Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1598 Nuclear flattening the world, destroying wormholes

Chapter 1598 Nuclear flattening the world, destroying wormholes

Gemma is extremely decisive. Although they are attached to the second-level civilization, they themselves do not have the strength of the second-level civilization.

If they are targeted by a hierarchical civilization force, they will be very dangerous.

They don't believe that a civilization force came to Tianma just to have friendly exchanges with them!

Therefore, in order to ensure safety, Gemma decided to give up exploring this side, and at the same time try to destroy the wormhole, so that Xiao Yi and the others cannot rush through.

Following Gemma's order, the spaceship on this planet immediately flew towards the wormhole.

White and the others immediately landed on the planet.

All these actions have been fed back to Xiao Yi through the detection satellite.

"What's the situation? They seem to be fleeing?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

Because they were already very close to this planet, Jiang Yuntian and Xiao Yi kept connected.

Jiang Yuntian also saw this scene from the shared video, and frowned slightly: "You ran away without struggling at all?"

"Full speed ahead!" Xiao Yi immediately ordered, "See if we can keep a few ships!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

The spaceship on Xiao Yi's side began to speed up and approach, and White naturally noticed it immediately.

"It's not good, they are speeding up and approaching us!" White shouted immediately.

Gemma said coldly: "They really don't have a good intention! Everyone evacuates quickly, is the nuclear bomb near the wormhole installed?"

"Return to the general, it has been installed!" The soldier on the side replied.

Gemma nodded and said with a sneer: "As long as they dare to chase after them, let them feel the feeling of world nuclear peace!"

Xiao Yi and the others have already caught up to the planet's low-altitude satellite orbit.

"Stop it all!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Through detecting satellites, Xiao Yi had already seen that they seemed to have installed something at the entrance of the wormhole.

Thinking about it with my ass, I know that this should not be something friendly and peaceful.

All the spaceships on Xiao Yi's side stopped immediately.

"Why don't you chase after us, as long as we can keep some spaceships, we can harvest a few more spaceships!"

"You are stupid, the island owner must know this too, he must have discovered something!"

"We are all large spaceships, how can the opponent struggle, rush down to clean up, and take them down in minutes!"

"That's not necessarily the case. If the other party has some high-level weapons and we charge up, it will be dangerous!"

"You are too cowardly. If they had advanced weapons, would they run away with their tails between their legs?"

Everyone on Xiao Yi's spaceship was talking about it.

And Gemma is also talking about it.

"They have so many high-level spaceships, why don't they come after them?"

"Yes, come down quickly, the nuclear bomb we finally prepared cannot be wasted!"

"Could it be that the detection satellite discovered the anomaly next to the wormhole?"

Seeing Xiao Yi and the others stop, Gemma shook her head helplessly, and said, "There's no chance to hit them hard, let's go!"

White nodded slightly, then directed the spacecraft to leave the planet through the wormhole.

"General, if they don't come down, are we going to detonate the nuclear bomb?" the soldier beside him asked in a low voice. "Of course, the main task of this nuclear bomb is to destroy the wormhole." Gemma replied in a deep voice, "Set the detonation time, we will leave in 10 minutes!"


Xiao Yi and the others just watched Gemma and the others pass through the wormhole.

"They seem to have all left, do you want to check what's at the entrance of the wormhole?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "I'll use the detection satellite to take a closer look, let's keep our distance!"

"En!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Xiao Yi steered the detection satellite closer to the wormhole, carefully observing the object.

But the nuclear bombs produced by different civilizations have different shapes, and it is impossible to distinguish them!

Just as Xiao Yi was watching carefully through the video, the doctor who was booming!

A dazzling light cluster exploded, followed by a huge mushroom cloud!
Xiao Yi was also taken aback!
"It turned out to be a nuclear bomb!" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

"Everyone, retreat further!" Xiao Yi ordered.


All the spacecraft withdrew a certain distance into space again.

Jiang Yuntian looked at the nuclear bomb that exploded next to the wormhole, frowned and said, "Are they planning to destroy the wormhole?"

"It should be, after all, they definitely don't want us to go to their galaxy through this!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"This is too strong!" Jiang Yuntian said with emotion.

"It's understandable to do so. If we encounter a high-level civilized force, cutting off the opponent's route is the best way to prevent it!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and asked, "Will this wormhole really be destroyed by a nuclear bomb?"

"It's very possible!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice, "I still remember that in the first stage, when we dealt with the space cracks of the undead, we used a strong explosion to affect the space. This nuclear bomb is much stronger than our explosion at that time. Already!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and said, "Then we didn't come here for nothing?"

Xiao Yi spread his hands, and replied: "It's not in vain, at least I found a planet, let everyone feel the gravity!"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly stunned, and then nodded: "Yes, the only ones who can feel gravity now are satellite-class spacecraft, and people in other spacecraft are floating!"

"Beyond that, what does an Earth-like planet mean? You should know that!" Xiao Yi continued with a smile.

"Resources, a lot of resources!"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi said, "Actually, it is beneficial for us if they destroy this wormhole directly. After all, we don't know the situation there. If there is a second-level civilization waiting for us, we will really It's a self-inflicted trap!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "That's true! Then we landed directly from the other side, no matter how powerful the nuclear bomb is, it is impossible to affect the other side!"

"Well, you go there first, I still need to see the situation of the wormhole, if it is not destroyed, we still have to prevent the other party from coming!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian immediately flew to the other side of the planet with those large spaceships.

Xiao Yi made Space One to land at the explosion site of the nuclear bomb.

The shock wave of the nuclear explosion has passed, and the residual radiation will not affect the people inside the spacecraft at all.

When Xiao Yi got close to the wormhole, a huge deep pit appeared there.

The black vortex of the original wormhole disappeared!

"It seems that it was really destroyed!" Xiao Yi said with some regret.

(End of this chapter)

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