Chapter 1507 Gravity, Life Support System
"Yes!" Gong Tian immediately ordered the spaceships to evacuate.

After those spaceships evacuated, Xiao Yi began to operate on the island monument.

Xiao Yi initially wanted to transform the three medium-sized spaceships into agricultural spaceships, but the gravity device in his hand could act on an entire large spaceship.

If it is only used on medium-sized spaceships, it will be a bit wasteful.

At the same time, Xiao Yi also hoped that the transformed agricultural spaceship could enjoy the bonus of the island monument attribute.

So he handed over the three medium-sized spaceships to Wang Yang for use, and he planned to use the dark gold and cornerstones in his hands to re-expand three spaces that were the same as large spaceships.

Xiao Yi is going to connect these three spaces on the sides and bottom of the large spaceship.

Doing so will definitely affect the flexibility of the spacecraft, but at present it seems that doing so can maximize the use of the gravity device in hand.

Originally, Xiao Yi also considered asking Chaos Star to create such a large space, just like assembling a space station.

But he was worried that the device made by Chaos Star would not be recognized by the island monument, and he would not be able to enjoy the bonuses of the island owner's acceleration and refreshing attributes.

To be on the safe side, he still spent his cornerstone and dark gold to create this space. The cornerstone and dark gold in his hand should still be enough.

On the island monument, it began to rely on large spaceships to expand the space.

After Xiao Yi manipulated it, the island tablet reminded: "The expansion will cost [cornerstone] * 3 million, [dark gold] * 3 million, are you sure about the expansion?"

"What? You are robbing!" Xiao Yi shouted.

According to the cornerstone and dark gold required for the previous upgrade, 1000 million is needed for micro, 2000 million for small, 4000 million for medium, and 8000 million for large. Expanding the cabins of the size of three large spaceships should be 2.4 million!
The island monument actually asked for 3 million directly!
At this time, the system unexpectedly said: "You have expanded too many space partitions, and you really need to consume a lot of cornerstones and dark gold."

Hearing the system prompt, Xiao Yi muttered, "Then this is too much?"

The volume of a large spaceship is about the same as a cube with a side length of 800 meters. Xiao Yi left five meters of space to install various devices, and the remaining height is 795 meters. There are layers every three meters, and there are still spaces between layers. There are various support stands!

From this point of view, more raw materials are indeed needed!
Looking at the amount of resources I have, it is sufficient, let's expand!

After Xiao Yi confirmed it, three objects similar in size to large spaceships immediately appeared on the left, right, and below Xiao Yi's spaceship.

After making these, Xiao Yi contacted Wang Yang: "Now you can trade the soil!"

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied, and then traded all the soil in one go.

These soils were collected before the tsunami, and Xiao Yi had already enjoyed the quadruple bonus when he was in the quadruple state last time.

All the soil was accepted and placed in each layer of the three agricultural cabins.

As long as it is traded through the island monument, it can be placed anywhere in your own expansion space, which saves a lot of trouble.

"Island owner, is this enough soil?" Wang Yang asked.

"Well, that's enough. Now I need you to provide some technical workers to help me lay down the wiring and install some life support systems!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, what kind of workers you need here, I will arrange it here." Wang Yang replied.

Xiao Yi's newly expanded cabin is not a spaceship after all, and it doesn't have the basic functions inside, such as temperature control system, power system and so on.

Those with templates in Xiao Yi's hands can be directly manufactured and installed, such as anti-gravity systems, weapons, gravity devices, and so on.

But if there is no template, it can only rely on manual work.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment, and then replied: "To put it simply, I just want to open a farm in space. If you think you need all the people here, send them all!"

Chaos Star has also sent many people into space, and they should be familiar with this. "Yes, I understand!" Wang Yang responded, "I'll arrange for someone to go there right away. I need you to take over!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yi replied.

After finishing the call, Wang Yang immediately ordered Xiao Yi's request, and engineers from various fields immediately gathered on ten aircraft and flew into space.

"The island owner actually wants to open up a farm in space, which is too difficult!"

"Yeah, not to mention anything else, it's just that gravity is not easy to handle."

"Our space station seems to have some problems with the pseudo-gravity generated by the rotation, and planting is not very good either!"

"Oh, it feels like our future is gloomy!"

"Yeah, the stars in our galaxy probably won't last long, and our chaotic star will be swallowed up soon. I really don't know where we should go after being swallowed up."

"Don't think too much about it, let's live a day!"

"I really don't know what the island owner thinks, it's too difficult to open up a farm in space!"

"We are just soldiers, just follow the command, don't think too much."

"Look, the island owner's spaceship is really big!"

At this time, those aircraft had already approached Xiao Yi's spaceship.

Chaos Star can only make tiny spaceships, so they were very surprised to see large spaceships!

"It is said that the island owner's spaceship is already large, but why does this spaceship seem to drag three burdens?"

"Yeah, I feel that the things on the sides and bottom are a bit abrupt, and they should be added later!"

"I'm so excited, I've never been to the island owner's spaceship before!"

"Attention everyone, many people are working in space for the first time. Remember the precautions for space construction operations we emphasized before, and you must complete the work with quality and quantity!" The chief engineer said.

"Yes!" The crowd responded in unison.

Those aircraft were quickly docked to Xiao Yi's spaceship.

Those engineers and technicians put on the space suits in the cabin, and came to Xiao Yi's spaceship through the buffer room at the connection.

When they just came out of the buffer room, they felt their bodies suddenly heavy!
"Is this, gravity?"

"There is gravity on the island owner's spaceship!"

"How is this possible? How is this done? There is no rotation at all!"

"No wonder the island owner said to open up a farm in space. With gravity, there is no problem at all!"

The crowd got excited.

At this time, Xiao Yi came over, looked at the crowd and said, "Thank you very much for coming to support, my request here is to install a life support system in the three cabins I newly opened, are you clear? ?”

"Understood!" Everyone responded excitedly.

With gravity, they see the future and hope!
(End of this chapter)

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