Chapter 1426 Contract, Wang Yang's Shock
At a distance of five kilometers from Xiao Yi's medium-sized spaceship, Wang Yang stopped his spaceship.

"Star Lord, let me go there with you!" The assistant at the side said with a frown.

Wang Yang shook his head and said, "If the people on Earth are really tyrannical, you are our Chaos Star's backup!"

"Also, we are going to belong to ourselves. It doesn't make any sense to kill me at this time, so my life is safe."

The deputy nodded slightly, and replied, "Okay!"

"Try to contact people on Earth!" Wang Yang ordered.


Xiao Yi quickly received a message from the other party: "Dear people on Earth, our Star Master is ready, can we go there now? Do we need to bring a telegraph over here?"

The two sides have been using radio waves to communicate, and there must be a language barrier between each other, so it will be more convenient to communicate with a telegraph machine!

Xiao Yi replied: "You can come here, you don't need to bring anything!"

Upon receiving Xiao Yi's message, Wang Yang and the others were stunned.

"You don't need to bring anything?" the deputy said suspiciously, "Could it be that the people on Earth have deciphered our language?"

"Probably not. We have always only used radio signals to communicate, and they have never heard our language." Wang Yang shook his head.

"That's weird!" The deputy frowned.

Wang Yang said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'll find out after I go and have a look!"

A paper boat was pushed out from the aircraft, and then quickly inflated to become a small boat. Wang Yang jumped on it wearing protective clothing.

When he was about to start the engine, a claw flew out from Xiao Yi's spaceship, and accurately grabbed the tab of the small boat.

The space hook retracted, quickly pulling the boat near the entrance of the spaceship.

The entrance of the spaceship opened, and Wang Yang jumped onto the spaceship and walked inside.

At this time, Xiao Yi could only use the space suit in the cabin as a protective suit.

When creatures from different planets meet, they must keep their distance and wear protective clothing.

Because the bacteria and viruses on each planet are different, if you meet without protection, it is easy to get infected and get sick.

When Wang Yang, who was wearing a protective suit, saw Xiao Yi who was wearing a space suit, he froze for a moment.

You must know that the spacesuit in the cabin is about [-] kilograms, and it will be very tiring to walk on the ground wearing such a heavy spacesuit.

"Could it be that the spacesuit technology of the people on earth is so advanced that it can be used as a protective suit because of the reduced weight?" Wang Yang wondered.

Seeing the Chaos Starman who was extremely similar to the people on Earth, Xiao Yi said, "Hello, I'm from Earth, Xiao Yi!"

Wang Yang was taken aback again, he actually understood Xiao Yi's words!

To be precise, he didn't understand Xiao Yi's language, but he clearly understood what Xiao Yi meant!
"How is this possible?" Wang Yang said in shock.

"Actually, nothing is impossible, as long as you believe, then it is possible!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Wang Yang couldn't understand the current situation at all, and there was no way to explain it scientifically.

"Let's get straight to the point!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied.

"Don't resist, I want to form a contract with you!" Xiao Yi said.


Xiao Yi used a contract card on the island tablet, and because Wang Yang didn't resist, the contract was formed very smoothly!

"Now that the contract has been formed, from now on, Chaos Star is under my jurisdiction. From now on, you must obey my orders, do you understand?" Xiao Yi said. "Yes!" Under the influence of the power of the contract, Wang Yang became more respectful, "Sir, do you have any instructions now?"

"No, you just need to develop step by step. I will provide you with some graded food to improve your physique!" Xiao Yi waved his hand and replied, "You can go back."

Hearing Xiao Yi's answer, Wang Yang was stunned. It took him a while to realize: "My lord, don't you arrange some people from Earth to take over the management?"

"No, you can manage yourself!" Xiao Yi waved his hand, not because he didn't want to arrange people, but because there was no one at all!
Wang Yang was startled again, then cupped his hands and said, "Yes, my lord!"

"By the way, from now on, everyone will call me the island owner." Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes, the island owner!" Wang Yang replied.

"Okay, let's go back, I should stay on this planet for a while, and communicate in time if there is any problem," Xiao Yi said.

"Yes!" Wang Yang respectfully withdrew.

Until he boarded his own boat, Wang Yang still felt a little unbelievable!

I seem to be contracted, but I don't seem to be contracted!
Or is the management of people on earth so loose?

Until Wang Yang returned to his aircraft, he still looked puzzled.

"Star Lord, how are you? How are the people on Earth going to accept our management rights here?" The deputy hurried forward and asked.

Wang Yang froze for a moment, then shook his head with a smile, and replied: "No, the island owner doesn't want our management rights, just let us develop step by step."

"Don't want management rights?" The deputy was stunned.

"Yes, it's just that when an order is issued in the future, we need to execute it, and the rest will not concern us!" Wang Yang replied, "Also, the island owner said that he will stay here for a while. Communicate with him, and he will also provide us with some high-grade food to improve our physical fitness!" Wang Yang continued.

The deputy asked in disbelief, "Give us grade food?"

"Yes!" Wang Yang replied with certainty.

The heads of other departments around were also surprised.

Wang Yang looked at them, and said with a smile: "What? I feel like you guys are a little disappointed, why don't I apply to the island owner to take all of you down and replace them with others?"

"Don't, Star Master, I very much hope to continue to contribute my strength to Chaos Star!"

"Yeah, I want to shine for Chaos Star for 100 years!"

"You have 50 years at most, 100 years? Thinking too much!"

"With the high-grade food provided by the island owner, our physique has been strengthened, and it should be easy to live to be more than 100 years old!"

"I can't refute what you said!"

The assistant frowned and asked, "Star Master, what kind of person do you think the Earthman, Island Master, is?"

Wang Yang thought about it for a while, and finally two words popped out of his mouth: "Amazing!"

"Amazing?" Everyone was puzzled.

"Yes, after entering the island owner's spaceship, I saw the island owner chatting with me in a spacesuit!" Wang Yang continued.

"Wearing a space suit? Isn't it too heavy?" Someone interjected.

Wang Yang shrugged his shoulders and replied, "I think so too, but the island owner can move freely. If it wasn't for the advancement of earth science and technology to reduce the weight of the space suit, then it can only be said that the island owner is physically strong!"

Everyone nodded.

"What's more, we didn't use any translator. I could understand what he said!"

(End of this chapter)

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