Chapter 1531 Impact, optical detection satellite template

"Wait! Another gravitational wave appears!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then nodded. Although the gravitational fluctuations had little effect on them, this time they were planning to use the gravitational fluctuations to escape the engulfment range of the gamma galaxy stars.

Xiao Yi looked at Wang Yang on the screen and asked, "Are you all ready?"

"Back to the island owner, everything is ready, everyone has put on the space suit in the cabin, and fixed themselves!" Wang Yang replied.

Not all aircraft have a stabilization system, using gravitational waves to accelerate escape will produce a huge acceleration, it is impossible for their physique to withstand it!

So on those vehicles that don't have a stabilization system, everyone has to wear a space suit in the cabin.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and continued: "Adjust the anti-gravity system, we are ready to launch!"


The gravitational fluctuation struck again, this time it seemed that the intensity was not great. Xiao Yi and the others used the anti-gravity system to quickly fly out of the galaxy with the help of the gravitational fluctuation.

Because the speed was too fast, Xiao Yi asked all the staff on the spaceship to gather inside, even if the outside was hit by a meteorite or something, it would not threaten their lives.

Xiao Yi will repair the damaged parts in time.

"Bang bang bang!"

Various impact sounds continued to be heard, and dense reminders appeared on the island tablet.

Xiao Yi didn't even have time to see what the prompt was, anyway, he fixed everything in one go!
Jiang Yuntian said from the side: "Only you, the island owner, can play like this, and no other survivors dare to play like this!"

This kind of voyage will consume a lot of cornerstones and dark gold, if the inventory is insufficient, it will be miserable!
"Fortunately, enough fuel was sold yesterday, so it should be able to survive." Xiao Yi replied while repairing.

The Chaos Star aircraft, which had been following Xiao Yi all this time, was extremely safe at this moment.

If they encounter a meteorite, Xiao Yi will stand in front of them, and they don't need to worry about the impact at all.

The pilots of those vehicles saw the large spaceships in front of them constantly colliding.

Although they couldn't hear the sound, they knew how much pressure the island owner's spaceship was under just by seeing the shattering cabin.

Fortunately, those damaged parts can be restored to their original shape in an instant.

It looked frightening, but there was no surprise.

"The island owner's island monument is really too strong!"

"Yes, but the island owner really has enough raw materials to repair the spaceship!"

"Following the island owner is really reassuring!"

Before the words fell, suddenly, a loud voice sounded, and several huge holes were broken in the center of the spaceship in front of them!

"This, it won't be scrapped!"

"It's broken like this, can it be repaired?"

"Be sure to fix it!"

"Such damage is estimated to be difficult!"

Everyone on Chaos Star is very pessimistic.

On a large spaceship, even with a stabilization system, Xiao Yi and the others staggered.

"Tip: The hull of the large spaceship is seriously damaged and it will cost [Cornerstone]*7000 million and [Dark Gold]*7000 million to repair it. Do you want to repair it?"

"So many?" Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then he saw the spacecraft sending out various alarms.

It was too late to think too much, so I fixed it immediately.

After the repair was completed, most of those alarms finally disappeared, and Xiao Yi asked Space [-] to handle the internal maintenance.

The huge hole instantly returned to its original shape, and everyone on Chaos Star who followed behind was stunned. "Can it be repaired if it's broken like this?"

"The island owner's island monument is really too strong!"

"Great, so we're sure to be safe!"

Everyone on Chaos Star was discussing excitedly.

"Island Master, it's not okay to go on like this!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

He also saw the huge consumption of cornerstone and dark gold just now, if it happens again, the dark gold in stock will be very difficult.

"No way, our speed is too fast, unless there are advanced detection devices that can detect the meteorites blocking us in advance!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

Speaking of this, Xiao Yi suddenly realized that he might still have a chance to solve the current predicament!
"System, sign in!"

It's past midnight now, and a new day has begun, and Xiao Yi can sign in again!
"Successful sign-in, reward: optical detection satellite template (SSS level)*1."

"The system really understands me!" Xiao Yi thought secretly, directly took out this template from the system space, and used it on the island monument.

Glancing at the raw materials of the optical detection satellite, there are immediately manufactured ones on the spacecraft and placed on the surface of the own spacecraft.

"Optical detection satellite (SSS level): It can be attached to the outside of the spacecraft, and can identify whether there are obstacles 30 kilometers away. It can also be launched and used as a satellite to obtain more accurate and detailed information."

After the installation, the optical detection satellite began to give early warning, and Space One began to adjust the direction of the spacecraft according to the early warning.

Although there are three more farms, the agility of the spaceship is affected, but as long as it is discovered early enough, the spaceship has a chance to avoid it.

Hearing the continuous warning, Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then said happily: "Island Master, is this a new detector?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then walked to the communicator, and said to Wang Yang, "You guys follow behind!"

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied.

Following Wang Yang's order, the chaotic aircraft behind began to follow Xiao Yi's spaceship to avoid obstacles ahead.

"Hey, why don't you just hit it now?"

"That's right, just like a bulldozer just now, how cool is it to smash meteorites away?"

"It's so cool, the island owner has to repair it himself after crashing it, which should consume a lot of raw materials!"

"Yeah, I guess we don't have enough raw materials!"

"However, since we can avoid these meteorites, why did we hit them so hard in the first place?"

"Our current speed is so fast. If we want to avoid those meteorites, we must have very advanced detectors to detect them in advance. As far as I know, our Chaos Star does not have such advanced instruments!"

"We don't have it, the island owner should have it!"


This question is also puzzled by the leaders in the office area of ​​the large spacecraft.

"My lord, why didn't you just avoid the meteorite in the first place?"

"Is it because we are worried that the aircraft behind us will not be able to keep up?"

"Certainly not, the aircraft behind is not big, and it has the engine of a small spaceship, so it is flexible enough!"

"In this case, what is the island owner's explanation for this move?"

At this time, Wang Yang also asked this question that puzzled everyone in the video.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Because I just harvested a high-level item, which can be used for detection!"

(End of this chapter)

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