Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1370 Personal hygiene and cleanliness, negotiating deals with natives

Chapter 1370 Personal hygiene and cleanliness, negotiating deals with natives

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Space Personal Hygiene Cleaning System (SSS Level)*1."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was a little puzzled: "Didn't I already have a urine and feces collector? Why did I give it a sanitation and cleaning system?"

"This sanitation system is aimed at personal hygiene issues, such as oral hygiene, body hygiene, clothing hygiene and so on."

"That means I can use this cleaning system to brush my teeth, wash my face, and take a shower?" Xiao Yi asked pleasantly.


Hearing the system's affirmative reply, Xiao Yi felt the smell of sweat from his clothes, and immediately floated to the island monument, and took the space personal hygiene cleaning system out of the system space.

The island monument prompted: "It has been detected that you have obtained [Space Personal Hygiene Cleaning System] (SSS level)*1. Do you want to spend cornerstones and secret gold to install this system in a micro spaceship?"


"Is it merged with the urine and feces collector to form a sanitary cabin?" the island monument continued to prompt.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied: "Yes!"

"Complete the merger."

Xiao Yi immediately floated to the newly merged sanitary cabin, sweating more easily in space than on the ground.

If the system didn't reward the space personal hygiene system, Xiao Yi wouldn't feel anything, even though he hasn't showered for half a month.

But with this system in place, Xiao Yi immediately felt the sour smell of sweat on his body, and he couldn't even wait a second longer.

After coming to the health cabin, there are a lot of equipment fixed on the bulkhead inside. After a closer look, the basic cleaning equipment on the ground is here.

"Can I take a bath now?" Xiao Yi floated to a cylindrical instrument, muttered, and started it up.

"Lack of shower gel and shampoo. Currently, only water rinse function is available." The instrument prompted.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi said helplessly: "As an SSS-level cleaning system, it can't generate these consumables by itself."

"The cleaning system is only responsible for cleaning, please prepare consumables for the cleaning process!" the system prompted.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes helplessly, and said, "Well, even using clean water is better than not washing at all!"

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi took off his clothes and threw the clothes into the washing machine beside him.

Naturally, the washing machine also reminded him that there was no laundry detergent, but Xiao Yi completely ignored it, and asked him to wash it with clean water.

Xiao Yi walked into the cylinder, and after starting it, the door of the bathing tank closed directly.

A lot of fixed grips appeared around, fixing Xiao Yi up, and then water began to flow from all around.

The water temperature is 40 degrees Celsius, and it is very comfortable to wash on the body. The direction of the water can be freely controlled.

If Xiao Yi wants to be showered from above, he can just speak directly!

In the process of getting out of the water, there were quite a few mechanical arms, which gently moved their hands up and down on Xiao Yi!

"Comfortable!" Xiao Yi said with emotion.

After rinsing, the bathing tank, that is, the cylinder, began to dry Xiao Yi, saving the use of towels!

After the air-drying was completed, the bathing tank was opened, and Xiao Yi came out in a refreshed suit.

The washing machine on the side has finished the laundry work, and his clothes have also been dried.

Although there is no laundry detergent, the clothes are still washed very clean.

Putting on clean clothes, Xiao Yi felt extremely comfortable. Back in the cockpit, Space One reminded: "Island Master, the spaceship from Chaos Star is flying over again."

"So fast?" Xiao Yi said doubtfully.The other party has sent a message, which has been analyzed and translated into the Xia language.

"Dear Earthlings, hello, I am Wang Yang, Lord of Chaos, and we hope to buy some laser pistols from you."

When Xiao Yi saw this news, he was slightly taken aback: "The other party wants to make a deal with me?"

Thinking that he just got the sanitation and cleaning equipment, Xiao Yi immediately replied: "Tell them, I need to replenish some consumables, such as food, cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, shower gel, etc.!"

The signal transceiver analyzer immediately sent Xiao Yi's request.

In the Chaos star spacecraft, after several astronauts received Xiao Yi's news, everyone was dumbfounded.

"It's understandable to ask for food, but what the hell is asking for laundry detergent and shower gel?"

"In this weightless environment, can he still rinse his clothes and take a bath?"

"Could it be that the spaceships of the people on Earth already have gravity technology?"

"No way, this is too exaggerated, it's impossible?"

"Impossible, they can come here across so many galaxies, it is enough to show that the opponent is powerful!"

"That's right, to successfully come to our galaxy, this kind of technology is beyond our imagination!"

"That's right, we don't need to discuss it here. Since the other party has replied to us, then we can pass the recovered information back!"

Chaos Star immediately sent this information back to its own space station, and then the space station sent it back to the planet.

When Wang Yang received this reply, he was stunned for the same reason as those astronauts.

He immediately gathered a group of people to analyze Xiao Yi's reply.

The analysis came and went, but no special and important conclusions were drawn from the analysis.

There were, however, several points of agreement.

First, the resources on the Earthman spacecraft should be a little tight.

Second, people on Earth can do laundry and bathing on the spaceship, but it is not clear exactly how to do it.

Third, the people on Earth can continue to manufacture the laser pistol that was given to them before, otherwise it is impossible for him to reply that it can be traded.

"What we need to discuss now is whether to make this deal with him?" Wang Yang looked at the people in the conference room and asked.

"Of course, this is our chance to get in touch with advanced civilizations!"

"Yeah, there is no hesitation at all, it must be traded!"

"As long as we can get the technology for their inter-galaxy voyage, we can look for other planets suitable for our survival!"

"Yeah, the appearance of this earthling can be regarded as showing us that there must be a planet suitable for our survival in this universe!"

Wang Yang nodded, and ordered: "Then immediately prepare the supplies requested by the people on Earth and prepare to send them there!"

"Yes!" The soldier on the side responded.

"Star Lord, I have another idea!" One person stood up and said.

"What do you think?" Wang Yang asked with a frown.

"Since the other party needs food, can we do something with the food?" the man suggested.

Hearing this suggestion, the eyes of everyone in the conference room lit up!
If all the earthlings on this miniature spaceship can be eliminated, isn't this miniature spaceship belong to Chaos Star?
"No!" Wang Yang replied without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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