Chapter 1421 Quadruple Harvest, Synthesis Card, Synthesis
"Trigger the quadruple harvest state, which lasts for 24 hours!"

"It's finally here!" Xiao Yi sighed, and then crawled out of the sleeping bag.

He started to sign in as he floated towards the health cabin.

"Successful sign-in, get a reward: Synthetic Card*1."

"Synthesis Card: Synthesize two items of the same type into a higher-level item."

"Trigger quadruple harvest, get materials: synthetic card *4."

"System, can this synthesis card synthesize two miniature spaceships into a small spaceship?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

Although Xiao Yi could probably guess the answer to this question, he still had to confirm it with the system.


Xiao Yi cleaned up his personal hygiene happily, and then suddenly thought of a question, now that he has five miniature spaceships and four synthesis cards, wouldn't it be possible to synthesize three times in a row?

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi continued to ask: "System, is there any restriction on this composite card, for example, it can only be upgraded to a small spaceship?"


Hearing the system's response, Xiao Yi became a little confused.

Synthetic upgrade cards like this must be used later, and the utilization rate will be greater.

For example, if two large spaceships are synthesized into a higher-level spaceship, it will definitely be upgraded to a smaller spaceship than two miniature spaceships, and the utilization rate will be higher!

But Xiao Yi only hesitated for a moment, and immediately decided to combine them.

He must always be ahead of the survivors' development process, so that he can accumulate enough advantages.

Furthermore, there will definitely be more advanced rewards in the future, so don't be too obsessed with these synthetic cards.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi no longer hesitated, and immediately started to synthesize.

Because he was not sure about the result of the synthesis, Xiao Yi first took out a synthesis card and prepared to synthesize two empty miniature spaceships for the first time!
"It is detected that you have harvested a synthetic card, do you want to use it?"

"Use, synthesize the designated two miniature spaceships." Xiao Yi immediately replied.

"Use it successfully, get supplies: small spaceship *1."

Because the synthetic card enjoys the quadruple harvest effect, this harvest did not trigger the quadruple harvest.

After successfully using it, Xiao Yi immediately ordered: "Space II, enter the small spaceship and check the items inside!"

"Yes!" Space Two replied, and immediately entered the small spaceship.

After the inspection of Space [-], Xiao Yi found that after the synthesis, all the internal materials were still there, and if the small spaceship could be used, it was directly installed on it.

If it is not used, it will be placed inside the spacecraft.

"If that's the case, then you can directly use your own spaceship and the generator spaceship to synthesize!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, and then took out a synthesis card again.

Synthesized his own miniature spaceship with the spaceship installed with a small nuclear fusion power generation device.

Xiao Yi felt that the cockpit suddenly became larger.

"Use it successfully, get supplies: small spaceship *1."

Xiao Yi didn't check the specific compartments of the small spaceship at all, but took out a synthesis card again and used it.

"Continue to combine the two small spaceships!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.Following Xiao Yi's command, the two small spaceships that had just been synthesized were wrapped in a white light and then merged together!
The cockpit just got bigger!

This is Xiao Yi's only feeling. After all, the spaceship has basic functions now, and more functional facilities need to be harvested and installed by Xiao Yi slowly.

"Successfully used, obtained materials: medium-sized spaceship*1."

Xiao Yi immediately used the communication device in the spaceship to ask, "Space No. [-], where are you now?"

"On a medium-sized spaceship!" Space Two replied after identifying its position a little bit.

"Go to that satellite spaceship immediately!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Space Two responded.

Space No. [-] suggested from the side: "Island owner, the medium-sized spaceship has a lot of space now, and the pilot should arrange two, so I suggest that No. [-] come over, and that miniature spaceship can be mounted on the medium-sized spaceship." superior!"

"Mounting?" Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback.

"Yes, the size of the micro-spaceship is very small compared to the medium-sized spaceship, so it has no effect at all when mounted on the medium-sized spaceship. Instead, the micro-spaceship can be used as an emergency escape tool!" Space One explained .

"Okay, No. [-], after you mount the miniature spaceship, come back!" Xiao Yi ordered through the communicator.

"Yes!" Space Two responded.

At this time, the astronauts on the Chaos Star spacecraft not far from Xiao Yi were completely dumbfounded.

"Commander, come and take a look at this!" An astronaut in charge of the investigation said with a face full of shock.

The Commander was taking a rest at this time, and was woken up like this, and looked at him blankly.

"Just now the spaceship of the people on Earth was deformed!" The astronaut thought for a while, and still said something that he didn't believe.

The commander frowned slightly, and scolded: "What nonsense are you talking about, how could it be deformed?"

"I don't know how to describe it, just take a look!" the astronaut said helplessly.

The commander climbed out of the sleeping bag and floated to the cockpit.

When he saw a huge spaceship appearing not far away, he was also stupid!
"When did this spaceship come?" The commander asked in a deep voice.

"This is what the four miniature spaceships of the people on Earth created. If you don't believe me, watch it!" The astronaut played the video of Xiao Yi's synthesis process just now.

The commander looked at the video and was dumbfounded: "This, this, this, how is it possible?"

"Otherwise, I wouldn't say that the spaceship of the people on Earth is deformed!" the astronaut said with a wry smile.

"Immediately send this video back to the ground. I'm trying to contact the people on Earth. I hope it's not other civilization forces coming!" Commander ordered.


Just when the commander was about to contact Xiao Yi, they actually received a message from the people on Earth.

"Hello, our business can start. At the same time, let your space station prepare the raw materials, and today I will process the parts you need for the disc-shaped space station!" Xiao Yi said.

Upon receiving this news, the Commander was slightly taken aback, and then replied, "Okay, did any accident happen to your spaceship?"

"Accident?" Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then immediately understood what he meant, and replied with a smile, "No, we just upgraded the spaceship here, since the upgrade must require some raw materials, so we will use some Miniature spaceships are used as raw materials for upgrades."

Hearing Xiao Yi's explanation, the Commander frowned, but couldn't help but ask, "Did you upgrade so quickly?"

(End of this chapter)

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