Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1573 Zhu Wu participated in the discussion and came to show off again

Chapter 1573 Zhu Wu participated in the discussion and came to show off again
Seeing the screenshot sent by Jiang Yuntian, the time on the screenshot clearly shows that the deal was indeed just concluded.

"That's really possible. I think these foods are relatively fresh, and it is very likely that they were temporarily decided to be sold."

"It is indeed very possible to dump food for the electromagnetic railgun system."

"No wonder selling so much at once, it makes sense!"

"Indeed, but where did this survivor get so much food?"

"Yeah, I think the packaging of these foods is very good, and they are relatively fresh. It must not be something a survivor can do!"

"Maybe it's united with the indigenous forces, just like a big boss."

"Are you sure it's okay? I always feel that the language barrier has already eliminated most of the possibilities of union."

"Isn't this a ready-made example? Yiranpin boss is uniting with Chaos Star. Although Chaos is over now, they have supported the boss after all."

"That's right, I don't know how the boss communicates with them!"

"It's very simple, just order a slightly advanced signal transceiver device."

"I don't think it's easy at all! It's too difficult to make a manufacturing drawing now!"

"It's really difficult for us, but is it a problem for Yiranpin boss?"

"It's not a problem at all. SSS-level items are emerging in endlessly. Isn't a signal transceiver instrument readily available?"

"That's true, alas, with this kind of thing, Yiranpin has completely distanced himself from us!"

"Brother, what you said is wrong, even if there is no such thing, Yiranpin boss will leave us far away."

"Uh, it seems to be the same, let's not talk about it, it's too damaging to self-confidence."

"I feel that your focus is always a little bit off. Aren't you wondering why the big brother reunited with his companion so quickly?"

Seeing this person's speech, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then reacted immediately.

"Yeah, why did the boss meet up with his companions so quickly? This is unscientific!"

Science here does not refer to conventional scientific theories, but does not conform to the rules of the world.

According to the previous laws of the world rules, if the development is good, the time to meet with the companions will be longer, just for the sake of balance.

With Xiao Yi developing so well, it stands to reason that he and his companions should be very far apart, and there will definitely be various difficulties and obstacles when the two rendezvous.

But Xiao Yi's side has already joined together, and now there are very few survivors who can join up with their first-stage companions.

"Boss Yiranpin is cheating!"

"It's very possible that the items are all high-level items, and the companions can join together so quickly. It's absolutely impossible to be so fast without hanging up!"

"Isn't the boss worried about being discovered by the people behind the scenes? Wouldn't it be over if he was discovered?"

"This only shows that the hangings on the boss's body are not prohibited by the people behind the scenes. If there is no prohibition, they can be used!"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu said with a smile: "That's right, the hangings on our island owner should be tacitly approved by the higher-ups."

"No, it's really dangerous! How can we live with this?"

"Without the support of our island owner, at least half of you here would have been eliminated. No one would deny that!" Zhu Wu continued.

Now everyone fell silent, they couldn't refute Zhu Wu's words at all.

"Brother Pig, do you know what kind of cheat is on the boss?" Someone asked.

Zhu Wu replied decisively: "I don't know, although I am under the owner of the island, but now I am still flying with the comet!"

Looking at the news on the island monument, Zhu Wu muttered: "Even if I really knew it, I wouldn't tell you!" "It seems to be the case. Brother Zhu has been following the comet and has no chance to understand Yi Ranpin Da in depth. Dude!"

"Brother Zhu can only contact Mr. Yiranpin once every few days!"

"The flying speed is fast now, and it is estimated that they will be back within two days."

Zhu Wu thought for a while, then smiled and replied, "Who said that you can only contact the island owner once every two days?"

"Is not it?"

"Of course not, as long as you want to contact us, we can contact you anytime!" Zhu Wu said proudly.

"Can you contact me at any time? Isn't this bullshit blowing a little too big!"

"Yeah, leaving this galaxy, there is no way to contact at all."

Zhu Wu watched everyone's discussion, and directly posted the communicator on the public channel.

"[Cross-Galaxy Communicator] (SSS Level)*1"

"Wouchao! Where did you get such a thing?"

"Yeah, this shit is too outrageous, we still can't communicate well in a galaxy, and you all communicate across galaxies!"

"This thing is also made by the boss?"

"Of course, I fly with comets all day, and only occasionally get a supply box. There is no chance to open such a high-level item." Zhu Wu replied.

"The boss is so awesome. Every item he picks out is SSS-level. It's so enviable!"

"Made, the boss is definitely cheating, I want to complain!"

"There is no channel for complaints here at all, not to mention that the people behind the scenes will definitely not fail to see the development of Yiranpin boss. They have not taken any action until now. They must have tacitly agreed that the way the boss currently obtains items is in line with the rules!"

"So, the boss should have something to do with the people behind the scenes, otherwise why would the people behind the scenes take care of him so much?"

"Does the boss still need a younger brother? Let me do anything!"

"Don't waste your time, as I said before, the big boss doesn't accept younger brothers now. I'm also very curious, brother pig, even if you have inter-galaxy communicators, how do you communicate?"

The island tablet has a translation function for everyone's chat text, but the inter-galactic communicator should not have entered so many languages.

To put it simply, without the island monument, there will be obstacles in the communication between them!

Zhu Wu smiled and continued: "There is no obstacle in the communication between me and the island owner."

"How is it possible, you are obviously two civilized planets, and the language and writing are completely different!"

"Brother Pig, you are not deceiving us!"

Zhu Wu replied: "Although I like to show off, I have never told a lie!"

"Then how does Yiranpin communicate with you?" Someone asked curiously.

"Our island master has a very special ability that allows us to understand each other's orders. He can understand each other as long as we talk face to face." Zhu Wu explained with a smile.

"This is also possible?"

"Things are so advanced, and they have special abilities. I think we really can't play."

"If you can't play, you have to keep playing, otherwise, will you be eliminated?"

"I finally know why the boss can get along so well with Chaos Star!"

(End of this chapter)

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