Chapter 1520 Shocked, Xiao Yi ordered him to live

Upon hearing this, Dr. Wang smiled and said, "If you really don't go out, you may regret it for the rest of your life!"

"Regret forever?"

"Yes, believe me, you will know when you get on the island owner's spaceship!" Dr. Wang continued.

Seeing Dr. Wang with a mysterious face, those agricultural experts looked puzzled, but they still followed Dr. Wang's words and floated towards the dock.

"I hope I'm not on a pirate ship!" Everyone thought so in their hearts.

When everyone passed through the buffer room, they suddenly felt a force of gravity, and everyone stepped on the floor of Xiao Yi's spaceship.

"How can there be gravity here?"

"Yeah, with gravity, I feel that my body is getting better in an instant!"

"I finally understand what Dr. Wang said. If I miss this spaceship with gravity, I will regret it for the rest of my life!"

Everyone was taken to Wang Yang's office area.

"Star Lord!" Everyone greeted.

Wang Yang waved his hand and said, "You are all professionals who are very good at agriculture and animal husbandry. Now the island owner needs you to help take care of his farm. I hope you will not disappoint the island owner's expectations."

"Yes, Star Master please rest assured!" Everyone responded.

"Star Master, I want to ask, is the island master's farm also a farm with gravity?"

"Yeah, we're not going to farm in zero gravity!"

At this time, Xiao Yi's voice came from behind them: "Don't worry, there must be gravity!"

Everyone turned their heads, Xiao Yi led Jiang Yuntian and a robot over.

Wang Yang rushed up to greet him and said, "Island owner, the gathering of some agricultural experts has been completed here."

Xiao Yi nodded, looked at those people, and said, "From now on, you will live on my spaceship for a long time, and I need to tell you a few things in advance."

Everyone immediately quieted down and listened attentively.

Being able to live in an environment with gravity is their dream life.

Although they've only been in space for less than a day, they've had enough of the zero-gravity environment.

"Your activity area is temporarily limited to the farm, you can drop by between floors, and you are not allowed to enter other areas of the spaceship for the time being."


"Fighting and other behaviors that affect the order of the spaceship are not allowed. Violators will be directly expelled from the spaceship, and Wang Yang will impose additional punishment."


"Finally, my farm may have some places that are different from your planet. Don't be surprised, just take care of it according to the law of crop growth!" Xiao Yi finally said.

This sentence made everyone puzzled.

"My lord, what do you mean by the difference?" someone asked.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "For example, the growth cycle may be much faster than that on Chaos Star!"

"Much faster? Has the island master developed a new seed?"

"No, the seeds used in the farm are still provided by you!" Xiao Yi replied.

Now everyone was even more puzzled.

"You'll know when you see it with your own eyes. Next, let Wang Yang take you there. The rooms there haven't been built yet, so you can make do with tents first!" Xiao Yi said.

Although there are some house templates on Xiao Yi's island monument, the construction team of Chaos Star is still working in the farm cabin, which is inconvenient to place.

In addition, the environment here is different from that on the island, and the foundations of the houses placed will penetrate the partition between the layers of the farm cabin, so Xiao Yi simply let them build slowly by themselves!

The Chaos Star construction room also has special plates that can be built directly, which is also very convenient! "Thank you, Island Master!" Everyone said in unison, their faces full of excitement.

At least there is gravity here, and you can still do what you are good at, which is simply heaven.

After speaking, Xiao Yi left.

Wang Yang took these agricultural experts to the farm cabin.

The farm cabin at this time is different from when Xiao Yi came here.

Wang Yang called several construction teams to work together, and many basic facilities were installed, including the lighting system.

When Xiao Yi came here last time, there were only construction lights here, but now they are brightly lit!
"There is indeed gravity here!"

"Yeah, even the fields are ready!"

"Great, Star Master, where are the food seeds, we can start planting now!"

These agricultural experts who were tossed half to death by the weightlessness immediately regained their vitality.

Wang Yang said with a smile: "It's been prepared a long time ago! You can do it at any time!"

"Then why hesitate!" These agricultural experts rushed out immediately.

Watching them busy in the field, Wang Yang sighed happily: "We will probably depend on you for our food in the future!"

Although crops are also grown on other aircraft, the yield cannot be guaranteed due to the impact of the gravity-free environment in space.

After arranging these agricultural experts, Wang Yang returned to the office.

The next step is to allocate other places that can come and live.

According to the results of their discussion, let some people with severe weightlessness reactions come over first, and let them adapt slowly.

For others, the quota will be arranged according to the degree of contribution.

When this notice was sent to each aircraft, everyone on Chaos Star was boiling.

"Island Master's spaceship actually has gravity?"

"Great, I must try to get on the island owner's spaceship and stay for a while longer!"

"It's easier said than done. Take a look at this, it seems that you need contribution points!"

"What do I need, what am I going to do, I must get on the island owner's spaceship!"

"Yes, I'll see what I can do to earn contribution points."

"It seems that there are many basic jobs, and we ordinary people also have opportunities!"

"That's right, the island lord and our star lord are very considerate."

After entering space, everyone who was extremely confused about their future life suddenly had the direction and motivation to work hard at this moment.

Everyone is working hard to do what they can, and the entire fleet of Chaos Star exploded with huge energy.

Wang Yang looked at the various aircrafts, spaceships, and feedback reports with satisfaction, and said, "Finally, it's no longer a pool of stagnant water!"

While talking, he connected Xiao Yi.

After connecting, Xiao Yi looked at the happy Wang Yang, and asked with a smile, "What good thing makes you so happy?"

"Island Master, it's those living places that make the entire Chaos Star fleet come alive!" Wang Yang excitedly explained the reactions of everyone on Chaos Star.

"Well, yes, the design of your contribution is good!" Xiao Yi praised, "We can let some people come up to experience it, let them see and touch these benefits, and their motivation will be even greater Already!"


(End of this chapter)

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