Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1374 Meteorite Out of Treasure Chest, Wet Wipes for Space

Chapter 1374 Meteorite Out of Treasure Chest, Wet Wipes for Space

"You say, is this probe a native of this galaxy?"

"I think it's very possible. If it's a native of this galaxy, can you contact me and ask them what they mean?"

"Yeah, @易然品, boss, why don't you ask them?"

Xiao Yi saw the information in the public channel, so he said: "I will communicate with them, but I feel that this unmanned space probe is not from Chaos Star!"

"Aren't they native here? Is there a third-party force?"

"It seems that we still have to seize the time to develop ourselves."

"Yeah, let's not talk about it, I'm going to grab the supply box! I hope I can issue an upgrade card and upgrade to a spaceship. Even if I can't fight in the future, I can escape faster!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, then floated towards the planting cabin.

At this time, the entire planting cabin is full of greenery, watering all the crops, and adding some nutrient solution.

Seeing the vigorous growth of potato seedlings, Xiao Yi secretly said: "I hope Chaos Star can agree to his deal! Otherwise, you can only eat plain potatoes!"

Space No. [-] floated over and said, "Island Master, the Chaos Star ship is here again and sent us a message. You need to go and respond."

Hearing this, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback, and said, "I was thinking about this just now, I didn't expect to come so soon!"

"However, their speed is too fast!" Xiao Yi muttered as he floated towards the cockpit, "It's only been a night, and they brought the things here? Is it so simple to launch a spaceship?" ?"

In the previous world, it took a very long period of time to launch a manned spacecraft. Could it be that the aviation technology on Chaos Star is so advanced?
Thinking of this, Xiao Yi came to the cockpit and saw the message sent by the other party.

"Dear people on Earth, hello, our star master has agreed to your transaction, but the materials for the transaction need to be prepared."

Seeing the news, Xiao Yi thought helplessly: "It seems that I think too much!"

"We can wait here. Did you launch this detector?" Xiao Yi replied, and at the same time took out the detector that he had destroyed.

The other party quickly replied: "This is not our probe, it may be from the interstellar pirates. The probes are here, and they may come soon!"

Seeing this reply, Xiao Yi was taken aback for a moment, and then continued to ask: "Have you ever dealt with interstellar pirates?"

"No, it's just that our unmanned probe once sent back an image. In the image, there are two spaceships besieging a spaceship. The spaceship under siege is finally defeated, and the victorious spaceship will lose everyone in the spaceship. Throwing it out directly, I feel that they are a group of robbers, so we call them interstellar pirates." The other party replied, "We have seen similar detectors in the images."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "Okay, I see, I will prepare the laser pistol."

"Thank you!" The Chaos Star spacecraft left again.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, came to the island monument, and sent a message on the public channel.

"I have already confirmed with the natives of Chaos Star. They said that this is not their probe, it may belong to the interstellar pirates, and they reminded that the probes have come, saying that the interstellar pirates are coming soon."

"Fucking grass, another interstellar pirate appeared out of nowhere!"

"Yeah, survival is hard enough, so why arrange pirates!"

"What a sad news!"

"Have you ever thought that this native of Chaos Star is lying?" "This is also possible! Regardless of whether he lied or not, we have to work hard to develop. In the current situation, the escape capsule will definitely not work."

"But it's so hard to level up. We've all experienced a meteor shower. I've only accumulated less than 1000 units of dark gold until now, and [-] million units. When will I get it all together?"

"I've got five thousand here!"

"Lying grass, what's the situation? How many meteorites have you blocked?"

"Not many, just three or four meteorites, wait for the next meteorite rain, and try to stop a few more."

"I feel that the current collector is too low-level. The meteorites intercepted by me have not been collected yet!"

"Hey, it's not easy to get an advanced collector!"

Seeing everyone's comments, Xiao Yi shook his head. Meteorite Rain did provide a lot of dark gold, but the amount everyone intercepted was limited, and the level of the collector was limited, so it would take a long time for everyone to collect enough for the upgrade. quantity.

In addition to harvesting dark gold from meteorites, the only way is through trading, but this requires the resources that everyone needs, so that they can quickly accumulate dark gold!

At this time, a survivor suddenly said in the public channel: "Everyone should have not bathed for more than half a month, and a batch of wet wipes have just been harvested here, which can be used to scrub the body. If necessary, directly Go to the trading floor to take pictures!"

"Wet wipes? How big? If they're too small, there's no point in scrubbing!"

"It's the same size as our normal towels, so it won't trick anyone. I also want to make a long-term sound!"

"That's okay. I'll take a picture. It's true that I haven't showered for more than half a month, and my body is sticky!"

"Brother, it's too expensive for you! Only 10 units of dark gold can buy one?"

"This thing can be used repeatedly, and you can scrub it with water, and it doesn't consume much water every time! Buy it once and use it many times. Think about how difficult it is to take a bath in space. It's so much more convenient to have this wet wipe. gone."

"It seems to be the same. If it can be used ten times, it only needs one unit of dark gold each time, which is still acceptable!"

"The more you use it, the lower the cost."

"Are you still thinking about this? My mother bought ten immediately! I really can't stand this going on like this!"

Xiao Yi also switched to the trading floor and saw the wet wipe.

"[Space Wipes]*1 is traded for [Dark Gold]*10."

In just 3 minutes, this transaction has already completed [-] transactions!

"Brother, have you created a template yet?" Someone also saw the amount of the deal and immediately asked in the public channel.

"Hey, I did get the template, but it wasn't opened in the supply box."

"Didn't it come out of the supply box? Then where did you get it?"

Even Xiao Yi became curious, is there any other way to get the template besides the supply box?
"You may not believe it, I was mined from a meteorite!"

"Ah, this is too fake! Dark gold, water, or other metals can be mined from meteorites, but templates can be mined? Don't believe it!"

(End of this chapter)

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