Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1560 Transaction review, someone wants to fish in troubled waters

Chapter 1560 Transaction review, someone wants to fish in troubled waters
"Brother upstairs, you can't be bad at math, so you can't figure out how many cornerstones and dark gold you need in total?"

"Simple, this is the summation of a geometric sequence. The five weapon positions require cornerstones: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16. According to the summation formula."

"Stop it, there are only five numbers, don't bother, a total of 31 cornerstones and [-] dark gold are needed."

"That said, it doesn't seem like there are many."

"The big money upstairs! Isn't 31 a lot?"

"If you're a little bit more diligent, you've collected at least [-] by now."

"Lying grass, really? I'm still collecting the captured meteorites."

"How much dark gold can the meteorite have, change the target quickly!"

"That's right, the content of dark gold in the matter ejected from the black hole this time is very high, let's move quickly!"

"Smart people have been collecting for a day, let's not talk about it, hurry up and buy advanced weapons!"

"That's right, you guys still have the time to discuss the matter of collecting dark gold."

For a time, the price of raw materials required by the electromagnetic railgun system has risen.

Xiao Yi had expected this to happen a long time ago. If he went to collect raw materials to manufacture the electromagnetic rail gun, it would probably cost a lot of cornerstone or dark gold.

Now transfer the collection of raw materials to other survivors, and you only need to receive the raw materials and manufacture them.

In addition, now that Xiao Yi has a quadruple harvest status, for every set of raw materials they provide, he can get four sets.

Xiao Yi's spaceship has all been installed as medium-sized laser cannons, and the electromagnetic rail gun system that was dismantled before can also be sold.

Thinking about it this way, it seems that there are still many weapons that can be sold.

Xiao Yi just announced the raw materials for making the electromagnetic rail gun, and many survivors chatted with him privately to initiate transactions.

Naturally, you don't need to chat with Xiao Yi privately if you only want to buy a set of electromagnetic railgun system, you can just buy it directly on the trading floor.

Xiao Yi has already hung up the electromagnetic rail gun systems in his hands.

But if you want to buy two sets or more, you need to chat privately, and the price of each additional set is different.

Xiao Yi didn't find this kind of custom setting on the island monument, so currently he can only rely on manual review.

Seeing so many transactions, Xiao Yi immediately called Jiang Yuntian over: "Brother Jiang, I have a temporary task for you!"

Jiang Yuntian responded immediately: "Yes!"

"Stay in front of the island monument [-]/[-] today, responsible for reviewing transaction information, let me know when the review is completed, and I will complete the transaction." Xiao Yi pointed to his private chat channel and said.

Seeing tens of thousands of unread messages on the island tablet, Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said with a bitter face: "Island Master, I have nothing to say about you letting me charge into battle, but I'm not good at dealing with these things!"

"If you're not good at it, you need to train more!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Island owner, shouldn't we make the best use of everything? Su Wan has dealt with this matter before, let her come, she has experience!" Jiang Yuntian tried to evade this task.

Xiao Yi replied: "It's just you, Su Wan's language research needs a lot of energy, so don't arrange new tasks for her for the time being."

Jiang Yuntian nodded helplessly, and replied, "Okay!"

Xiao Yi told Jiang Yuntian the trading rules, Jiang Yuntian froze for a moment, frowned and asked, "Are we going to sell the electromagnetic rail gun system?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and replied: "Well, now some survivors have encountered other civilization forces, and it is in our interest to keep more survivors."

After a short pause, Xiao Yi continued: "The more important thing is that today I am in quadruple state."

Jiang Yuntian was not surprised at this point, Xiao Yi only asked him to review those transactions, but not to complete them, so he guessed that Xiao Yi should be in quadruple state today.

"Will this help our future enemies in disguise?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "The weapons on our spacecraft have been completely replaced with medium-sized laser cannons, which are more powerful than the electromagnetic railguns."

"Medium laser cannon!" Jiang Yuntian was surprised.

He knew that the weapon system on the spacecraft had been replaced, but he really didn't know what the weapon system was after the replacement.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Then we also have the template for this weapon?" Although Jiang Yuntian knew that he asked nonsense.But he still had to make sure.

"Well, we still have to maintain our weapon advantage." Xiao Yi responded.

"Okay, I understand." Jiang Yuntian said, "Then I will review it first."

With that said, Jiang Yuntian came to the island monument and began to examine it.

The area where Xiao Yi is now is already a super-large survivor galaxy where five galaxies are fused together.

The forest is big and there are all kinds of birds.

There are really some survivors who want to pass by, and the number of transactions proposed is really wrong, and there are various shortages.

A very small number of people even want to confuse them with raw materials with similar names, trying to get away with it.

Although Jiang Yuntian said that he is not good at this job, since he took over, he will definitely do it seriously.

While Jiang Yuntian was reviewing the transactions initiated by everyone, discussions were still going on in the public channel.

"I have already made a request to purchase a second weapon system. Why has there been no response for so long?"

"Yeah, I also proposed that it has been two or three minutes. What's the situation?"

"Boss won't regret it, will he?"

"I can't regret it! Now that I have said it, the boss will definitely make a deal!"

"It's not that they want to swallow our supplies!"

"What's the brains upstairs? How can you swallow the island monument deal? Come on, show me one."

"Yeah, on the contrary, the boss is easy to be deceived by us. If you can't see clearly, if you complete the transaction, you may lose a lot!"

"Maybe that's why the boss hasn't responded for so long!"

"very possible!"

An hour passed quickly, and Xiao Yi came over and said, "You take a break, I will complete the transactions that have been reviewed first!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian rubbed his eyes, staring at those numbers all the time, his eyes were dazzled, "I have directly refused to deal with those that do not meet the requirements."

"There's really something that doesn't match!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Well, basically the quantity is not enough, very rarely the supplies are wrong." Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi nodded, then looked at the rejected deals, and blocked them decisively.

Then Xiao Yi said in the public channel: "I saw everyone's questions. I was indeed reviewing the transaction proposed in your private chat just now. Unfortunately, I found a few people who wanted to get away with it and blocked them. I want to Unblocking, one hundred thousand dark gold and one hundred thousand foundation stones."

"Lying grass, someone really wants to lie to the big brother's weapon, so brave?"

"It's good to pull black, it's because there are so few bedbugs that made us wait for so long!"

(End of this chapter)

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