes!" Du Kang responded immediately.

Soon, Du Kang sent back the super fusion device.

Xiao Yi took out the four S-level templates, and used the super fusion machine to fuse them together.

First, two SS level templates are fused into SS level, and then these two SS level templates are fused into SSS level!
"Space Water Circulation System Template (SSS Level): Almost All Water Loss Can Be Eliminated,"

Just seeing the prompt at the beginning, Xiao Yi knew that this system must be installed on his spaceship!

With this system, if the water is not sold, there is almost no need to replenish water resources from the outside world, so the dependence on water is much lower.

Du Kang asked curiously from the side: "Island Master, what is this?"

"A template for a water circulation system!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Water circulation? Doesn't our spaceship already have a water circulation system?" Du Kang asked suspiciously, "Isn't it a waste to replace it now?"

Du Kang naturally knew that the level of the water circulation system fused by Xiao Yi must be very high, but replacing it meant that the previous water circulation system had to be eliminated, and the water circulation in many places had just been remodeled!

"Originally, I was planning to wait until I replaced it, but this water circulation system is so powerful that it can almost eliminate all water loss." Xiao Yi replied, "So, we have to replace it."

Hearing Xiao Yi's explanation, Du Kang was stunned, and then suddenly realized: "That really needs to be replaced!"

After looking at the raw materials needed for this template, Xiao Yi immediately began to purchase those raw materials in the trading hall.

In the public channel, everyone was still discussing what Xiao Yi just said about the undead.

"Is this boss Yiranpin really that powerful? Has he hit the base camp of the undead?"

"I am cautious about this matter, and now no one can prove that what he said is true."

"Okay, it doesn't matter whether this matter is true or not, the boss is buying resources again, why don't you go and have a look?"

"I've seen it, and it looks like it's going to make a sort of water circulation system."

"Water circulation system? Did the boss open up the manufacturing drawing of this thing? I really envy the boss!"

"Hey, boss is so lucky, but I'm only half lucky!"

"Half luck? What do you mean by that?"

"I only have anger here, but no luck! Isn't this only half! I'm so angry!"

"If there is a water recycling system, wouldn't the demand for water resources be greatly reduced?"

"Of course, now the water we consume is basically returned to this universe, there is no circulation at all!"

"I envy the boss in real name!" "Forget it, let's see if we have those raw materials and trade some good things with the boss!"

Although Xiao Yi now has a lot of cornerstones and dark gold, they also consume a lot now.

These large spaceships require much more resources to repair bumps and bumps than those small, medium and micro spaceships.

In addition, after the cornerstone and dark gold in his hand are traded out, he will not be able to enjoy the quadruple bonus after waiting for the quadruple state to trade back!

This made Xiao Yi completely cut off the idea of ​​trading materials with cornerstones and dark gold, let's barter.

Now it is mainly traded with SSS-grade special glass and some grades of food.

"I see that the boss has put a lot of high-level food on the shelves, and I guess he has harvested another batch!"

"Yeah, but before I could react, I was robbed."

"A group of bandits! Will you die if you move slowly?"

"No, but you won't be able to grab it!"

Soon, Xiao Yi bought enough raw materials. After thinking about it for a while, Xiao Yi didn't make this space water circulation system immediately.

He has to wait for the quadruple state before making it, so as to make full use of these raw materials.

The important thing is that the probability of triggering the quadruple state is very high now!

It only takes two more days, and Xiao Yi should trigger the quadruple harvest again.

Everyone in the public channel saw that Xiao Yi had bought so many raw materials and still had no intention of stopping, so they started discussing again.

"Master Yiranpin has opened up such a large water circulation system. Isn't it enough to buy so many raw materials?"

"Yeah, it feels like we're almost draining everyone's resources, and they still want to continue buying?"

"There are two possibilities. One is that the system is very large and requires a lot of materials. The other is that what the big boss opened is not a manufacturing drawing, but a template!"

"Fucking grass, no way, I can't even open the manufacturing diagram, how can the boss come up with so many templates!"

"These are just speculations. Only the boss himself knows what the specific situation is."

"Can templates really be opened in the material box?"

"Of course, didn't someone prescribe a template for space wipes before? That person seems to have made a lot of money because of it."

"Yeah, but it seems like I haven't seen wet wipes for sale on the trading floor for a long time."

"Hey, just now I @ the ID that sold wet wipes before, and the island monument reminded me that this ID no longer exists."

"It should be eliminated. I didn't expect to be eliminated with such a huge advantage."

"It can only be said that luck is bad. Logically speaking, there should be no problem with so many dark gold cornerstones in his hand."

Xiao Yi also saw this, and his expression was a little serious.

No matter how much you lead, don't get carried away.

Du Kang on the side also saw the discussion in the public channel, and said with emotion: "It seems that he is still unlucky."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and said: "Actually, he is not strong enough in the final analysis. If he is strong enough, he can still survive the previous changes. Therefore, we must constantly improve our strength!"

(End of this chapter)

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