Chapter 1360 Escape Pod Upgrade Card, Buy

"But both of these seem to make no sense!"

"That's right, if the big guy landed on the indigenous planet, then the question is, can the escape pod land?"

"Can the boss come out of the escape pod? Will he be attacked by the natives?"

"If an indigenous spaceship discovers the boss, it will probably be more dangerous. The indigenous spaceship can easily destroy the escape capsule!"

"Are you still listening?" Zhu Wu asked directly.

"Listen, brother pig, keep talking, don't pay attention to those critics!"

"Yeah, everyone, please listen carefully to Brother Zhu, okay, and stop analyzing it so self-righteously, okay?"

"That's right, Brother Pig can bring so much oxygen, you can't analyze it!"

Seeing so many survivors speaking to him, Zhu Wu continued with satisfaction: "Our galaxy is almost entirely supported by the boss, if there is no boss, our galaxy is exactly the same as yours, and countless people will suffocate to death! "

"One survivor supports an entire galaxy?"

"Shut up! Wait until Brother Pig finishes talking!"

Zhu Wu sneered: "You ordinary survivors will never understand the world of the boss. Can you imagine that the escape cabin of the boss has been upgraded?"

"I couldn't help but interject, can the escape pod be upgraded? Why don't I know?"

"Indeed, look what this is! [Escape Pod Upgrade Card]*1."

"Lying grass, where did you get it from!"

"Just opened from the supply box!"

"Made, I have to open the supply box as soon as possible!"

Zhu Wu saw that there were survivors in this galaxy who had issued an escape pod upgrade card, so he asked, "Brother, do you sell the upgrade card?"

"This thing, a fool would sell it! This is a necessary item for upgrading the escape pod."

"Yeah, this thing must be kept for my own use!"

"Don't ask, the other party will definitely not sell it!"

Just when Zhu Wu was about to give up and continue to be a storyteller, the other party suddenly replied, "Sell, what price can you offer here?"

Zhu Wu was stunned, and all the other survivors were stunned!
"Lying on the grass, brother, are you hypoxic? I can give you some oxygen with the four of us!"

"Yeah, it's not that you won't make this decision if you've been hypoxic for more than two days!"

"Made, let's sell all these things, ask the price, see if I can afford it?"

Seeing the discussion among the people, Zhu Wu immediately said, "1000 liters of oxygen, 50% of fuel, and 90% of electricity."

"There are so many resources, then I'm out of the game, even if you sell me, you don't have so many resources!"

"Yeah, Brother Pig is still very generous, but I think using these resources to trade that upgrade card always feels a little bit worse!"

"However, with so many resources, maybe we can get more supply boxes!"

The other party was silent for a moment, and then said: "It's all resources that are consumed, I definitely won't choose to trade!"

Zhu Wu narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then tell me, what do you hope to trade with?"

"Water purifiers, water electrolyzers, fuel manufacturing related machines, or efficient power generation devices!"

Seeing that person's reply, Zhu Wu shook his head, Xiao Yi still has a few upgrade cards in his hand, he doesn't have to get this upgrade card!
"Lying on the grass, brother, you are too lionized!"

"That's right, with such a set of things, you can survive well even in the escape pod!"

"However, what can the escape capsule be upgraded to? If it becomes very advanced after the upgrade, it is understandable that it requires so many things!" The man immediately said: "The escape capsule will become a micro spaceship after it is upgraded!"

"Lying grass, spaceship? Isn't the span a bit big?"

"No wonder you dare to ask for such a price. If it were me, I would ask for such a price too!"

"Spaceship! If you have this, the universe is so big, you can go there!"

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "Brother, you just talked about the items after the upgrade, why didn't you talk about the materials needed for the upgrade?"

When the man saw Zhu Wu's speech in the public channel, his face changed slightly!
"What do you mean? Brother Zhu seems to know the upgrade card very well?"

"I must understand! Someone in Brother Zhu's galaxy must have issued an upgrade card!"

"Does the upgrade still need supplies? Isn't this upgrade card not enough?"

Zhu Wu continued: "Upgrading the escape pod into a miniature spaceship requires 1000 million units of dark gold and 1000 million cornerstones. This may be the reason why you took the upgrade card!"

"Lying grass, brother pig, did you say one more word?"

"Or did you say a thousand words too much?"

"I didn't say a single word, it's 1000 million!" Zhu Wu said with certainty, "Both materials are at the level of tens of millions!"

"Made, tens of millions of levels, I probably won't be able to get them together in my entire life!"

"Who said no! No wonder he wants to make a move. If I prescribe this thing, I probably will too!"

"This is too difficult, ten million level, too far away!"

"No, why is Brother Zhu so familiar with this? Has Brother Zhu already upgraded?"

Zhu Wu immediately said: "I haven't upgraded, but the boss has already completed the upgrade. He explained to me the materials needed for the upgrade, so I understand it very well!"

"How did your boss get so many cornerstones and dark gold?" Someone asked the question in most people's minds.

"As I said at the beginning, the boss alone provided the resources of the entire galaxy. In this way, do you think this number is still large?" Zhu Wu asked back.

"That's right, if I have unlimited oxygen, it won't be difficult to gather these 1000 million cornerstones and dark gold!"

"What if? Still infinite? Are you using a cheat?"

"That is, how could there be infinite oxygen?"

"Actually, the boss really has unlimited oxygen, of course we need to provide water resources!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

"how can that be?"

"Nothing is impossible!" Zhu Wu replied.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian chatted with Zhu Wudao privately: "Give him a C-grade water purifier and see if he sells it?"

"[Water Purifier] (Class C)*1 Transaction None."

This is the water purifier that Zhu Wu traded to him just now, and it is the water purifier that Xiao Yi doesn't use.

Zhu Wu immediately agreed to the transaction, pondered for a while, and then asked, "Brother, is the upgrade card still ready to be issued? I can produce a C-level water purifier here. If you think it is possible, then trade it. If not That's fine, forget it!"

"Wow, brother Zhu actually has a C-level water purifier, this is too awesome!"

"What's more, Brother Zhu actually wants to trade it out, it's too reckless!"

"Brother, do you trade?"

(End of this chapter)

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