Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1413 Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, automatic cruise device

Chapter 1413 Fortune and misfortune depend on each other, automatic cruise device

The team responsible for searching and salvaging the cargo spacecraft immediately took off and returned to the air vehicle cluster.

With these ten tons of S-grade pure water, many lives have been saved.

The food seeds that were originally used to make laser pistols and glass processing this time were all used to purchase S-grade purified water.

However, Xiao Yi also didn't let them trade over.

Now the probability of triggering the quadruple state is 20%, and I am not in a hurry for this moment, so naturally I have to wait.

At this time, I have been tossing for a whole day, and the time has come to more than nine o'clock in the evening.

Xiao Yi came to the island monument and switched to the public channel.

"I've made a fortune! The meteorite I hit has a ridiculously high content of dark gold!"

"How tall is it?"

"Let's put it this way, my collector is of an ordinary level, and it can collect one unit per second!"

"Lying on the grass, it seems that it has been about six hours since you hit this meteorite, have you finished collecting?"

"What are you thinking? This meteorite is very big, I haven't even collected one percent of it!"

"Doesn't it mean that you have collected more than 2 units of secret gold?"

"Well, you're good at math, and it's indeed more than 2!"

"Is this high risk with high reward?"

"If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have listened to the boss, and let my escape pod continue to fly forward. To hit such a meteorite, it would take a lot of hard work!"

"Ma De, this thing depends on fate! The meteorite I hit couldn't collect dark gold at all! Who should I talk to?"

"Isn't it, is it so miserable?"

"I'm lying to you, can you give me some dark gold? This collision has almost consumed all the dark gold I accumulated before!"

"30 years of hard work, once back to before liberation!"

"Stop talking, I have to collect meteorites quickly! Otherwise, the map of the ruins in my hand will be wasted!"

"Lying grass, you are here to show off that you have collected the map of the ruins."

"Hahaha, it's so cool, this time the strong gravity actually pulled me to a ruin!"

"What! Is there such a thing? Are there spaceships in the ruins?"

"Of course, otherwise, how would I say it's cool? And, the [-] units of cornerstone and dark gold that this spaceship needs have been repaired!"

"With so little, haven't you already managed a spaceship?"

"No, there is still a little bit of dark gold, and it is estimated that we will be able to gather it soon!"

"That's wrong! According to the theory mentioned by the boss before, shouldn't the ruins be outside the safe zone?"

"That's right, the direction in which we are pulled seems to be the direction towards the stars. Shouldn't the outside be the unsafe zone? Is there an unsafe zone inside the galaxy?"

Seeing that everyone mentioned the information he had summarized at that time, Xiao Yi said: "At that time, I only summarized it based on the situation of my excavation of the ruins. It is not a golden rule. Don't solidify your thinking."

"Everyone is crossing the river by feeling the stones. The laws summarized before are not necessarily correct!"

"That's right, we still need to collect more information before we can conclude the pattern!" "Then those who have found the ruins, do you want to leave now?"

"It's best to leave. If there is a spaceship from an unknown force, it will basically be dead!"

Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and said, "Yes, I suggest hurrying to a possible safe zone."

"Then what about the ruins now? I haven't repaired the spaceship yet, so I can't drive away!" The survivor who found the ruins by chance said anxiously.

"Lying on the grass, it's already this time, and you still want to drive away the spaceship? Think about your own life first!"

"That's right, if you need any more spaceships, dodge quickly and come back when you have all the secret gold!"

"But I have already occupied that spaceship, and the island monument has also been transferred to the cockpit of the spaceship!"

"Then quickly transfer back to the escape cabin!"

"Temporarily unable to transfer!"

"Uh, then just wait here and see if you encounter a small spaceship from an unknown force (the description above was wrong, what Xiao Yi encountered when excavating the ruins was not a medium-sized spaceship, but a small one)!"

The survivor who discovered the ruins hesitated for a moment, found Xiao Yi's ID, and chatted privately.

"Boss Yiranpin, I have something here, do you want to accept it?"

Xiao Yi saw this private chat and said, "Let's see it!"

"[Automatic Cruise Device] (Class B)*1."

"[Automatic Cruise Device] (Class B): It can make the spacecraft cruise automatically according to the set path."

The reminder on the island tablet is very simple, but the system reminder let Xiao Yi know that this device is not that simple.

"Automatic cruise device (Class B): installed on the spacecraft, it can make the spacecraft cruise automatically according to the set path, scan out obstacles within 32km around the cruise path, and actively avoid obstacles with a relative speed of 32km/s on the cruise path thing."

Seeing what the other party sent, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, and then asked, "Do you want to exchange this for dark gold?"

"Yes! I hope you can give 10 units of dark gold and fuel to fill the fuel tank of the miniature spaceship." The other party said in a deep voice.

Through the system prompt, Xiao Yi understood that as long as he had this device, he could basically avoid daily meteorite impacts!

This device is not very useful to Xiao Yi. He has an intelligent robot, which must be much smarter than this cruise device, but it can be bought for Brother Jiang or Zhu Wu to use.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and said, "You want too much, I will give you up to 20 dark gold, [-]% of the micro-spaceship fuel!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, the other party frowned, and then replied: "Boss, you are too hard on the bargain, my bottom line is 30 dark gold, [-]% of the micro-spaceship fuel! You can see if it’s okay, if it’s not, forget it, just pretend that I haven’t looked for you!”

After sending this message, the survivor stared nervously at the island monument.

If Xiao Yi really said no, then he really had to wait to die!
Xiao Yi pondered for a while, and said, "Okay, hurry up and make a deal, if you delay like this, you may really have to face the spaceship of that unknown force."

Seeing that Xiao Yi agreed to the deal, the survivor immediately replied happily: "Okay, thank you, big brother!"

It's just that he couldn't see from the island monument that this automatic cruise device has the function of automatically avoiding obstacles, otherwise Xiao Yi would not be able to buy it at this price.

It can automatically avoid obstacles, which is equivalent to having one more person!
The only disadvantage of this device is that it consumes fuel constantly when cruising, but this is not a problem for Xiao Yi.

"[Automatic Cruise Device] (Class B)*1 is traded for [Dark Gold]*2, [Fuel] (calculated in miniature spaceships)*30%."

Seeing the transaction initiated by the other party, Xiao Yi immediately agreed to get this automatic cruise device!
(End of this chapter)

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