Chapter 1309 Ordinary watermelon seeds threaten Yiranpin

Originally, I thought that there would not be too many women, but I didn't expect that when someone mentioned it, a bunch of women would be blown up.

Women who can successfully pass the first stage of the test basically have certain abilities, and pure vases are still very few.

But Xiao Yi didn't care about these things. At this time, the space hook had already reminded him that he had caught the supply box.

"It's quite early today!" Xiao Yi muttered and rushed to the collection cabin.

Open the supply box.

"Materials obtained: cornerstone*12, dark gold*3, watermelon seeds*5."

"Good stuff, it's of the normal level!" Xiao Yi muttered when he saw the watermelon seeds.

However, it is already very good to be able to produce seeds now, and we cannot ask too much.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi took the watermelon seeds to the planting cabin, and planted the watermelon seeds in the middle of the tomato seedlings.

After pouring some water, Xiao Yi found that his pure water was not enough!

Xiao Yi drifted back to the cockpit, adjusted the transaction on the island tablet, and prepared to trade fuel for some purified water.

After thinking about it for a while, I put up some fuel and oxygen exchange for seeds to see if anyone would sell the seeds.

As soon as Xiao Yi changed his deal, it immediately became the focus of the topic on the public channel.

"Boss, is there a shortage of water now?"

"To be precise, it should be the lack of pure water. I always thought that the boss has everything!"

"How is it possible, he has everything, so there is no need to trade at all!"

"Now if you have the chance, quickly replace it with pure water, otherwise the boss will take it off the shelf, and it will be gone!"

"I suggest that everyone not trade with the boss. Since the boss is short of water, if we don't trade together, the boss will continue to raise the price!"

"Good idea, so we can exchange more fuel and oxygen!"

"Is it really okay for you to drive up prices in front of the boss?"

"Don't you want to come back for more fuel?"

"Well, I really want to, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Why don't we all wait and see!"

After everyone discussed this in the public channel, they really stood on the united front, and no one traded pure water with Xiao Yi.

Zhu Wu contacted Xiao Yi immediately: "Boss, how could this group of people be like this!"

Xiao Yi naturally also saw this scene, and felt a little speechless: "It seems that I am still too kind to them!"

Previously, he only considered allowing more survivors to survive, so Xiao Yi restrained the pricing of fuel, oxygen, and electricity!
Now he is in a monopoly position, and these resources are related to everyone's life and death, so the pricing could have been higher.

After all, they are dying, and no one cares which resource is more important, no matter which resource is lifeless.

No matter how high the price is, someone will definitely buy it!
Xiao Yi's price was low before, and the reason was naturally because of the cornerstone and dark gold, which are related to the number of survivors!

"Then don't treat them so well, these white-eyed wolves are not worthy of your treatment!" Zhu Wu said angrily.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Well, but if I teach them a lesson, maybe we will have to persist in the days when pure water is scarce."

"It's okay, I can save some drinking!" Zhu Wu said immediately, "We must teach these white-eyed wolves a lesson!"

"Okay, actually I also have a water purifier on hand, but it is inefficient. The pure water produced should be able to ensure that we will not die!" Xiao Yi continued. "Then there's no problem!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "Let these white-eyed wolves regret it! Hahaha!"

"Well, but I don't think they can hold on for too long!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Xiao Yi has always prepared for the worst!

"That's right, I feel that they can persist for half a day at most! They have to surrender!" Zhu Wu said with certainty.

"Perhaps, anyway, although we need the things in their hands, they are not urgent, and the things in our hands are different!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, and then began to send messages on the public channel.

"In view of the actions of all survivors, from now on, the price of fuel, oxygen, and electricity sold here will be doubled!"

Xiao Yi immediately adjusted the prices of each item in the trading hall, and all transactions only required dark gold!

Looking at the various resources whose prices doubled in an instant, and only recognized the dark gold transaction, all the other survivors were dumbfounded.

"Made, which cerebral palsy thought of this blackmailer just now!"

"That is, you can trade if you want to trade, and if you don't want to trade down, who told you to form a gang!"

"That's right, it's over now, the little dark gold in my hand is not enough to buy anything!"

"Boss, let's not do this, I am willing to donate the pure water in my hand, please at least let me use the cornerstone to exchange some oxygen!"

"Yeah, me too, I still have 2kg of pure water in my hand, I'm willing to take out 1kg and trade with the boss!"

"Don't be nervous, everyone. Yi Ranpin must be playing an empty city plan. I dare say that he will never last for three days. As long as everyone persists for three days, the boss will definitely reduce the price!"

"Yes, I think so too! Let's help each other, stick to it, and after three days, we can trade cheaper resources, wouldn't it be better!"

"Made, it's easy to say, three days? I can collect my body in three days!"

"Yeah, my oxygen can't last for three days at all! Why don't you give me some oxygen first?"

"Okay, I can give you some oxygen, but you must make sure you don't make deals with the boss!"

"I promise!"

The other party actually traded some oxygen!
Zhu Wu was dumbfounded when he saw the operations of those survivors in the public channel.

"You really do everything you can to restrict the boss!" Zhu Wu couldn't help but said in the group, "Then you will regret it later!"

"I said, why didn't the dancing pig and Lord Deer come out this time! Finally, I couldn't bear it anymore?"

"These two are Yi Ranpin's dogs!"

"Sure, otherwise why would they keep speaking for Yi Ranpin!"

"Ma De, you are the dog, your whole family is a dog, you are a pack of white-eyed wolves!" Zhu Wu said angrily.

"Look, he's in a hurry, which means that Yi Ranpin must be very dehydrated!"

"Yes, as long as we persevere, we will definitely make Yi Ranpin bow his head!"

At this time, Lu Meiyu finally appeared, and he said directly in the group: "Everyone can't do this, it will only reduce the survival rate of survivors in our galaxy, and it will not do any good!"

"Look, it's here again. Let's do this to lower the price of Yiranpin, which is good for all of us survivors!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi sneered, and sent a message on the public channel.

(End of this chapter)

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