Chapter 1523
"Since the gravitational fluctuations are not so strong, everyone should take advantage of this opportunity to develop well!"

"That's right, the smart guy has stopped the escape pod and is looking for resources!"

"The handsome one has already opened a supply box!"

"You are so shameless, does your family know?"

Looking at the discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, came to the inter-galaxy communicator, and asked, "Everyone has no problem!"

"What's the problem? I passed it without feeling it!" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

"I didn't ask you!" Xiao Yi replied speechlessly.

"I don't have a problem here, I just feel the acceleration!" Su Wan replied.

Du Kang has already started to untie the rope on his seat, and while untying, he said: "It seems that Brother Jiang is right, it really happens periodically, I hope that the one we met before is the strongest, so we don't have to prepare more the rope."

"I hope so!" Xiao Yi replied, and then connected to Wang Yang via computer video.

"Wang Yang, how is your situation?" Xiao Yi asked.

The last contact with Wang Yang was also to give him time to count the impact of Chaos Star.

Wang Yang replied: "According to what you said, using the anti-gravity system to resist the gravitational fluctuations, no one was killed, but some drivers were not skilled enough to operate, causing some people to be injured, and the injuries were not serious!"

"Well, I see, you can deal with the Chaos Star situation yourself!" Xiao Yi ordered.


After finishing the call, Wang Yang breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the office, looked at the heads of various departments and said, "Is there anyone still doubting the stability system of the island master's spacecraft?"

"No more doubts! This stabilization system is too good, I didn't feel any fluctuations at all!"

"Yeah, I waited for more than 40 minutes in fear, and the result told me it was over?"

"Look, my palms are sweaty. I really didn't expect this stabilization system to work so well on a large spaceship."

Wang Yang said, "Okay, everyone, hurry up and continue your work!"

"Yes!" the crowd responded.

In the cockpit, Xiao Yi looked at Zhu Wu on the screen of the communicator, and asked, "Zhu Wu, haven't you been to Su Wan's galaxy yet?"

"Not yet. According to the map, it will take at least six hours." Zhu Wu replied immediately.

"Well, Su Wan, pay attention to your side, when he arrives at your side, don't forget to take the stabilization system!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Okay!" Su Wan replied.

Jiang Yuntian suddenly said from the side: "Island Master, the survivors of our galaxy are facing more challenges!"

Xiao Yi immediately walked over from the communicator: "What happened?"

"Look!" Jiang Yuntian pointed to the public channel and said.

"What's going on, why is my escape pod flying towards the stars? Can't stop!"

"Lying on the grass, mine seems to be the same, it has been accelerating!"

"Didn't we discuss it here yesterday, this star is transforming into a red giant star, and you have already left!"

"No, I didn't notice everyone's discussion yesterday!"

"The temperature of my escape cabin is constantly rising. It feels like the temperature regulation system has failed!" "My escape cabin is starting to melt. It's too late to repair it. I'm about to be cooked!"

Even if the star is about to go out, its high temperature cannot be resisted by the escape pod.

By this time, those survivors had no chance to escape.

Not even Xiao Yi's large spaceship.

Soon those who discussed and complained in the public channel were silent.

"It's cold, I just @them, and there are no reminders!"

"Is it so fast? Well, fortunately, I was in the water group yesterday, otherwise I would have missed such important information."

"Suddenly I feel that the water group is also very good."

"If there is such information in the future, we still need to send it several times, otherwise some people will definitely not see it."

Seeing the news in the public channel, Xiao Yi said, "It feels like the star is dying too fast!"

"Well, I'm a little worried that our speed might not be enough!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

According to the astronomical logic of the previous world, the speed of star decay is very slow, often hundreds of millions or even billions of years.

But this obviously does not conform to the scientific logic of the previous world.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then connected to Wang Yang again, and asked, "According to your calculations, where can the stars of the Gamma galaxy be swallowed?"

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "According to our previous calculations, after the stars in our galaxy become red giants, they can swallow the orbit where the chaotic star is located."

"Then where we are now, is it beyond its engulfing range?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Not yet. According to calculations, we have to drive at least 800 million kilometers away before we can leave the engulfing range of stars." Wang Yang replied, "But this is our previous calculation data, and now we are not sure about it. Is the data correct!"

"Well, I see!" Xiao Yi replied, "That means we are not out of the danger zone now!"

"Yes, but the speed at which a star transforms into a red giant should not be that fast!" Wang Yang said uncertainly.

"Now some survivors have been swallowed by the star, so its speed may also be accelerated!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

Wang Yang smiled helplessly: "Everything is full of uncertainty now!"

"Well, we have to consider speeding up our sailing!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

There are still 800 million kilometers away from the safe area calculated by Chaos Star. According to the maximum speed of the small spacecraft at 32 kilometers per second, it will take less than 69.4 hours.

For the evolution of a star, less than seventy hours is not a long time, it can even be said to be very short.

But now no one can guarantee whether the stars of the Gamma galaxy will swallow them within this time.

"But now we only have the engine of a small spaceship, and we can only sail at the speed of a small spaceship. It is difficult to break through!" Wang Yang said with a frown.

"In this case, we have to consider using gravitational fluctuations!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Using gravitational fluctuations?" Wang Yang frowned even tighter.

He knows better than anyone the consequences of exploiting gravitational fluctuations.

Although doing so can greatly increase their speed, Chaos Star's aircraft may lose a lot.

After all, at such a high speed, not to mention aircraft, even their miniature spaceships may not be able to escape the possible meteorites or planets!
(End of this chapter)

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