Chapter 1320
Now Jiang Yuntian's escape capsule can already receive the star light of this galaxy, so the surrounding situation can still be seen very clearly!
At this time, within Jiang Yuntian's sight, a meteorite was flying towards his escape pod.

Based on the visual size change of the meteorite, the speed should be very fast,
Jiang Yuntian immediately rushed to the side console to turn on the power, and controlled his escape pod to hide to one side.

Fortunately, Zhu Wu traded him [-]% of the fuel before, otherwise he would really be witnessing himself being hit by that meteorite now!

About 3 minutes after he left his original position, a meteorite bigger than his escape pod flew past!
Jiang Yuntian swallowed involuntarily. If it wasn't for the glass that made his vision wider, his escape pod would definitely be smashed into a discus, and he would definitely be turned into a puddle of meat!

It doesn't matter what kind of physique they are, under the power of nature, everything looks extremely small!

"I really want to thank you this time!" Jiang Yuntian couldn't help but said among the three people, "If it wasn't for the glass you traded, I would be dead now!"

"What's wrong?" Zhu Wu asked curiously.

"Just now a meteorite bigger than my escape pod came towards me!" Jiang Yuntian said, "If it is still the small window like before, I will definitely not be able to see this meteorite!"

With Jiang Yuntian's previous state, he couldn't even rotate the escape pod, because there was no fuel at all!
And this meteorite came completely from the blind spot of vision, which is completely according to Jiang Yuntian who played dead!
"That's okay, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain to the boss!" Zhu Wu also felt lingering fear after hearing Jiang Yuntian's description.

Before he was attracted by the comet, he was also hit by a meteorite, but the meteorite was very small and the speed was not very fast, and it dented his escape pod by a large piece!

Jiang Yuntian's description of the size and speed of the meteorite just now is not at the same level as what he encountered before.

"If that's the case, it's my fate and it has nothing to do with you!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "Now that you can escape this fatal situation, it means that your luck has begun to improve, and everything will go smoothly in the future!"

"I'll borrow your good words!" Jiang Yuntian said, "I'll grab the supplies box first, and we'll talk later!"

During the chat, Jiang Yuntian saw a material box floating outside through the glass window, and then began to drive the escape pod to rush to the material box!

Zhu Wu was idly watching the public channel of this galaxy, because his daily job was to release the collectors and then recover them.

Now he is not in the same galaxy as Yi Ranpin, so even if he collects materials, he cannot trade them out, and his escape cabin has limited space, so he can only collect some dark gold first.

After a while, in their new group chat, Jiang Yuntian sent a message.

"[Water Electrolyzer Manufacturing Diagram] (Level B)*1, [Photovoltaic Panel Manufacturing Diagram] (Level B)*1."

"Am I a big hit?" Jiang Yuntian asked afterward.

"Lying grass, this is definitely a big explosion! A box was opened?" Zhu Wu asked immediately.

"Yes, it's true as you said, I'm lucky, but I'm afraid it's not easy to collect the materials for these things!" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "It's too simple, tell me the raw materials you need! I'll use oxygen to replace them for you!"

"In this way, can your oxygen be restored?" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown. "Don't worry. When I came from that galaxy, the boss gave me a lot of oxygen. It was enough. There were even a lot of raw materials for hydrogen-oxygen combustion batteries!" Zhu Wu replied, "The public channel said that I didn't have enough oxygen. They are all fooling them! Don’t take it seriously!”

"Okay, I'll trouble you then!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"We are all in the same group. Why are you being so polite? Besides, it's really not enough. Can you make some for me after you make this machine!" Zhu Wu replied.

"Well, these are the raw materials I need!" Jiang Yuntian immediately told Zhu Wu all the raw materials needed for the two manufacturing drawings.

Zhu Wu immediately bought these raw materials at the trading hall of this galaxy, naturally at a very cheap price.

After hanging it up, Zhu Wu even promoted himself on the public channel!
"Because of the needs of the personal spaceship, I vomit blood and sell some oxygen. If you have the corresponding supplies, hurry up and trade. After this village, there will be no such shop!" Zhu Wu said in the public channel.

"What, is the boss going to sell oxygen?"

"Yes, I have the corresponding raw materials. I have completed the transaction and obtained some oxygen. This is life-saving. I almost suffocated to death!"

"Yeah, I also grabbed some, thank you Brother Pig, I hope to do more deals like this in the future!"

"Fucking grass, how can your hands be so fast, I haven't done it yet, all the deals posted by Brother Zhu on the trading floor have been traded?"

"Boss, put some more out, I also have the raw materials you needed just now!"

Zhu Wu ignored the discussion in the public channel, but traded all the raw materials he had just collected to Jiang Yuntian.

Jiang Yuntian was not polite to him, agreed to the deal, and then manufactured all the water electrolysis instrument and solar panels.

Zhu Wu thought for a while, and initiated another transaction among the three people.

"[Water]*1000kg, [Dark Gold]*8 Trade None. Designated trader: Tian Zhiya."

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and Zhu Wu continued to say in the group: "Accept it, the water electrolysis instrument needs raw materials, this water is not drinkable, but it can be used as the raw material of the water electrolysis instrument, and expand the escape cabin a little more, in addition to placing In addition to these raw materials, the toilet is separated separately, and when there is no urine and feces collector, this can ensure that the internal environment of the escape cabin is acceptable to a certain extent!"

"Okay, thank you!" Jiang Yuntian accepted the deal.

Zhu Wu also sent dark gold to Ergou, asking him to expand his escape pod slightly.

After the expansion, Jiang Yuntian planned his escape cabin a little bit, immediately turned on the water electrolysis instrument, and observed the speed of oxygen production.

"There will be no problem with oxygen in the future. The oxygen produced by the B-level electrolyzer is enough for three people, and there is probably some leftover. We can even use the oxygen to trade some things we need!" Jiang Yuntian thought about it for a while, and then He said happily in the group.

"That's great, but you're really lucky!" Zhu Wu said equally happily, "A man in that galaxy used to run an ordinary-level water electrolysis device, but the oxygen that was electrolyzed every day was not enough for him. Need to buy some from the trading floor."

(End of this chapter)

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