Chapter 1447 Other survivors discovered that threshing wheat
"Yes, there is no need for the island owner to lie to us." Wang Yang said equally excitedly, "If you don't want to give it to us, you can just say that you don't need to make a big deal for us!"

The deputy on the side nodded, then frowned and said, "Why doesn't the island master deal with these small spaceships now?"

"I don't know, but this is not what we need to think about. The island owner has his reasons for making such a decision!" Wang Yang replied.

"The Star Lord said so!"

After solving the pirate crisis, Xiao Yi came to the island monument and looked at the public channel.

This made Xiao Yi a little surprised, because everyone was talking about him again!

"Just now I used the astronomical telescope that was just opened, and saw a large spaceship sailing with five small spaceships!"

"Isn't it the interstellar pirate that the boss said before?"

"I think it's very possible. Seeing this, why don't you run away!"

"It's okay, my astronomical telescope can observe them from a long distance."

"Don't you worry about peeping being discovered? If they find out and chase you in your direction, then you will die!"

"What you said is so scary! However, I should still be in the safe zone, so I'm not afraid at all!"

"Brother upstairs, besides these spaceships, are there any other discoveries?"

"Of course, in the end the big spaceship stopped near what looked like a space station. I suspect it should be a pirate's station!"

"Uh, there should be no pirates in this galaxy, right? Isn't there already a Chaos Star?"

"That's right, what you see is not the space station of Chaos Star!"

"The space station of the Chaos Star? It seems possible. If it is a space station of the Chaos Star, aren't those spaceships the spaceships of the Chaos Star?"

"Lying on the grass, it's incredible!"

"What's the matter? Surprised?"

"If Chaos Star has so many spaceships, how strong is Yiranpin who can do business with Chaos Star?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned, and the public channel was quiet for a few seconds.

"If you want to do business on an equal footing, your strength should be about the same!"

"So, doesn't Master Yiranpin have the strength to handle so many spaceships, and at least one of them is a medium-sized spaceship?"

"It's impossible. Different types and levels, the gap in strength must be very large. There is only one person in Yiranpin, how can it be possible to handle so many spaceships!"

"Perhaps Yi Ranpin issued an item to increase the speed, which made Chaos Star unable to catch up, and Xiao Yi had something they needed, so the two sides took a step back!"

It has to be said that the thinking of these survivors is still very active.

Zhu Wu complained helplessly in the group: "You guys have really big brains!"

"Brother Pig, do you know the inside story here? Tell us something!"

"Yeah, as the big brother's confidant, Brother Zhu must know a lot of things, tell us about it!"

Zhu Wu curled his lips and replied: "There is nothing to say. You don't believe what I said before, so I don't want to say it now."

"Look, I made you question Brother Pig all the time, it's okay now, Brother Pig is not happy!"

"Brother Pig, don't, we believe in you, talk about it!"

Zhu Wu shook his head slightly, and said, "Stop talking, I want to rest well, and I'm going to the next galaxy in a while!"

"Brother Zhu is really getting faster and faster now! It used to take about a week to run a lap, but now it takes three or four days to run a lap!"

"It must have been affected by the collision of galaxies!" "It must have been affected. Maybe the two galaxies Brother Pig passed by will collide with us!"

"If you say that, is this equivalent to the merged server in the game?"

"Ah, there seems to be nothing wrong with saying that!"

"After the survivors from the other two galaxies come over, can we also make a fortune!"

"Make wool, the purchasing power of these two galaxies is probably squeezed out by Brother Pig!"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu couldn't help but said: "You can't say that, our island owner told me not to drive up prices because of the scarcity of items, so the supplies we sell in the other two galaxies are completely different from ours. Unanimous!"

"No way, you are wasting such a good opportunity to make money?"

"Actually, it's not a waste. The price is not high and more survivors can survive. In this way, the cornerstone and dark gold can be continuously provided. In the long run, it's still more profitable!"

"Maybe, but if it were me, I would definitely raise the price, and I would raise the price severely!"

"Everyone's views are different, and you don't have to impose your views on others."

Xiao Yi shook his head, floated to the planting cabin, and harvested the mature wheat.

"There is no thresher now, so I can only ask Wang Yang and the others for help!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, then floated back to the cockpit, and chose to communicate with Wang Yang!

"Island Master, do you have anything to do with me?" Wang Yang asked respectfully.

"I have harvested some wheat here, and you can help me deal with it, mainly threshing!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, I will arrange for the spaceship to receive the wheat!" Wang Yang was stunned for a moment, and then replied.

"Okay, I've already put it in a box!" Xiao Yi replied, "After this threshing, you can keep a catty, which is your reward for your work!"

"Thank you, Island Master!" Wang Yang didn't show politeness to Xiao Yi, and responded directly.

Soon, the box containing the wheat was transported back to Chaos Star by the aircraft.

"Is that just a little?" Chaos Star's deputy asked in surprise after seeing the wheat Xiao Yi sent.

Wang Yang was also taken aback for a moment, and then said: "The island owner can grow crops in space, which is already very good. Don't be so demanding. Hurry up and arrange threshing. I'll watch from the sidelines!"


Soon a thresher was transported, and the deputy sent the wheat into the thresher, and a grain of wheat was spit out from the machine.

"It smells so good!" said the deputy in shock.

Wang Yang's eyes widened too, the scent was too strong!

"This must be high-grade food!" Wang Yang said in shock.

The deputy was slightly startled, and then looked at the grains of wheat excitedly.

It only took 5 minutes to complete the threshing, and we weighed it, a total of fifteen catties!

"The island owner said that we can keep one catty, and send all the rest back, including the straw left after threshing!" Wang Yang ordered.


The threshed wheat was soon sent back to Xiao Yi.

When Xiao Yi saw those straws, he smiled and said, "This Wang Yang has a heart!"

At this time, the laboratory on Chaos Star has received the wheat and is ready to conduct research!
(End of this chapter)

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