Chapter 1586 Isolation of strains, abnormal

Last time, the galaxy that Zhu Wu passed by was extremely rich in supplies, and as a result, the basic supplies in his hands were hardly sold.

This time, Zhu Wu not only prepared basic materials, but also prepared 500 million sets of electromagnetic rail gun systems and a batch of high-grade food.

There are relatively few graded foods. Xiao Yi has few graded fields and graded crops here, so he can only take out some and see if he can get some good things in exchange.

If there is no good food, let Zhu Wu eat it.

"Well, if you encounter new galaxies, don't forget to continue looking for your companions in the first stage." Xiao Yi reminded tirelessly.

"Island owner, don't worry, I will never forget this." Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"Well, if there is anything to contact, Ergou should be in front of the island monument often recently. If you want to chat, you can go to him directly." Xiao Yi replied.

"Understood!" Zhu Wu responded.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then ended the chat.

Looking at the time, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, Jiang Yuntian had gone to rest, Xiao Yi switched the island monument to the public channel.

The public channel is still very lively.

"It's so cool, I used the boss's electromagnetic rail gun to get a miniature spaceship!"

"Damn, why didn't I encounter a miniature spaceship here? Last time I was attacked by a miniature spaceship. There was no need to fight at all. I had to protect myself!"

"Brother, how much cornerstone and dark gold did you spend to restore it?"

"Only spent 50 cornerstones and dark gold!"

"How come there are so few? You won't have seized the highest control authority of the opponent's central control room!"

"Bingo! Correct answer, but no reward!"

"Lying grass, how did you do it? I also managed a spaceship here, but there is no way to communicate with the captives on it!"

"Yeah, did you happen to meet a civilization that speaks the same language as your own?"

"The above statement is a bit ridiculous! How can there be a civilization here that is the same as our mother tongue!"

"Why wouldn't there be? There are all kinds of wonders in the world, what if they appear?"

"Don't guess, I just used an item that was opened before, the contract card!"

"Fuck, I almost forgot about this thing, you can use the power of the contract to force the other party to hand over the highest control authority."

"Made, why didn't I issue a contract card!"

"You're not the only one who didn't issue a contract card, and I didn't issue one either."

"I have to say, having a contractor makes me feel much more at ease, and I can finally sleep well tonight!"

"Yeah, I'm so envious, I wish I had someone to accompany me!"

Xiao Yi looked at the chat in the public channel and shook his head.

Unless you use a contract card, you won't feel at ease if you have someone to accompany you.

At this time, Du Kang was checking the strains on Chaos Star in the room where the strains were kept.

After dinner, he has been staying here, which has been transformed into a simple laboratory by him.

He has already revived and cultivated the strains he needs.

Because of the acceleration effect of the island monument, Du Kang has already seen the results of his cultivation.

Looking at the colonies growing on the culture medium, Du Kang frowned.

"No wonder your beer is bitter, you can tell that your strains are impure with the naked eye!" Du Kang muttered.

The colony morphology on the culture medium was obviously different.

To put it simply, there is bacterial contamination. Although this is not necessarily the cause of the bitter taste, the presence of foreign bacteria can basically determine that the quality of the finished beer will not be very good.Du Kang shook his head and began to isolate and culture bacteria on the sterile operating table.

This has been done until one o'clock in the morning.

"Finally separated!" Du Kang said with emotion, "It would be great if there is a microscope, so that the bacterial species can be confirmed more accurately."

However, it can be roughly judged according to the shape of the colony, and this is the only way for the time being.

Du Kang got up and walked out of the laboratory, walked to his room, returned to the room, fell directly on the bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Silent all night.

The next day, after Xiao Yi got up, he continued to practice Daozang according to his own habits, and the abnormality that happened before reappeared.

He felt countless light spots flickering around him.

Xiao Yi opened his eyes suddenly, and muttered suspiciously: "What the hell are these things?"

After finishing his training, Xiao Yi frowned and came to the cockpit.

Hearing the movement, Jiang Yuntian opened his eyes, walked towards Xiao Yi, and asked suspiciously, "Island Master, what's wrong with you?"

Xiao Yi recovered from his contemplation, thought for a while, and asked, "Brother Jiang, have you encountered any abnormalities in your practice of Taoism recently, for example, when you meditate, you can see many spots of light surrounding you?" .”

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head: "No, have you been too tired recently, making you dizzy?"

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied, "I'm fine by myself. Now that so many of you have come to help me, I'm still tired?"

Jiang Yuntian spread his hands and said, "If it's not too tired, then I don't know. This kind of situation didn't happen to me."

"That's really weird!" Xiao Yi muttered.

At this time, Su Wan came over with breakfast and asked, "What's so strange?"

Xiao Yi told Su Wan about the anomaly he encountered, and Su Wan was also very surprised. She was also practicing Daozang, so she didn't encounter such a situation.

"Since this is the case, should you stop your practice for a while?" Su Wan said with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "Although it's strange, I don't think it will do me any harm. Daozang still has to keep practicing."

Jiang Yuntian and the two nodded.

Xiao Yi suddenly found out that Du Kang hadn't come over, so he asked, "What's the situation with Du Kang? Why didn't he come over for breakfast?"

"He didn't go back to rest until after one o'clock yesterday. It is said that he was in order to isolate more pure strains!" Su Wan explained.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "In this case, let him rest for a while!"

"Ah! Who wants to take a longer rest!" Du Kang yawned and walked over.

"Of course I'm talking about you. There's no rush to make wine, so don't work so hard!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Du Kang waved his hand and replied: "This is not a hard work at all. I did experiments all night when I was in college. This is a small case!"

"Well, just pay attention to yourself!" Xiao Yi didn't show politeness to him either.

"Don't worry, let everyone drink beer tomorrow!" Du Kang replied with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your beer to celebrate your success!" Xiao Yi responded.

"At that time, we can have some barbecue, which is perfect with beer!" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

"Good idea, Su Wan, prepare the ingredients here." Xiao Yi ordered.

Now that you have this condition, enjoy it!
Amidst the excited discussions among the crowd, Xiao Yi secretly said: "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and get reward:"

(End of this chapter)

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