Chapter 1514 Leaving Chaos Star

Wang Yang quickly ran back to his office, and immediately connected to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi looked at him suspiciously, and asked, "What's wrong?"

I just contacted you before. Is there anything you can't say in one go?

"Just now our monitoring department reported that the size of the star has suddenly increased a lot." Wang Yang replied, "We are going to evacuate later."

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then turned his head and asked, "Number One, is there any abnormal reaction from our side?"

Space One replied: "The size of the star has become larger, it should be transformed into a red giant star, and no abnormalities have been found in the rest."

The speed of the large spacecraft is fast enough, so it is not panic to see the star expand.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said to Wang Yang: "Then evacuate immediately!"

Although I don't worry about this spaceship, those aircraft are not so fast.

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied, and immediately gave the order.

The Chaos Star aircraft immediately started its engine and left in a direction away from the star.

For a moment, Chaos Star was like a disturbed hornet's nest, densely packed aircraft and spaceships flew out.

For those aircraft without a stabilization system, the personnel inside must be fully armed and wear spacesuits in the cabin and wear safety belts.

Even so, the intense pressure of acceleration made them feel a little uncomfortable.

At this time, on Xiao Yi's spaceship, the Chaos Star office area.

"Star Lord, let's put on spacesuits, just in case." Someone suggested.

These people in charge all know that there is a stabilization system, but they have not experienced it personally.

Although I heard from my subordinates that this stabilization system is very powerful on their aircraft, but now it is on a large spacecraft, and it is still different from the aircraft!
Wang Yang shook his head and said, "I believe in the island owner!"

Hearing Wang Yang's words, the rest of the people smiled wryly. Star Master didn't wear a space suit in the cabin, and they were embarrassed to wear it.

So they can only hold on to the handles of the chairs in fear.

But they didn't feel any acceleration after waiting for a long time, and the water in the water glass on the table didn't even shake at all!

"Didn't we leave Chaos Star?"

"It should be because the speed of the large spaceship is fast, so the island owner is not in a hurry to leave!"

"Hanging like this is really tormenting, let's go quickly!"

At this time, Xiao Yi contacted Wang Yang: "Our goal is the orbit of a planet adjacent to Chaos Star, but the distance is very far and it will take a long time to get there. We still need to use gravitational fluctuations!"

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Have we set off yet?"

"Of course, if we stay where we are, we can only watch the star turn into a red giant and then devour the Chaos Star. There's nothing we can do, let's run away!" Xiao Yi replied.

Everyone in the office was shocked.

"My lord, have we really set off? Why can't I feel it at all?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"This is the role of the stabilization system!" Xiao Yi replied, "Didn't I already give you so many stabilization systems, and you all don't use them?"

"Of course it's used, but those of us really haven't experienced the power of the stabilization system!" Wang Yang hurriedly explained.

Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, then said with a smile: "I didn't expect that you didn't install a set on the spaceship you work in."

Xiao Yi originally thought that when they got the stabilization system, they would install one on the micro spacecraft, but he didn't expect that all of them were installed on other aircraft. "At that time, I felt that the anti-gravity system could also buffer the gravitational fluctuations, so I installed the stabilization system on aircraft that needed it more!" Wang Yang continued.

"Well, such a choice is not bad!" Xiao Yi nodded, "Now that you experience it for yourself, you will understand how powerful this stabilization system is."

"My lord, is it possible that with the stabilization system, no matter whether the outside world accelerates or decelerates, it will not affect the internal space at all?"

"Yes, it doesn't affect at all, otherwise I would have stopped the construction team's work long ago!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"This, this is too powerful!"

"Okay, let's continue working!" Wang Yang said immediately.

Everyone in the office was preparing for the acceleration of the spaceship, but now it is completely unnecessary!

Everyone nodded and continued to work.

After the other aircraft accelerated, everyone finally recovered.

After the acceleration is completed, the spacecraft will fly at a relatively constant speed. At this time, everyone can take off the space suits in the cabin and move freely.

Just like the need to fasten seat belts for takeoff and landing of an airplane, passengers can walk around in the cabin during smooth flight.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian woke up. He came to the cockpit and saw that the spaceship seemed to be moving. He asked suspiciously, "Island Master, where are we going?"

"This star is about to die, and it will expand to the position of the Chaos Star, swallowing the Chaos Star, and we evacuated ahead of time!" Xiao Yi simply explained.

Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized: "It doesn't mean that it takes billions of years for the sun to go out, the stars here are too fast!"

"It's the rules of the world." Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

"Who is behind the rules of the world, or God? They can control the evolution speed of stars?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

"I don't know, now we can only play according to the rules they set, I believe that one day, we will know!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Jiang Yuntian shook his head helplessly.

"By the way, have you continued to practice Daozang recently?" Xiao Yi asked.

"No, there's no such thing as floating in the cabin all day." Jiang Yuntian shrugged and replied.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "I have it now, starting today, at least two hours a day, arrange it yourself!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian knew that Xiao Yi asked him to practice Daozang for his own benefit, even though he didn't want to, he still insisted on learning.

Jiang Yuntian came to the island monument, checked the contacts, and said, "Island owner, Zhu Wu has left our galaxy."

"Really? I didn't even pay attention." Xiao Yi walked over and saw that Zhu Wu's name dimmed.

"I'll contact him and ask him if he has arrived in a new galaxy!" Jiang Yuntian walked to the inter-galaxy communicator beside him.

"Yeah!" Xiao Yi nodded, and then switched to the trading floor. The raw materials he had collected were still very few.

"Put some food on the shelves first, let's try the water!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi hung up some watermelons, also in exchange for the raw materials of the medium-sized laser cannon.

As soon as it was hung up, the watermelon was dropped immediately.

"It seems that food is indeed more popular than those basic resources!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

(End of this chapter)

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