Chapter 1333 Thanks to the boss, a great harvest, tomato

"Yes, the boss is really awesome. From now on, whoever dares to blackmail the boss, I will firmly stand by the boss!"

"That's right, I've never seen a big boss who doesn't make a fortune for the country, this is the first time!"

"By the way, in addition to thanking the boss, shouldn't we also thank Brother Zhu!"

"Thank you brother pig for what?"

"You forgot that Brother Pig was the first to remind us that there are good things on the meteorite, and also let the first survivor who was hit by the meteorite use a collector to collect the meteorite!"

"It seems so, brother pig, hurry up and tell me how you know?"

"Yeah, if it wasn't for Brother Pig, even if we find out, it will probably be a while later, and we might have missed it!"

"@会跳舞的猪, come out and talk!"

Seeing someone calling him, Zhu Wu smiled and said in the public channel: "To be honest, you are wrong to thank me. I was entrusted by the boss to speak in the group!"

"Entrusted by the boss? Could it be that this was discovered by the boss?"

"Of course!" Zhu Wu immediately replied, "If I fly with the comet, why would I care about the meteorite rain? Wouldn't it be good for me to lie down and sleep for a while?"

"I see, the boss reminded us that there was a meteorite rain, and he made three speeches in a row, and his screen was banned by the rules, so he could only tell Brother Zhu through private chat, and then Brother Zhu explained it in the group!"

"That's right, that's it. I was soundly asleep at the time!" Zhu Wu started talking nonsense, "If the boss didn't ask me to remind you, I wouldn't be bothered to get up!"

"Boss is amazing, he was banned, and he still thinks for us, reminding us not to miss so much dark gold, what kind of quality and spirit is this!"

"Boss Yiranpin has great love!"

"I sincerely admire the boss's behavior!"

Seeing the rainbow farts in the group, Xiao Yi muttered in his heart: "Big love? You're overthinking. I just want to have a bigger base when collecting foundation stones and dark gold in the future."

To put it simply, Xiao Yi just asked them to help keep some dark gold, it's as simple as that.

A large part of the dark gold in the hands of these survivors will belong to Xiao Yi in the future.

To survive, they needed the oxygen, fuel and electricity provided by Xiao Yi, at least for now, they couldn't do without Xiao Yi's side.

As the process progresses, maybe everyone will have the equipment to make these things in the future, and that will be a matter of the future.

Maybe when the time comes, there will be other items in Xiao Yi's hands that they have to buy. In this regard, Xiao Yi is still a little confident.

Even now Xiao Yi has everything they need to buy!

For example, the special double-glazed glass in space!
This kind of SSS-level glass, in the short term, it can even be said that no one will open it for a long time in the future!
Although I don't know the probability, the probability of an SSS-level thing is definitely very, very low, let alone an SSS-level template.

So far, Xiao Yi has harvested 2600 units of dark gold through collecting meteorites.

Xiao Yi spent six hours to intercept the meteor shower at two o'clock in the morning, and waited for the meteor shower to leave.

We started collecting at about [-] a.m. and it’s almost [-] p.m. now, a total of nine hours. Five collectors worked together. It’s not surprising that we have harvested so much!In addition, the transactions that Xiao Yi posted on the trading floor became more popular, so much so that Xiao Yi had to return a collector to Zhu Wu and let him continue to collect water from comets!
If the oxygen fuel is sold too fast here, the consumption of water resources will also become faster.

Zhu Wu took the collector and started collecting water resources immediately!

Everyone has more dark gold, so they won’t be so picky about buying oxygen and other resources. Many people can buy hundreds of liters of oxygen at once.

Seeing that his business is so good, Xiao Yi is also very happy. He has worked so hard to inform all the survivors, isn't it just to get more dark gold!
Just from this day's transaction, Xiao Yi gained 300 million units of dark gold.

But Xiao Yi knew that this was definitely not the end, but just the beginning. As everyone mined more and more dark gold, his sales would get better and better!
There are at least a million survivors in a galaxy. On average, each person spends one unit of dark gold to buy Xiao Yi's supplies, and Xiao Yi will harvest millions of dark gold!
What's more, one person costs more than one unit of dark gold!
Moreover, it is still unclear how many survivors there are in this galaxy, and Xiao Yi can only make a rough estimate through transactions.

At present, at least a million or more!
Xiao Yi didn't harvest those dark golds, but just hung them in the trading hall. Isn't it a waste to harvest so much dark gold!

It has been several days since the quadruple harvest was triggered. According to the trigger probability, it should be soon.

Xiao Yi wanted these millions of units of dark gold to enjoy a four-fold harvest bonus.

"It's time for dinner!" Xiao Yi thought so, and directly greeted Space No. [-], "No. [-], warm up the food for me!"

"Yes!" Space No. [-] replied, and then walked towards the space kitchen.

Xiao Yi looked at the public channel, there were still a lot of rainbow farts, and there was no effective information, so he left the island monument and moved to the planting cabin.

When we came to the planting cabin, the tomatoes were already red!
"It seems that this space intelligent robot is not very familiar with agriculture!" Xiao Yi muttered and floated next to a tomato plant, picked one, rubbed the tomato in the water polo floating in mid-air, and then ate it .

"Oh! It's delicious!" Xiao Yi's eyes narrowed, and this tomato was actually a little bit sweet.

Xiao Yi wiped out the tomatoes in his hand, picked five more tomatoes, and returned to the island monument.

"[Tomato] (Level C) * 5 trade none."

"Try it, the freshly ripe tomato tastes very good!" Xiao Yi sent Zhu Wu a private message and said.

"Okay, thank you, big brother!" Zhu Wu immediately agreed to the deal.

Five big red tomatoes appeared in Zhu Wu's escape cabin.

Zhu Wu grabbed one and gnawed it without even washing it.

"This is too delicious!" Zhu Wu said with emotion, "Could it be that everything grown in space has the attribute of deliciousness +1?"

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and then said, "Zhu Wu, pay attention to the map on your island monument. I think you should be able to roughly determine when you will enter another galaxy based on your trajectory!"

"Well, I've been watching it all the time. At present, it seems that I should have at least ten days to reach the galaxy where Jiang Yuntian and the others are!" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

Xiao Yi nodded.

"However, the speed of this comet is not constant. I probably haven't run a cycle yet. Let's see after a cycle has passed!"

(End of this chapter)

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