Chapter 1470 The Purpose of Galaxy Collision

Seeing Xiao Yi traded another inter-galaxy communicator, Zhu Wu asked suspiciously, "Island Master, what does this mean?"

Xiao Yi replied: "It seems that you may also enter other large galaxies. If you meet your companion in the first stage again, you can directly trade this communicator to the other party to facilitate communication."

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Zhu Wu finally understood what Xiao Yi meant.

"I thought you, Island Master, rewarded me with a communicator to comfort my wounded heart." Zhu Wu said helplessly.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly: "Did you play too much?"

"Island Master, you can't say that. Is there no one to comfort my broken heart?" Zhu Wu asked immediately.

"Isn't it nice to have time to think about how to earn resources?" Xiao Yi was speechless.

"I thought about it, otherwise, why would you sell information in the galaxy in front?" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "If you don't believe me, you can ask Su Wan, Su Wan knows everything!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Well, it's a good thing you're not a deadhead, you didn't pass through the galaxy where Su Wan is in vain."

"Uh, Island Master, can you praise me so that I can die?" Zhu Wu asked helplessly.

"Okay, you're awesome!" Xiao Yi replied perfunctorily.

Zhu Wu twitched the corner of his mouth: "Let's forget it, you should scold me! I'm not used to you talking like that."

Xiao Yi didn't answer.

Zhu Wu continued to ask: "Island Master, is there a stable system now? I don't want to worry about it every day."

"I still need to persevere, wait for my notification, it should be there soon!" Xiao Yi replied.

Now the resources that Zhu Wu has acquired can actually produce hundreds of thousands of stable systems, but now there is no quadruple state, and these resources cannot be fully utilized.

In fact, it didn't cost too much to produce one out of hundreds of thousands of sets, but who made Zhu Wu play too much, Xiao Yi was going to let him hone it.

"Okay, then just wait!" Hearing this, Zhu Wu said with some disappointment.

Xiao Yi ended the call, and began to fill the empty storage slow-release devices with gas.

Zhu Wu switched to the public channel to see what everyone was talking about.

Back in this galaxy, Zhu Wu is equivalent to taking a vacation. For the business in this galaxy, Xiao Yi will hang himself on the trading floor, and other galaxies are his main battlefield.

Only relying on the business of other galaxies, Zhu Wu can support himself.

"I saw the light again! It feels stronger than last time, but I can't determine the distance."

"Galaxy collisions create new stars, and maybe what you're seeing is that newborn star."

"So, the collision of galaxies is actually not only destruction, but also new life?"

"Right, that is it."

"So, I want to stay away from that light. If a new star is really formed near me, then I will be dead."

"Don't worry, it probably won't. If it really appears near us, with the temperature of the stars, we'll all lie flat. There's no chance of surviving at all."

"Then I can rest assured that the rules of the world shouldn't be driven to extinction."

"Is this galaxy collision trying to let us see the birth of stars? Experience destruction and rebirth?"

"Brother upstairs, did you study philosophy before?"

"I understand a little bit." "I feel like you are thinking too much. The rules of the world arranged this galaxy collision just to test us!"

"In fact, it's more than that. This collision of galaxies may allow us to meet more new friends, and we may also meet old friends!" Zhu Wu couldn't help but said.

Seeing Zhu Wu's speech, everyone was a little surprised.

"Brother Pig, when did you come back?"

"Yeah, now it feels like you are really getting faster and faster!"

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and replied: "You are fast, your whole family is fast!"

"Haha, Brother Pig is still in a hurry, we're just talking about your flying speed, don't think too much about it."

"It's not important, Brother Pig, what did you mean when you said you met more new and old friends?"

Zhu Wu replied: "This time we came back from other galaxies and passed through new galaxies. Our island owner speculates that this collision of galaxies will not only test us, but also merge galaxies, just like merging two galaxies in the game. or more servers!"

"You actually passed through a new galaxy? Has your trajectory changed because of the collision of galaxies?"

"My trajectory has indeed changed, but not much!" Zhu Wu replied.

"The trajectory does not change much, but it passes through new galaxies. Doesn't that mean that new galaxies are approaching us?"

"At least it means that our galaxy and the other galaxy are approaching each other. I feel that this is too dangerous!"

"I feel that your focus is very strange. You always focus on points that we can't control. Even if it is really dangerous, what can you do, just destroy another galaxy?"

"Although I can't destroy another galaxy, I'm still a little worried!"

"Instead of worrying about this, why not pay attention to whether this new galaxy has our first-stage companions. If we can find companions, we can support each other and move forward. It must be much better than fighting alone!"

"That makes sense, Brother Pig, can you help us find someone again!"

"Yes, is the price still the same as before?"

Zhu Wu replied: "Our Yiranpin Alliance pays attention to integrity in doing business, and the price is fair. As before, the dark gold and resources of the two units are commissioned at 5%. If you need a private chat transaction with words and resources, just give me Already!"

"Brother Pig is awesome, so is the boss!"

"I hope I can find a companion this time, it's too lonely to be alone."

Zhu Wu told them that he passed through another galaxy with survivors, naturally it was to make another fortune.

Just go to other galaxies to find people and you can get millions of dark gold. Where can you find such a good thing.

For a while, many survivors chatted with Zhu Wu privately, hoping that he could help them find someone.

Zhu Wu got more than 200 million units of dark gold in an instant, and some resources.

Xiao Yi has enough gas compression coolers, he has already filled up all the vacant storage slow-release devices, and then traded them to Zhu Wu.

Now it is impossible to accurately predict when Zhu Wu will leave this galaxy, these things can only be processed and given to him as soon as possible.

After Zhu Wu took the supplies, he said with a smile: "Island Master, with the backing of Chaos Star, your production speed is getting faster and faster!"

"It's indeed much faster, but the pressure is also great. Chaos Star has a population of one billion. With such a huge population, I don't know how many people can survive the collision of galaxies!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

(End of this chapter)

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