Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1383 Appearance of Large Spaceships, Discussions, and Ruins

Chapter 1383 Appearance of Large Spaceships, Discussions, and Ruins
It cannot be shared by multiple people, which means that it can only be purchased by a single person, and the price for a single purchase will not be very high.

What's more, everyone has really adapted to the environment of their own escape cabins. Although it is a bit smelly, at least it will not affect their continued survival. This also determines that no one will pay a high price to buy this urine and feces collector.

"The boss has no reaction at all, so he probably won't sell it."

"Then I can only open this by myself, I hope today's supply box can give me some surprises!"

"Lying on the grass, I saw a huge spaceship passing by, it seems to be bigger than the spaceship I saw before!"

"Like? Now that you've seen them all, isn't the size comparable?"

"Brother, the distance is different, and there is no measuring tool now, so I can only measure it according to my feeling!"

"Is it a native of this galaxy? What is that Chaos Star?"

Xiao Yi also said at this time: "Probably not, the indigenous aerospace industry here has just started, if there are really huge spaceships, maybe they won't talk to me on an equal footing at all!"

"Boss is so sober, he has developed so well, and he can still clearly understand the fundamental reason why the natives have an equal dialogue with him!"

"As long as you don't get carried away, you should be able to realize this."

"That's right, if the strength completely crushes the other party, no one will choose to have an equal dialogue with the other party!"

Xiao Yi ignored them, but frowned and asked, "Can you describe how you saw the spaceship?"

"It's a very long spaceship. It looks like it should be made of metal. It's also very fast. It just moved past me quickly. Lying on the grass!"

"Damn, brother upstairs, can we not be surprised?"

"Yeah, what happened?"

"I just saw a huge meteorite in front of that spaceship. I thought it would go around. Unexpectedly, a beam of light was emitted from that spaceship, which directly scattered the meteorite!"

"So cruel?"

"Made, that meteorite is estimated to be a hundred times larger than my escape pod!"

"Is the opponent's attack so powerful?"

"Not only is the attack powerful, but the opponent's ability to accurately smash the meteorites blocking the spaceship shows that the various systems of their spaceship are already very complete."

"Yeah, we can only hide when we encounter meteorites, and we feel ashamed when we think about it!"

"Wouldn't this be a test arranged for us by the rules of the world?"

"Certainly not. With such a spaceship coming, all the survivors in the galaxy will give up, and they will definitely not be able to survive!"

"Then why do we see such a powerful spaceship at this time?"

"I think it should let us open our eyes and give us the motivation to upgrade!"

"That's right, if we can upgrade our escape pod to the size of that spaceship in the future, it would be great to think about it!"

"Yes, the first stage is to develop a small island in the sea, and this stage is to develop an isolated island in the sea of ​​stars, the escape cabin!"

"But upgrading is really too difficult. The first upgrade requires tens of millions of cornerstone dark gold. Some bigwigs may have gathered the cornerstone in the first stage, but what about dark gold! Alas, it feels like upgrading to a miniature spaceship It’s nowhere in sight, let alone such a powerful spaceship!”

"Yes, I think there is another question. If we really upgrade to such a powerful spaceship, will we need a lot of manpower? Otherwise, wouldn't we be lonely alone?" "Brother upstairs, don't think too much, Take your time first, you haven’t upgraded yet, are you thinking about the days after the upgrade?”

"Yeah, you haven't even bought a lottery ticket yet, have you started thinking about how to spend the 5000 million won?"

"That's true, maybe it's the same as the first stage, and we can still find some natives to contract with!"

"Shit, you're still thinking about expanding your spaceship and expanding your population!"

Seeing the discussion in the public channel, Xiao Yi frowned slightly.

What kind of spaceship is this huge spaceship that suddenly appeared?
With such a strong attack power, could it be the force behind the previous unmanned detector?
If it is true, interstellar pirates are probably wandering around this galaxy. Aren't they very dangerous?
"This spaceship should not belong to the interstellar pirates. If it belongs to them, they should know where their unmanned probe was destroyed!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, "Could there be a fourth party?"

The more Xiao Yi thought about it, the more he felt that the situation of this gamma galaxy was a bit complicated.

But the complicated situation is good news for survivors, they can survive in the cracks.

If there is really only one force, the other party can unscrupulously sweep through this galaxy, so the survivors may be even more dangerous!

After figuring this out, Xiao Yi said in the public channel: "There may be more than three forces in this galaxy, and there will be certain checks and balances between them. We can only develop ourselves as soon as possible, and wait until this balance is broken. If we don't have the ability to protect ourselves, it's dangerous!"

"The boss is very right. There is no need to worry about these things now. If there is such a powerful enemy, you will die if you don't worry about it. Why not work hard to develop yourself!"

"I want to work hard too, but I don't know how to work hard at all!"

"I will show you a clear way, try to mine the meteorites in the surrounding meteorite belt, there will be surprises!"

"There will be surprises? What surprises, can you tell me?"

"That's right, don't be a riddler, the grave of the last survivor who was a riddler is three feet high!"

"There is a chance to drop good things randomly, go mine it yourself, not only the meteorites in the meteorite rain, but also the meteorites in the meteorite belt next to us have a probability!"

"Really, bro? Did you get something good here?"

"It's nothing but a map of the ruins of a first-level civilization!"

"I'll go, did you get one here too? It seems that someone opened a supply box last time and opened one. How come there are so many?"

"Is it just to make us develop faster?"

"It's also possible, maybe after finding the ruins, it will be able to soar into the sky, at least we don't need to start from scratch to develop the space business like we do now!"

"Yes, but now we are in this state, can we go to find the ruins?"

"It shouldn't work, one escape pod lands on one planet?"

"Who told you that the ruins of this civilization must be on the planet?"

"Can the ruins still be in this vast space?"

"Why not? We are now in space to survive, so there seems to be nothing wrong with arranging it in space, right?"

"It seems to be the same, but which brother was so sure that the relics of civilization are not on the planet, have you already found and excavated a relic?"

(End of this chapter)

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