Chapter 1445 Interrogation of Intelligence
The purpose of interrogating the captives just captured is to find the captains of these small spaceships.

The system didn't bother to remind Xiao Yi, so Xiao Yi could only do it himself.

Soon a captive in an extravehicular spacesuit was brought in.

It was also the first time that the Chaos Starmen who escorted the captives entered a medium-sized spaceship.

Although they were curious, they didn't dare to look around too much, they could only look carefully and secretly.

"Thank you!" Xiao Yi said with a smile to the two patrolmen.

Although they already knew that Xiao Yi could make them understand his own words, it was a strange feeling that they could clearly understand the meaning of the other party's words when they heard a completely unfamiliar language.

"My lord, you are welcome. This is what we should do." One of the patrolmen hurriedly replied.

"Number two, pour some water for them." Xiao Yi greeted.

"Yes!" Space Two replied, and then went to pour water.

Xiao Yi looked at the prisoner in front of him and asked, "Tell me which civilization you are from?"

The prisoner was completely stunned. Although the voice was a little softer through the spacesuit, he could completely understand what Xiao Yi said.

"You, how did you do this? Can you understand me?" the prisoner asked with wide-eyed eyes.

"Of course, answer my question." Xiao Yi took out a laser pistol and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I'll kill you!"

The prisoner immediately shouted: "My lord, please forgive me. Let me tell you, we are a team of the Tianma Pirates."

"Interstellar pirate?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.


Xiao Yi continued to ask: "Tell me about the situation of your pirate group."

"Our pirate group has more than a hundred spaceships, including five medium-sized spaceships, and only ten small spaceships came to the Gamma galaxy this time." The prisoner immediately replied.

"Isn't your station in the Gamma galaxy?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we have sailed for three years to come to this galaxy!" The other party replied.

Hearing that the other party had sailed in space for three years before coming to this galaxy, Xiao Yi felt a little relieved.

The Pegasus Pirates actually have five medium-sized spaceships. If the distance is relatively close, the five medium-sized spaceships will swarm up, and I may not be able to handle it.

Of course, what this prisoner said may not be true, and Xiao Yi will interrogate him a few more times to find out whether what he said is true!
"Three years? Does that mean that you are not far from here?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

The limit speed of a small spacecraft is 32km/s, and it can only travel 3.03 million kilometers in three years.

This number looks huge, but in space, it's not that big.

Taking Xiao Yi's previous world as an example, Uranus is 2.87 million kilometers away from the sun, and Neptune is 4.50 million kilometers away from the sun.

3.03 million kilometers means that even the solar system cannot go out!

And the Pegasus Pirates are obviously not the civilization of this galaxy, they came from other galaxies, and the distance between other galaxies and this galaxy will not be only 3.03 million kilometers!
"Actually, it's still very far away. We discovered a wormhole from a civilization relic, and we came to this galaxy through it!" The prisoner immediately explained.

Xiao Yi was stunned, he didn't expect the other party to find him through a wormhole!

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and asked, "Does that mean there is a wormhole on a certain planet in this galaxy?"

"My lord, it is true!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and continued to ask, "Where are the other five spaceships?"

The other party said that ten small spaceships were coming, but now he has only destroyed five, and there should be five more. "I don't know what happened one day ago. A strong gravitational force appeared, which directly pulled all our spaceships towards the star position of this galaxy. In the process, our members suffered heavy casualties!"

"After the strong gravitational force disappeared, we gathered enough troops for five spaceships, ready to come to fight the autumn wind. After all, the other spaceships were damaged to varying degrees, and repairing them required a lot of resources."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "That is to say, because the other five spaceships were damaged, they didn't come to participate in the siege of me?"

"Yes!" The prisoner replied cautiously.

"How many troops are there on those five spaceships?" Xiao Yi asked.

"On average, there are about 50 people per spaceship!"

"Where are they?"

"About [-] kilometers away from here!"

After getting this information, Xiao Yi didn't rush to capture the five small spaceships immediately.

They are all damaged, and they will definitely not be able to escape.

What's more, it is still uncertain whether what this person said is true.

"Who is the top administrator of these ten small spaceships?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Captain Luzern!"

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said, "I'll confirm what you said with other people. If someone tells you something different, both of you will die. I don't want to tell which is true!"

"Ah! My lord, please forgive me. What I said is true. If some people lie to you, wouldn't I be wronged?" The prisoner immediately shouted.

"Then I can only say I'm sorry!" Xiao Yi waved his hand, and a patrol member who was drinking S-level purified water, immediately walked over and took the prisoner away!

Soon, the next prisoner was brought over.

"Your companions have already told everything before, now I will ask the question again, if the two of you answer differently, then you two will be executed immediately!" Xiao Yi looked at the person in front of him. The captive said lightly.

"My lord, I must tell the truth, but I can't guarantee that the man before told the truth!" The prisoner said with a bitter face.

"Then you can only pray!" Xiao Yi immediately started asking.

The prisoner answered cautiously, for fear that Xiao Yi would say something different from his previous companion's answer.

After asking all the previous questions, Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "You should be glad that the first person didn't lie!"

Hearing this, the prisoner let out a long sigh of relief.

Next, Xiao Yi questioned another ten captives, and the answers he got were basically the same, so he could be sure that what they said was true.

"Bring Lu Sen over here!" Xiao Yi called the patrol team over, and described Lu Sen's appearance and clothes.


Soon, Lu Sen was brought over.

"Captain Lu Sen?" Xiao Yi looked at the other party and asked.

Lu Sen was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that he could understand the meaning of this strange language.

"Others should have already told you, why do you need to ask more?" Lu Sen quickly reacted and asked back.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "There are two paths in front of you now, one is to take me to collect the other five spaceships, and the other is to die."

(End of this chapter)

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