Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1335 It's too expensive, don't buy it, it smells so good, 1 million

Chapter 1335: It’s too expensive not to buy it, it smells so good, [-] million

"What are you thinking? How could such an important map be dedicated to others, I must keep it and dig it myself!"

"So the boss should have opened one by himself, dug it out by himself?"

"I think this speculation is more realistic!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi couldn't help muttering: "It's a woolen yarn! My hands have been very dark, and yesterday's supply box only came out with two basic materials, cornerstone and dark gold!"

Naturally, Xiao Yi wouldn't explain it to everyone in the group, because he couldn't explain it at all, so it's better to let them make up their own brains.

"Number two, bring me some hot food!" Xiao Yi greeted, and then began to make space-specific double-glazed glass on the island monument.

"Obtained materials: special double-layer glass for space (SSS grade)*80."

Because the raw materials have already enjoyed a four-fold bonus, the finished product does not enjoy a four-fold bonus.

In other words, Xiao Yi only purchased 20 pieces of glass as raw materials, and only produced 80 pieces of glass after four times the harvest bonus.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi said in the group: "Because the raw materials are limited, glass is sold in limited quantities. Each person is limited to one piece, and the price is 50 units of dark gold!"

"What? 50 units of dark gold? So expensive!"

"Yeah, boss, it's too expensive. We can collect 60 units of dark gold in an hour, and my meteorite is very small. I guess it won't last long before it's all collected!"

"Yeah, it's just a piece of glass, can it be a little cheaper?"

After the previous price increase incident, these survivors finally stopped being so arrogant, and they knew that they had a friendly discussion with Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi replied directly: "The glass I sell is worth this price. Of course, the transaction is still voluntary. If you feel that it is too expensive, you don't have to buy it!"

Seeing that Xiao Yi refused to enter, all the other survivors were helpless.

"Hey, now that glass is a scarce item, the price is of course expensive, which is understandable, but it's so expensive, I'd better wait and see!"

"Yeah, dark gold is also a very important material, so it can't be wasted so easily!"

"Yes, I believe that in the future I will be able to issue glass manufacturing drawings, so bear with it for now!"

They didn't dare to say a boycott of Xiao Yi's products at all, so they could only discuss it like this.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and then hung all the 80 pieces of SSS-grade glass in the trading hall, and restricted each person to only purchase one piece!
"[Space special double-layer glass] (SSS grade) * 1 trade [dark gold] * 50. Note: Each ID is limited to one piece."

This transaction has just been hung up, and the public channel is completely boiling!

"Lying on the grass, lying on the grass, lying on the grass!"

"What's wrong with you? What's wrong with you?"

"Look at the trading floor, the boss's glass is hanging out!"

"What's the matter? Has the price been reduced? I'll go and have a look!"

"Lying on the grass!"

"Made, no wonder the boss said his glass is worth fifty units of dark gold, SSS-grade glass. I feel like the price is on the low side!"

"Yes, for 50 units of unique gold, you can get one piece of SSS-level equipment. No, I want to buy a few more pieces!"

"You're overthinking it. There's a purchase limit of one piece per person!" "Why is there a purchase limit? I have a lot of secret gold!"

"Just now you seemed to be saying that you don't have much dark gold? Why is it enough now?"

"Just now you said you weren't going to buy it now. I've already seen your ID under that transaction!"

"Made, aren't you planning to make a purchase? Why is it gone so soon?"

"Before I realized it, the glass was gone. I want glass, who can resell me a piece!"

"Upstairs, you're thinking too much! Each person is limited to one piece. If you can buy it, you must first improve the view of your escape pod, and a fool will sell it!"

"Boss, can you release a little more, I have traded all the glass raw materials in my hand to you, help me make one!"

"Yeah, can you cancel the purchase restriction requirement? I want to buy two extra yuan. Dark gold is not a problem at all!"

Xiao Yi said in the public channel: "At present, the raw materials are limited, and I have no choice. Everyone should divide them equally, and it is better not to buy several pieces by one person."

"Boss is right, you've bought them all, so don't continue to buy them, and give those of us who haven't bought them a chance!"

"Yeah, haven't you heard of the rain and dew? The big brother is so fraternal, he will definitely not let some people get fat!"

"Hurry up and trade all the raw materials in your hands to the boss, otherwise the boss can't make these glasses out of thin air!"

Xiao Yi shook his head.

That he is philanthropic?I'm sorry, this is just to allow everyone to survive better, increase the base of cornerstones and dark gold, and at the same time limit everyone from having too many SSS-level equipment, so Xiao Yi will implement the purchase limit operation!
Switch the interface of the island monument to the trading hall, and agree to all the transactions of those glasses.

"The transaction was successful, obtained, triggered four times the harvest, and obtained materials: dark gold * 1.6 million."

These dark golds are all new materials, and there is no quadruple harvest factor, so they can be triggered!
Four times the harvest, don't be too cool!
At this time, Space [-] sent over a bag of braised eggplant and sliced ​​bread.

Xiao Yi took it and started to eat. While eating, he was still on the private chat channel on the island monument, and asked, "Zhu Wu, do you have any food that needs to be heated? If you trade it, I can give it to you." You heat up!"

"Okay, I'll bring it here!" Zhu Wu responded immediately, and then traded a bag of fish-flavored shredded pork.

After Xiao Yi agreed to the deal, he handed this thing over to Space Two to heat it up.

"Boss, you actually sold all the SSS-level glass!" Zhu Wu said with emotion, obviously he also saw the situation in the public channel and the trading floor.

"Yeah, if we want to expand the market, we can't rely on just two or three of us, we need their help!" Xiao Yi replied after taking a bite of bread.

Zhu Wu nodded and said, "Yes!"

"I remember you wouldn't get up so early before, right?" Xiao Yi asked suspiciously.

Zhu Wu used to rest until around eight o'clock, but now it's only seven o'clock.

"It's not that doll!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "With it, the quality of sleep is just right! So I wake up early!"

"Now you know it's all right!" Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile.

"Yeah, I didn't know that the baby was good at the beginning, but now I know, thank you, big brother!" Zhu Wu said again.

"You're welcome, let's have breakfast quickly. I'm trading you two collectors here, and I need you to help me collect more water resources!" Xiao Yi ordered.

(End of this chapter)

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