Chapter 1378 Success, carry the comet merchant to the end
"What you said is simple, it would take an untold amount of fuel to escape!" Zhu Wu even had time to send a message on the public channel!

"Since you can't escape now, what are you doing?" Someone asked curiously.

"Of course I'm trying to become a satellite of a comet!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Lying on the grass, is this okay? I've never heard of comets and satellites?"

"Well, I haven't heard of it, but, according to my shallow knowledge of astrophysics, this is not completely impossible. The mass of this comet is large enough, equivalent to a planet in this galaxy, and the planet has satellites, so we can say Got it!"

"That said, it doesn't seem impossible! Brother Pig, your thinking is too quick!"

"Heh, if I'm so agile, can I fly with the comet?" Zhu Wu replied helplessly, "It's all the big guy's idea, but fortunately I hugged the big guy's thigh!"

"It turned out to be the idea of ​​Yiranpin boss, it's awesome!"

"Brother Pig, according to what you said, you have successfully become a satellite of the comet?"

At this time, Zhu Wu discovered that the spaceship no longer needed power, and could revolve around the comet autonomously!
He let out a long sigh of relief, and immediately reported to Xiao Yi: "We have basically found the orbit, and now it's finally free of fuel."

In Xiao Yi's previous world, the horizontal speed of the satellite's flight was the first cosmic speed, that is, the orbital speed.

As long as the satellite obtains this horizontal speed, it can fly around the earth without further power.

"Great!" Xiao Yi happily replied.

"However, I also have some bad news." Zhu Wu looked at the comet in front of him, and said helplessly, "The orbit is too high, and I'm afraid I can only collect it when I enter the tail area of ​​the comet. Water resources are needed!"

Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, and then replied with a smile: "This is not a problem, many of the meteorite belts around us contain water resources, so don't worry about that!"

"That's good, otherwise, wouldn't I be your drag!" Zhu Wu replied, "I can't provide any resources, and I'm still consuming your resources!"

"You're not right. Although you won't be able to collect enough resources this way, you can be your comet merchant with peace of mind!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "You brought me several Million units of dark gold, even if you can mine comets continuously, how much dark gold can you mine?"

"That's right, I actually forgot my job. It seems that I will completely become a comet merchant!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

Xiao Yi smiled and traded back all the things he traded before.

"[Space Sleeping Bag] (S-level)*1, [Cute Rag Doll]*1 No transaction."

Zhu Wu immediately agreed to the deal, and then began to arrange his spaceship. The space of the spaceship was much larger than the previous escape pod!

However, he didn't have many things, so he probably allocated a cabin, and then continued to return to the island monument, chatting and fucking with everyone in the public channel!
He is so boring!

"Brother Pig, what's the situation over there? Why are you chatting and chatting with no one?"

"There won't be another accident, will it?"

"It shouldn't be so. I didn't feel any pressure at all after reading the message sent by Brother Zhu just now."

"The space here is not certain. You might encounter a meteorite impact!" "You were just hit by a meteorite. Your whole family was hit by a meteorite. I just went to pee, and you guys are here. I'm arranged like this here?" Zhu Wu appeared immediately.

"Um, Brother Pig, I'm just talking about a dangerous possibility, I'm not planning you!"

"Yeah, you haven't responded to our question just now? Have you really become a satellite of a comet?"

"I can't be a satellite of a comet. My spaceship is now in orbit around a satellite of a comet." Zhu Wu also caught a word.

"Lying on the grass, awesome, now you are completely tied to the comet!"

"That's right, I want to play the role of comet merchant to the extreme!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"That means you will still be in the business of material and information transmission in the future?"

"Of course, I hope everyone will join us in the future!" Zhu Wu responded immediately.

"That must be appreciated. I still hope that you can help me go to another galaxy to look for it, and I will chat with you privately for dark gold!"

"Yeah, I also want to confirm again, whether the companions in the first stage are really not in these two galaxies, please ask me again!"

"Okay, if you need to find someone, just chat with me privately as before!" Zhu Wu replied, "It just so happens that I also have a message I just received from another galaxy, everyone, please see for yourself if anyone is looking for you!"

Zhu Wu took a screenshot of the person Jiang Yuntian was looking for in that galaxy, and put it on the public channel of this galaxy.

For a while, no one spoke on the public channel, and they all looked for their name on the screenshot.

"No, alas, actually thinking about it, I know this is the result. The person we are looking for has already been inquired over there. Since we can't find it, it must mean that we don't have our companions. Without companions, naturally there won't be any here."

"Oh, yes, I really don't know how many galaxies have been set up by the rules of this world to accommodate the survivors of the first stage. We have three galaxies here, and [-]% of them can't find our companions!"

"Yeah, this is too exaggerated! Could it be that the rules of this world use the entire universe as our testing ground?"

"Could it be that our companions have been eliminated?"

"Hey, I didn't find it, so let's pretend they are still alive!"

All survivors in this galaxy know how difficult the initial stage is, and the probability of being eliminated in the initial stage is too high!
If there is no Yiranpin here, it is estimated that at least half of the survivors will be eliminated.

Zhu Wu looked at the chat in the group, shook his head helplessly, switched to the private chat channel, and asked, "Boss, do you still have that kind of liquid gas storage release device? One is not enough, if there are more , those on my side can scoop up all the dark gold from the other two galaxies!"

"The raw materials of this instrument are relatively difficult to collect, so far we have only produced one more, and I will give it to you when it is full!" Xiao Yi replied helplessly.

"Okay, then two sets of liquid oxygen and one set of liquid hydrogen!" Zhu Wu thought for a while and said, "The last time I went to Brother Jiang, I only cared about selling oxygen, and liquid hydrogen is useless at all!"

"This time we can sell fuel and oxygen together. By the way, I will give you all the raw materials for this slow-release storage device in a while, and you can go to the other two galaxies to help me collect some!" Xiao Yi urged.

(End of this chapter)

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