Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1389 The scanning distance is limited, reaching the ruins

Chapter 1389 The scanning distance is limited, reaching the ruins

"Scan the comet?" Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, "It's okay, but your orbit should be a little far away from the comet, so I'm afraid you won't be able to scan anything!"

While talking, Xiao Yi rented the super powerful scanning analyzer.

"[Super Scanning Analyzer] (SSS level) one-hour use permission transaction no."

When Zhu Wu saw this SSS-level instrument, he was no longer as shocked as before. Xiao Yi had too many advanced instruments in his hands, and he was no longer surprised by it!

Agreeing to the transaction, the island monument immediately prompted.

"It was detected that you got [Super Scanning Analyzer] (SSS level) *1, did you spend [Dark Gold] *100, [Corner Stone] *100 to install it on the spaceship?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, it would cost so much dark gold to install it once?

Now that you have already traded over, you have to give it a try!

Zhu Wu immediately installed this thing on his spaceship, and then started scanning, targeting the comet.

"The target is too far away to scan, and it can scan all the matter within 32 kilometers around the spacecraft!" The ultra-powerful scanning analyzer immediately prompted.

32 kilometers, on a planet, the distance is not short, but in space, 32 kilometers is only a two-second journey of a miniature spaceship!

"Sure enough, it can't be scanned. Even in the escape pod, the distance from the comet itself is estimated to be more than 32 kilometers!" Zhu Wu muttered helplessly.

But since the ultra-powerful scanning analyzer has already been borrowed, the installation fee cannot be wasted.

"Immediately scan the composition of the comet tail around the spacecraft."

"Scan completed, analyzing."

"The analysis is complete. The surrounding 32km contains: 100 million kg of water, 5000 units of dark gold, 80kg of iron, and 60kg of aluminum. They are mainly distributed near the comet. The further away from the comet, the scarcer the resources!"

Seeing the result of this analysis, Zhu Wu nodded slightly: "No wonder one ton of water resources can be collected casually, there are so many, and the dark gold content is also quite a lot, five thousand units!"

You must know that the spacecraft is still far away from the comet, there are so many positions here, not to mention the position closer to the comet!

Zhu Wu took the initiative to exchange the rented ultra-powerful scanning analyzer back, and said, "In just a short while, the cornerstone and dark gold of a hundred units will be gone!"

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then immediately reacted, and said with a smile: "Since you choose to install it here, it will definitely cost cornerstones and dark gold!"

"The result is about the same as you expected. It is true that the comet body cannot be scanned, but the resource content in the tail of the comet is still very considerable!" Zhu Wu explained the result of the scan just now.

"It seems that this comet is indeed a holy land of resources!" Xiao Yi sighed with emotion.

"Indeed, in addition to being a comet businessman, I still need to devote part of my energy to thinking about how to develop comets." Zhu Wu replied.

Xiao Yi replied with a smile: "Let's wait until we find the equipment suitable for mining comets. Right now, we can only enjoy our eyes."

"That's right, boss, how long will it take for you to reach the ruins?" Zhu Wu asked, changing the subject.

"It will take another three or four hours!" Xiao Yi responded.

"It doesn't seem very far away!" Zhu Wu said.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Of course it won't be very far. It makes no sense at all for us to open distant ruins at this time!" "That's true, boss, you must pay attention to safety here!" Zhu Wu Caring said.

"Don't worry, the Survivor has already reminded us that the rules of this world will not allow us to get the things in the ruins easily, and I will not be careless!" Xiao Yi responded.

"Well, then I wish you all the best!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "I'll continue to swim!"

After finishing the chat, Xiao Yi started to prepare for dinner, and always had to replenish some energy before exploring the ruins.

The time is now one o'clock in the afternoon, and it is expected to arrive at the ruins around four o'clock in the afternoon.

"Made, it will take half a day to mine this meteorite. After mining, there are only some basic raw materials, and there is no map of the ruins at all!"

"Otherwise? Could it be that the map of the ruins appears when you mine a piece? Brother, do you want to eat farts?"

"That is, if the relic map is so easy to collect, the relic map should be flooded by now!"

"That's right, or you have to be patient and keep collecting, or you give up. As the saying goes, nothing is difficult in the world, as long as you are willing to give up!"

"The upstairs is very reasonable, so I'd better stick to it for a while!"

"It seems that only three ruins maps have been released so far? Have other survivors got the ruins map?"

"Maybe there are still some that broke out, but they didn't say anything in the public channel!"

"I still appeal to everyone, if the map of the ruins is released, let us know in the group, this will not delay everyone's excavation, we always need to know what the probability of the map of the ruins is about to be released!"

"Yes, I agree, this is convenient for summarizing, especially for a boss like Yi Ranpin, as long as he provides information, he can always see more things than us!"

"Well, when I mine it, I'll talk about it here!"

"I agree!"

Xiao Yi had already floated back to the living cabin, got into his sleeping bag, and was about to take a rest.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi was woken up by Space [-].

"How long before we reach our destination?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

"Going back to the island owner, it will take 15 minutes!" Space No. [-] responded.

Xiao Yi nodded, went to the sanitary cabin to deal with personal hygiene, and then immediately floated to the cockpit.

When navigating in space, if there are reference objects around, you can also judge your own speed.

But now there is no reference object, if he didn't see himself moving on the map, Xiao Yi wouldn't even feel the whole spaceship moving.

"Island owner, please sit in the driver's seat and fasten your seat belt, we are about to slow down." Space One reminded.

The speed of navigation in space is very fast, so every time when accelerating and decelerating, the people in the cabin must fix themselves, otherwise they may directly hit the inner wall of the cabin!
Just like when a manned spacecraft is launched, astronauts need to wear spacesuits inside the spacecraft. This is to help astronauts adapt to this very large acceleration to a certain extent.

Survivors like Xiao Yi who have passed the first stage have all reached the SSS level in physique, which is why they don't need to wear spacesuits in the escape pod or miniature spaceship when they fly!

If they come into contact with higher-speed aircraft in the future, if there is no certain stabilization system, and their physical fitness has not improved again, then they need to wear spacesuits in the cabin!
(End of this chapter)

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