Chapter 1543 Did not find a companion, but found Ji Jiying

While arguing with other people in the public channel, the survivor chatted privately with Zhu Wu.

"Hello, where did you get the ID you just received?" the person asked.

Zhu Wu looked at the other party's ID, Lu Mao, and then replied: "These are the companions that the survivors in our galaxy have entrusted me to find."

"Is Lulian really in your galaxy?" Lumao asked excitedly.

Zhu Wu didn't continue to answer his question, but sent a screenshot of Lulian chatting privately with him to find someone.

Seeing that screenshot, Lu Mao no longer doubted that no one should be able to forge the screenshot of the island tablet chat at this time.

"Great!" Lu Mao was even more excited.

Zhu Wu traded the supplies that Lulian dragged him to Lumao, and said: "Although these are basic supplies, you may not need them, but since I have accepted this business, I will give them to you! "

Lu Mao nodded slightly when he saw the supplies traded by the other party.

"Of course, this is the amount after deducting the 5% handling fee!" Zhu Wu continued.

"Understood, thank you!" Lu Mao replied, and then continued to ask, "Is there really a black hole in your galaxy? How is the situation now?"

"It is true that a black hole appeared and then disappeared. Although it is unbelievable, it is a fact that we have experienced." Zhu Wu replied, "The situation in our galaxy is more complicated now, because the stars are swallowed by the black hole, and the entire galaxy is in a state of endless chaos. state of order."

"The star was swallowed?" Lu Mao said in shock.

"That's right, the original star is already in the final stage and is transforming into a red giant star." Zhu Wu explained, "If it is allowed to transform into a red giant star, some survivors in our galaxy should be transformed into a red giant star." engulf."

"This transformation should not be so fast, it can fly out slowly!" Lu Mao said with a frown.

"Our arrival will speed up certain processes, which has been verified in the first stage!" Zhu Wu replied.

Lu Mao nodded slightly, and then asked curiously: "Is your galaxy developing so well? Are you able to travel between galaxies?"

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "Of course not, can you?"

"We can't either. It's because we can't that everyone doubts you. We always think that our galaxy is the best-developed galaxy among all survivors." Lumao shook his head and continued, "I didn't expect it to be us. Sit back and watch the sky!"

"It's not enough to just sit and watch the sky. Your galaxy has developed really well, and now you can achieve self-sufficiency in basic resources. This has wiped out my business!" Zhu Wu replied, "How did you develop?"

Just now Zhu Wu wasted his tongue to explain the situation of his own galaxy, just to get some information about this galaxy from Lumao.

"Our galaxy just has a better explosion rate!" Lu Mao replied, "It only took three weeks, and everyone has basically opened up the production equipment for basic materials, and our galaxy is also rich in various resources, just collect some That's enough for us to develop!"

Zhu Wu looked at Lumao's reply in surprise, and replied: "I really want to envy your galaxy by real name!"

Lumao shook his head and said, "It can only be said that it is better for us to randomly go to the place of birth."

"Then have all your galaxies been upgraded to miniature spaceships?" Zhu Wu asked tentatively.

"What are you thinking? How can it be so simple? According to my observation, the top ten percent of survivors should all be upgraded to miniature spaceships!" Lumao immediately replied, "The one with the best development should be a girl named Ji Jiying guy, he actually got a small spaceship!"

Zhu Wu nodded, and replied: "That's okay, I thought you all upgraded to miniature spaceships!"

"Although our galaxy is rich in resources, it still takes time to collect them!" Lu Mao said helplessly, "However, from what you said, it seems that small spaceships are not in your sight!" "That's true! No, this kind of top-notch combat power is only an isolated case, I have also seen some more advanced spaceships." Zhu Wu replied.

"It seems that your galaxy is developing well!" Lu Mao said.

Zhu Wu replied vaguely: "It's not bad, although it's not as good as you, it's not bad."

Since this galaxy is so strong, Zhu Wu decided to give it a go.

"By the way, you haven't said how you traveled between galaxies?" Lu Mao suddenly found himself being diverted by Zhu Wu.

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "I wandered around with Comet, otherwise how could I be called Comet Merchant!"

"A comet?" Lu Mao's eyes widened, "Are you on a comet?"

"No, now I should be regarded as a satellite of the comet." Zhu Wu replied.

"Can comets also have satellites?" Lu Mao expressed doubts.

"God knows, at least I'm revolving around the comet now." Zhu Wu shrugged.

Lu Mao nodded slightly.

At this moment, Zhu Wu's island monument suddenly prompted: "Ji Jiying requests a private chat, do you agree?"

Seeing the ID that was very similar to Xiao Yi's text, Zhu Wu was stunned. In the next moment, he immediately reacted and asked Lu Mao: "You just said that the person with the best development in your galaxy is named Ji Jiying." ?”

"Yeah, what's the problem?" Lu Mao asked suspiciously.

"Is he this person?" Zhu Wu took a screenshot of Ji Jiying's ID and gave it to Lu Mao.

"That's right, what's wrong?" Lu Mao replied.

"It's okay, he chatted with me privately, I'll go see what he said!" Zhu Wu replied.

Lumao looked at Zhu Wu's reply in shock, and thought to himself: "Since even No.1 of our galaxy has contacted him, it seems that what he said should be true!"

Zhu Wu directly agreed with Ji Jiying's private chat, and seeing that the other party used words that were highly similar to Xiao Yi's, he guessed that the other party should have a certain relationship with Xiao Yi.

But Xiao Yi didn't let him look for this person, it was probably due to competition.

"Do you know Yi Ranpin?" Ji Jiying asked as soon as he came up.

Zhu Wu frowned, and replied: "Of course, what's the matter here?"

"Hmph, then tell him that the first stage gave him a step ahead, but he shouldn't try to overtake me at this stage, I will crush him to death!" Ji Jiying continued.

"Eh? I really don't know where your confidence comes from, is it because of your small spaceship?" Zhu Wu would not be used to Ji Jiying, so he replied directly.

Ji Jiying sneered: "It seems that you have already found out, but do you think I will show all my cards? If you really think so, then you can only say that you are too naive!"

"Oh? Don't you have a medium spaceship?" Zhu Wu asked with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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