Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1439 Harvesting material channels and installing electromagnetic rail guns

Chapter 1439 Harvesting material channels and installing electromagnetic rail guns

"How is it possible? Templates are not as common as Chinese cabbage on the roadside!"

"Yeah, I think the boss should be like the scalper before, buy more and stock up, and when everyone needs it, sell it again, and it will be another income!"

"How much money can be made in this way, the boss is someone who has seen the big world, so this little money is probably not worth it!"

"That's right, I have monopolized oxygen fuel power for so long, and I have already made a lot of money. Even if these resources can be doubled and sold in the future, they are not worth much!"

"So I feel that the boss just opened a template, maybe it's an advanced template."

"Yeah, it's like the special double-layer glass for space that the boss brought out before."

"I really envy the big brother, how come there are so many templates?"

"The boss definitely didn't open it from the material box, he must have other channels to obtain materials, just like the previous survivor who collected 1000 million cornerstones and dark gold, he also found other channels to obtain resources! "

"Hey, I also want to find other channels. I wonder if the boss can tell us."

"It's stupid for you to be a boss, why did you tell you such a good thing?"

Xiao Yi saw the chat in the public channel, shook his head helplessly, and secretly said: "Even if I tell you, you won't be able to learn it. I just sign in every day, and I can get these things."

"Wang Yang asks for a connection!"

The inter-galaxy communicator sounded!

"Connect!" Xiao Yi responded.

"Morning island owner! Our disc-shaped space station has been built and debugged. Would you like to visit?" Wang Yang asked.

Xiao Yi shook his head: "You guys deal with it yourself, I used to be a little worried about attracting meteorites."

"Yes, then we are ready to put it into use!" Wang Yang replied.

"Well, hurry up and put it into use, and see how the gravity simulation works." Xiao Yi nodded.


"By the way, is the expansion of the fuel tank going well?" Xiao Yi stopped Wang Yang, who wanted to end the communication, and asked.

"It went very well, and the parts you provided are perfect!" Wang Yang replied pleasantly.

"Well, has the situation on Chaos Star improved?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Now that the tsunami has slowly stopped, it is estimated that it will land on the sea surface at noon today, and then we can collect resources!" Wang Yang replied.

"Well, try to move as quickly as possible, we don't know when the next disaster will come!" Xiao Yi urged.

"Yes, please rest assured, the island owner!" Wang Yang replied respectfully.

After finishing the communication, Xiao Yi glanced at the address book on the island tablet, and Zhu Wu's name was already lit up.

"Zhu Wu, when did you come back?" Xiao Yi sent Zhu Wu a message on the island tablet.

However, Xiao Yi waited for a long time, but Zhu Wu didn't respond.

"It seems that he should still be resting!" Xiao Yi secretly said.

When I left this galaxy before, it happened to be almost night, and Zhu Wu needed to do business in another galaxy, so he might not have had a good rest, so Xiao Yi didn't continue to chat with him in private.

Xiao Yi switched to the trading floor and found that he had already purchased a lot of raw materials, so he agreed to the transaction and started manufacturing electromagnetic rail guns.

Although many survivors believed that the raw materials purchased by Xiao Yi would definitely be useful and they would choose to keep them instead of trading with him, there were also many survivors who chose to trade.The idea of ​​allowing more survivors to survive in the first place took effect now.

There are a large number of survivors, as long as some of them choose to trade, Xiao Yi can harvest a lot of raw materials.

According to the current amount of raw materials in Xiao Yi's hands, he instantly produced fifty electromagnetic railgun systems!

Checked the weapon slots of his medium-sized spaceship, there were forty in total, but only four of them were loaded with weapons.

It was the four laser cannons that Xiao Yi had signed in before.

There are still 36 empty weapon slots, and Xiao Yi installed the electromagnetic rail gun system in them.

The electromagnetic railgun shell is also very special, as long as it hits after being fired, it will produce an electromagnetic explosion.

Now Xiao Yi's spaceship's attack power has finally increased. Before, there were only four laser cannons. I always felt that the force of this medium-sized spaceship did not match its name!
At this time, Zhu Wu woke up, read the message Xiao Yi sent, and immediately replied: "Island owner, why don't you just use the inter-galaxy communicator, that call notification will definitely wake me up!"

"Isn't this worried that you are too tired for the alliance's business!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Island Master, I'm so touched by your thinking like this! I'm about to cry!" Zhu Wu said immediately.

"Stop, you dramatist, now is not the time to act, how is the situation in the other galaxy?" Xiao Yi asked.

"With our help, they have slowly gained a foothold now, but they have also received reminders of galaxy collisions!" Zhu Wu replied, "It feels like they haven't developed yet, and they will also encounter the test of galaxy collisions !"

"In this way, we have a greater chance of surviving." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Since galaxies that have not developed will encounter the test of galaxy collision, it means that this test will definitely not be particularly difficult.

This will be very beneficial to the developed survivors like Xiao Yi!
Zhu Wu was slightly startled, then nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, just like when I meet a tiger, I don't need to run the fastest, but as long as I am not the last one or a few!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and said, "This place is much more complicated than meeting a tiger. There may be accidents, so be careful!"

"Of course!" Zhu Wu responded.

"Trade the storage slow release device you sold short." Xiao Yi said.


After receiving Zhu Wu's deal to store the slow release device and hand it over to Space [-] to inflate it, Xiao Yi sent Zhu Wu a deal.

"[Electromagnetic Railgun System] (SSS level)*10 transaction None."

"Island Master, you got the high-level weapon template again?" Although Xiao Yi often took out SSS-level items, Zhu Wu said in shock.

"It's just a fluke!" Xiao Yi replied flatly.

"A fluke?" Zhu Wu shook his head and said, "Obtaining an S-level item is called a fluke. You have been taking out SSS-level items every few days. This is no longer a fluke!"

"Take it quickly and install it on your own spaceship. If you encounter danger, you will be able to fight!" Xiao Yi urged.

"Okay!" Zhu Wu immediately agreed to the deal.

Then spent some cornerstones and dark gold to install this electromagnetic rail gun system on his spaceship.

"By the way, and this, you take it!" Xiao Yi suddenly thought about the engine.

"[Small spaceship engine] (SSS level) * 1 transaction None."

(End of this chapter)

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