Chapter 1366 Jiang Yuntian Galaxy Welcomes Meteorite Rain
Xiao Yi got into his sleeping bag and muttered, "I don't know if Zhu Wu has gone to Brother Jiang's galaxy? I hope everything goes well!"

In Jiang Yuntian's galaxy, Zhu Wu, who was flying with the comet, sneezed suddenly in his sleeping bag. He opened his eyes and checked the time. It was already early morning.

Zhu Wu simply got up, and thought to himself: "Fortunately, I woke up, otherwise, when I went to that dead galaxy, I would have died of pain!"

He patted his face to wake himself up, and came to the island monument to see if anyone was chatting on the public channel.

"I seemed to see a meteorite flying towards me just now, and there seemed to be more than one!"

"Lying on the grass, it doesn't seem like it's true, there are indeed a large group of meteorites flying towards me!"

"How many is a large group?"

"Made, I can't count at all!"

Seeing this, Zhu Wu immediately understood that Jiang Yuntian's galaxy must have also ushered in meteorite rain!
He immediately came to the small group of three people and @took Jiang Yuntian and Ergou up.

"Brother Jiang, Ergou, hurry up, there is a meteorite rain!" Zhu Wu shouted in the group.

Jiang Yuntian and Ergou were immediately awakened by Zhu Wu's @, and came to the island monument one after another. Seeing Zhu Wu's message, their faces were stunned.

"What is meteorite rain?" Ergou asked.

Zhu Wu immediately explained: "It's just a bunch of meteorites flying towards all the survivors, like it's raining!"

"Lying on the grass, wouldn't we be in danger!" Ergou asked in shock.

"Yes, otherwise why would I wake you up!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Then what do we need to pay attention to?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

"What you need to pay attention to is to avoid the center of the meteor shower, and then try to leave as many meteorites as possible!" Zhu Wu said quickly.

"Huh?" Jiang Yuntian and Ergou became confused again.

It is understandable to say to avoid the central position, if you don’t dodge, you will probably be smashed to pieces by the meteorite rain, but why do you say that you should keep as many meteorites as possible?

"Because the content of dark gold on these meteorites is very high!" Zhu Wu continued to explain.

"The dark gold content is very high?" Ergou said in surprise, "How do you know so clearly?"

"Because our galaxy just experienced a meteor shower!" Zhu Wu replied, "These are all discovered by the boss!"

"Boss is really awesome, why does it feel like he knows everything!" Ergou said with emotion.

"Don't feel that the boss knows everything, or knows everything before us!" Zhu Wu said with certainty.

Jiang Yuntian pondered for a while, and then asked, "How do we keep these meteorites?"

Now Jiang Yuntian and the others don't have any equipment to stop the high-speed meteorites, and there is no way to keep these meteorites behind!
"According to the situation at the boss's side, you can use your escape pods to directly block the meteorites that are not too big. Although your escape pods will be damaged a little, they won't be completely damaged!" Zhu Wu replied.

"There are also weapons, which require large weapons!"

"If you use space hooks, you must pay attention. The low-level space hooks must not stop to grab the fast-moving meteorite. You must reduce the relative speed of the two before grabbing, otherwise the rope of the hook will not stop. Earn and break!"

"Don't be nervous even if your escape cabin is damaged by a meteorite. Use foundation stones and unique gold to repair it. If you don't have enough unique gold, don't be nervous. Just rent a few collectors and collect them from the meteorites that hit you! Basically 1 One collector can collect one unit of dark gold every minute!" Zhu Wu said it all in one breath. Jiang Yuntian and Ergou now understood the test of this meteor shower.

"If I use this tiny spaceship to stop it, will the gain outweigh the loss?" Jiang Yuntian hesitated.

"I really don't know about this!" Zhu Wu replied helplessly, "What I told you is all from the bosses, or from everyone's discussions on the public channel. I haven't actually done it. So I don't know how to stop the meteorite, and will I lose money if I stop it!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

Zhu Wu continued: "The boss probably didn't use the spaceship to stop it, because the boss has a laser cannon!"

"Boss is really invincible! I got the laser cannon at this time!" Ergou said.

"Of course, didn't I say before that the boss destroyed the spaceship of the natives, otherwise how could the natives negotiate peacefully with the boss?" Zhu Wu responded.

"Then I can only test it myself!" Jiang Yuntian said helplessly.

"Well, just try it out, I can still collect some intelligence information, and I can feed it back to the boss!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "Don't worry, I won't leave this galaxy at the moment, even if your escape pod It's really damaged, and I can provide enough dark gold here!"

"Okay, then I'll give it a try!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "But I don't seem to have seen the meteor shower yet!"

"The meteor shower should not have arrived yet!" Zhu Wu replied, "Anyway, you should pay attention now, the meteor shower will cover all locations with survivors!"

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian and Ergou responded one after another.

"By the way, you two will remind everyone in the group with me later!" Zhu Wu said, "If I remind everyone by myself, I will probably be banned!"

Ergou was a little puzzled: "Why should I remind other people? They are all competitors!"

"This is for our business to expand in the future. These survivors are our potential customers!" Jiang Yuntian is very familiar with this operation.

Because in the first stage, Xiao Yi did this before!
Zhu Wu said with a smile: "Yes, the boss reminded everyone in the public channel at that time, and he was banned because he sent the same warning message three times in a row!"

Ergou suddenly realized, and replied: "I can't reach the height of the big brother's thinking!"

"Okay, let's go to remind together, you just need to copy what I just said and send it!" Zhu Wu said.

Then the three began to remind them in the public channel.

Seeing the reminder from the three of Zhu Wu, all the people who hadn't slept were dumbfounded, while those who had already slept began to curse.

"Also keep people from sleeping, it's a big night!"

"Yeah, I just fell asleep, and I was woken up again by @Everyone, do you have a sense of public morality!"

"Made, if there is no reason to satisfy me, I will scold you to death!"

"Those upstairs, hurry up and read the messages they sent!"

"What message did they send?"

When they read the messages sent by Zhu Wu and the three of them, they were stunned!
"What? Meteorite shower? Are you kidding me? Doesn't one come here every day? How can there be any meteorite shower?"

(End of this chapter)

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