Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1491 There is gravity on the island owner's boat, and the frog climbs the well

Chapter 1491 There is gravity on the island owner's boat, and the frog climbs the well

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Zhu Wu said regretfully, "Unfortunately, the spaceship that Ergou got cannot be traded."

"It's such a pity, after you talk to Ergou, you can trade it directly to the island owner!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"Uh, I've already made an agreement with Ergou, but you are in another galaxy, so you can't make a deal if you want to!" Zhu Wu replied helplessly.

"We are now in the galaxy of the island owner." Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"What?" Zhu Wu asked in shock, "Has your galaxy crashed in yet?"

"Yeah, just after yesterday's gravitational fluctuations, Ergou discovered that we had arrived at a new galaxy, and only then did I realize that we had arrived at the island owner's side." Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"So fast?" Zhu Wu's eyes widened, and then he asked excitedly, "Are you far from the island owner?"

"I don't know what to say, anyway, it's much closer than before." Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

I don't know how to measure the distance in space, after all, the order of magnitude is too big!

"Then are you going to meet the island owner?" Zhu Wu asked immediately.

Jiang Yuntian nodded: "We are on our way to the island owner now. If there are no other abnormalities, it will take about ten days."

"It took about ten days to reach the island owner? So fast!" Zhu Wu was even more shocked.

"Yes, although you are in the same galaxy as the island owner, we will definitely rendezvous with the island owner sooner than you!" Jiang Yuntian said confidently.

Zhu Wu sighed helplessly: "There is no other way, I will continue to be a comet merchant, otherwise I will definitely meet up with the island owner."

"We will all gather together in the future!" Xiao Yi said, "Be careful of the gravitational fluctuations right now!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized that something was wrong, and asked, "Island Master, have you landed on Chaos Star again?"

Xiao Yi shook his head, and replied, "No!"

"But how do you feel that there is gravity in your spaceship?" Jiang Yuntian asked suspiciously.

"It does have gravity. I just got the gravity device today." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"The owner of the island is amazing!" Du Kang immediately exclaimed, "I almost forgot what it feels like to be down-to-earth!"

"Is there such a device?" Zhu Wu asked in shock.

"Well, with gravity, many first-stage templates can be used." Xiao Yi responded.

"That's right, I can't wait to join the island owner now!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly. He was still more accustomed to the gravity environment.

Du Kang and the others looked at Jiang Yuntian enviously. It would take a long time for them to join Xiao Yi.

Seeing everyone's envious eyes, Xiao Yi said: "Although I still have a gravity device in my hand, I am going to use it for Chaos Star first. Their various productions require a gravity environment more than others. According to the current gravity fluctuations direction, as long as you persist for a while, you can come to my side."

"Well, there is no problem on my side. Letting Chaos Star use it is indeed more conducive to our development." Su Wan said.

Although the rest of the people also wanted to experience a gravity environment, they also knew that the overall situation was the most important thing.Chaos Star's manpower and material resources are very sufficient compared to them. Letting them produce more materials can be regarded as preparations for the future, especially food.

At first, Xiao Yi considered letting them pass the transaction, and each of them would use it for a while, but this kind of constant installation and dismantling would waste a lot of cornerstones and dark gold.

Although Xiao Yi had a lot of cornerstones and dark gold, they couldn't be wasted like this.

"No problem, I can persevere! It was so difficult at the beginning, but now it is very good!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"Naturally, I have no problem. I've been flying anyway, and I'm almost used to it!" Zhu Wu replied in the same way.

Jiang Yuntian chuckled: "There will be no problem here. When I get to the island owner's spaceship, I can enjoy the feeling of gravity again!"

"I despise you for showing off in front of us!" Zhu Wu replied immediately.

"I don't think so, who made our galaxy run so fast!" Before Jiang Yuntian could finish his sentence, he was suddenly pressed down on the seat by a force.

Xiao Yi and the others could even hear the sound of his spacesuit squeezing against the fixed seat, creaking!
Some people were pulled out, and the fixing ropes immediately began to snap.

This process lasted for about 3 minutes, and then their spaceship or escape pod immediately accelerated in the opposite direction!
Jiang Yuntian, who was pressed tightly on the seat, was immediately thrown out, and the ropes used to fix it broke almost instantly.

But this time the seat belt didn't break. It should be that the broken ropes shared a lot of pressure.

But on the screen of the inter-galaxy communicator, Xiao Yi stood firmly in his spaceship, not affected by the gravitational fluctuations outside at all.

The gravitational fluctuation also lasted for about 10 minutes, and then slowly stopped.

"Fortunately, I tied a few more ropes, otherwise I would probably be thrown to the ground again!" Du Kang complained immediately after the gravitational fluctuation stopped.

"Yes, after the gravitational fluctuation last time, no one should be careless!" Zhu Wu replied.

Before the last gravitational fluctuation, the degree of gravitational fluctuation was not large, and basically wearing a seat belt can handle it.

It is precisely because of this that many survivors were careless when the gravitational fluctuation occurred last time, resulting in heavy casualties.

So this time everyone paid more attention to it. Although they were tossed by the gravitational fluctuations enough, there were basically no deaths.

"It's still easy for the island owner!" Jiang Yuntian looked at Xiao Yi who was standing in the spaceship as stable as Mount Tai, and said with emotion.

"Okay, don't be emotional, let's see where you are?" Xiao Yi asked immediately, "This gravitational fluctuation is likely to pull your aircraft's flying direction!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then immediately floated to the island monument and switched to the map interface.

"That's okay too!" Jiang Yuntian's voice came from the side.

"Brother Jiang, do you deviate a lot here?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

"There is no deviation, but my side has surpassed you!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly, "My side just changed direction, and I hope to meet you before the next gravitational fluctuation, otherwise we will be like frogs climbing a well !"

"Perhaps it's worse than a frog climbing a well. The frog climbs up five meters during the day and slides down four meters at night. At least it's still moving forward. This time, the gravitational fluctuations have directly pulled you to the bottom of the well!" Du Kang interjected.

(End of this chapter)

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