Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1330 Come to send dark gold, weapons and claws in space

Chapter 1330 Come to send dark gold, weapons and claws in space
"What does Brother Pig mean?"

"Brother Pig, do you know something here? Just tell us, this way of guessing riddles, no one can guess it!"

"Yes, the Riddler will be cast aside by everyone!"

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "That brother will know if he goes out to collect it, we just wait for the result!"

At this time, people with active minds thought of a possibility.

"Wouldn't this just provide us with a huge amount of quiet opportunity!"

"If that's the case, wouldn't it be unnecessary to hide? If you avoid it, you'll lose the chance to obtain the hidden gold?"

"Don't hide? Unless you have enough cornerstones and dark gold to repair! According to the previous feedback, the speed of this meteorite is indeed much slower than that of the previous meteorites, but it can't hold them too much, hitting one after another , enough to knock down the escape pod!"

"Yeah, it's better to hide, it's better to use other methods to stop a few!"

While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yi had already started to intercept the meteorites passing by the spaceship.

Since there may be a large amount of dark gold on these meteorites, Xiao Yi naturally aimed at the relatively large meteorites.

Of course, he didn't dare to take a very large meteorite as his target, otherwise his spaceship might be carried away by it!
Aiming at a medium-sized meteorite, the space hook shot out immediately, and accurately grabbed the target meteorite!

The fast-flying meteorite was caught by the space hook, and with a sudden struggle, Xiao Yi felt that his spaceship had been taken away by it!

Fortunately, the space hook is SSS-level, otherwise the ordinary rope would be completely broken if it was pulled like this!
"Fly in the opposite direction!" Xiao Yi ordered.

Space One immediately manipulated the spacecraft to pull it to the side and rear.

The spaceship tried its best to fly backwards, and it took 10 to [-] minutes to barely stop the speed of the meteorite, and then pulled back to the side of the spaceship, Xiao Yi continued to search for the next target.

And the four collectors have been released to start collecting the meteorite!
At this time, the survivors who were hit by the meteorite in the public channel have already reported the good news in the group.

"Great, I just collected 30 units of dark gold in just half an hour!"

"Lying grass, your half an hour is the amount of dark gold we got from opening the supply box in five days!"

"Sure enough, everyone's guess before was correct, this meteor shower is sending us dark gold!"

"This is cool. I heard that there are a lot of meteorites this time. Isn't there a lot of dark gold?"

"There are a lot of dark gold, but whether we can stop them is another matter!"

"Yeah, if you can give me a fishing net now, I'll collect them all in one net!"

"Thinking too much, you're probably going to fly away with them just like Brother Pig!"

"No, no, no, I think it's more likely that the fishing net will be broken immediately, and none of them will be left behind!"

"Think about it, everyone, besides using your own escape pod to block those meteorites from flying away, is there any other way?"

"Grab it with a robotic arm?"

"Wool! It's impossible to catch the flying meteorite with the sand-sculpted mechanical arm of the escape pod."

"If you have a weapon, you can try to attack with a weapon, maybe you can leave some behind!"

"That's a good idea. Attacking with weapons and dispelling the forward kinetic energy of the meteorites can indeed stop them!"

"It seems that a brother opened a space claw yesterday, and now it can be used!"

"Wow, Kaka, I thought it was bad luck that I opened the space claw, but I didn't expect such a good thing!"

"The rules of the world should not allow us to open something useless. Now that it has been released, it should have a use. Just like the rag doll before, the big boss bought it himself! It means it must be useful!" "By the way, has the meteorite rain reached your side?"

"Not yet, but my space hook is thirsty!"

"Don't worry, it will always come, everyone will experience it, it depends on whether the individual has the ability to keep them!"

Xiao Yi watched the public channel while grabbing those meteorites.

When he saw that these meteorites could be left behind with weapons, he slapped his head, immediately activated the small laser cannon on the spaceship, and started attacking the large meteorites in front of him.

The laser cannon emitted laser light, crushing those meteorites directly, and the resulting fragments began to spread out in the meteorite rain, colliding with other meteorites!

These collisions changed the trajectory, and even direction, of those meteorites!
After a round of attacks, Xiao Yi found that the speed of some meteorites had indeed slowed down, and some even stopped.

"It really works!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

In the following time, Xiao Yi attacked the meteorites with weapons, and at the same time used the space claws to grab some large meteorites.

Six hours later, the meteorite rain had all passed.

Xiao Yi used the space hook to grab 15 relatively large meteorites, and there were many fragments of meteorites that he had stopped with the laser cannon.

Anyway, the amount is very considerable, this time the dark gold should be a bumper harvest!
And the survivor with the space hook finally saw the meteorite rain coming!

"Hahaha, the meteorite rain is coming, let's see how I can get all the dark gold!"

"Boss, please bring me, I can bring you tea and water, and then just sell me some dark gold!"

"Yeah, sell me a little when the time comes, I don't have a weapon or a dragon claw, what a tragedy!"

"Me too, I guess I can only use the escape pod to block a meteorite!"

"Made, if you use the escape pod to block the meteorite, you must be careful, the location of the collision!"

"What's the matter, brother upstairs?"

"A meteorite blasted my bathroom! Now my escape pod is flying all over the sky!"

"Lying on the grass, this is a smelly message. I was eating breakfast and almost spit it out!"

"We're having breakfast together, I've already blocked that one!"

"It's over, I thought I could really use the escape pod to block those meteorites, but it turns out I was overthinking it!"

"What's the matter? Are you flying all over the sky?"

"No, my escape pod was crashed! There is not enough dark gold to repair it, and I still have the last ten minutes! Brothers, farewell!"

"Ten minutes? Then how much dark gold do you need?"

"40 units, I only have 10 units in my hand, it's far away! Alas!"

"Brother, I will lend you the collector for 10 minutes, and you can just give me 4 units of dark gold, how about it?"

"At this time, you still want to blackmail my dark gold?"

"Brother, with one more collector, your collection efficiency will be doubled, and the meteorite that hits your escape pod will have dark gold!"

(End of this chapter)

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