Chapter 1306 Lord Deer Wants to Buy Potatoes and Tomatoes
Seeing everyone's discussion, Zhu Wu also realized that it was unusual at this time.

Everyone hasn't released S-level items, why can Yiran products be released?
"Could it be that the boss is cheating?" Zhu Wu thought so, but then shook his head. The people behind the scenes are probably observing the situation here all the time, and it is impossible to cheat!
The boss may have been favored by the goddess of luck himself, and it is also possible to open high-level supplies.

After all, opening a material box is opening a blind box, and no one knows what will be opened inside.

Zhu Wu didn't bother to think about the reasons for this, but said in the group: "Everyone should live well and stop worrying about others!"

Lu Meiyu's eyes widened when he saw what Zhu Wu posted on the public channel.

I dare not say anything else, the S-level space sleeping bag was definitely given to him by Yi Ranpin!
Because Lu Meiyu just bought one from Xiao Yi.

If the S-level sleeping bag is given by Yiranpin, is the urine and feces collector also given by Yiranpin?

Thinking of this, Lu Meiyu immediately sent a private message to Xiao Yi: "Boss, did Brother Pig's toilet collector come from your side?"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied, "Well, yes!"

"Is there a toilet collector?" Lu Meiyu asked tentatively.

Since Xiao Yi can sell Zhu Wu one, it means that he must have more than one. Although the possibility of having three is relatively low, what if there are three!

Xiao Yi replied: "There are more."

"Sell me one, how about I offer 20 cornerstones?" Lu Meiyu said eagerly when she saw Xiao Yi said there was more.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, then nodded, and said, "Yes!"

Originally, he planned to keep the remaining three for his own people, but considering that he might have better equipment by the time he joined Jiang Yuntian and the others, he decided to sell one of the C-level urine and feces collectors. Gave it to Lu Meiyu.

After all, it's only C-level, not a high-end item, and it doesn't hurt to sell it!

Seeing that Xiao Yi agreed to sell him one, Lu Meiyu floated happily, as he was floating in the first place.

"[Cornerstone] * 20 transactions None."

Lu Meiyu initiated a transaction decisively, and after thinking about it, he initiated another transaction.

"[Potatoes] (Grade C) * 2kg No deal."

Seeing these two deals sent out one after another, Xiao Yi was slightly taken aback.

Lu Meiyu continued: "Boss, I just opened this from the supply box today, and I can't eat it. I just gave it to you. Maybe you can make it into food."

"Thank you very much!" Xiao Yi agreed to the deal without being polite.

"The transaction was successful, triggering a quadruple harvest, and obtained materials: [Cornerstone]*80, [Potato] (C-level)*8kg."

Then, Xiao Yi also initiated a transaction: "[Poop Collector] (Grade C)*1 Transaction None."

Lu Meiyu immediately agreed to the deal. Seeing the toilet collector in his hands, he was so excited that he almost cried.

Before, although there was a supply box, the excrement after convenience was uncontrollable at all. With this, there is no need to worry at all, let alone endure the dirty air in the escape cabin!
Lu Meiyu quickly installed the urine and feces collector in her escape pod and enjoyed it a lot.

"This way of urinating is really interesting!" Lu Meiyu touched her chin, as if she still had something to say.

Xiao Yi looked at the potatoes that had been traded, and muttered, "The fruit of this thing is a seed, and I happen to have vermiculite!"

Fortunately, I learned from Nongbihong Nonglao before. Although there are not as many tools and materials to operate on land, you can wait for the potatoes to grow sprouts on their own, and then plant them in vermiculite!Xiao Yi put the eight kilograms of potatoes into the planting cabin.

At this moment in the planting cabin, Xiao Yi had already used the existing materials to make some fixed flower beds, and there was a fine barbed wire on the flower beds.

These barbed wires are mainly to hold the vermiculite in place so it doesn't float in mid-air.

Twenty units of vermiculite just filled a flower bed of twenty square meters.

Putting the potatoes in the planting cabin, Xiao Yi returned to the cockpit to check the fuel situation.

When it was an escape pod, 1kg of water was electrolyzed to produce hydrogen and oxygen to supplement 1% of the escape pod fuel.

Now Xiao Yi was shocked to find that it takes 1 ton of water to replenish 1% of the fuel of the miniature spaceship!

Before the fuel was full, after the upgrade, the fuel display is only 0.1%!

"In this case, I need more water. Is there so much water in space?" Xiao Yi muttered suspiciously.

70.00% of Xiao Yi's parent star is covered by water, and there are various forms of water at both poles of the satellite of the parent star.

The moons of other planets in the same galaxy as their parent stars are also covered in ice.

And the comet is a big hockey puck!

So it seems that there is no shortage of water in space!

After thinking this through, Xiao Yi no longer worried about the water issue.

Soon it was eleven fifty in the evening, and Zhu Wu traded all the collected things according to Xiao Yi's order.

"[Water]*4000kg, [Dark Gold]*5000 Transaction None."

Agree to the deal!

"The transaction was successful, triggering a quadruple harvest, and obtained materials: water*16 tons, dark gold*2."

Including the water traded earlier, Xiao Yi's miniature spaceship already has nearly 50 tons of water, and nearly 3 dark gold left!
It seems that there are many things, but all the water can be electrolyzed to replenish 50% of the fuel of the spacecraft.

What's more, it's impossible to use all the oxygen produced by electrolysis to replenish fuel, Xiao Yi still has to breathe, and the oxygen on the trading floor is still being traded continuously.

Dark gold is something that I dare not waste lightly. In case the spaceship is scratched, there is no insurance here, and I can only consume resources to repair it myself!
Return Lu Meiyu's harvester that he rented to him, and trade him two points of fuel, count it as the rental fee!
Lu Meiyu said politely: "We don't need rent for this relationship!"

"After all, it took you a day to mine the meteorite. Besides, we still have some fuel, so let's take it!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Then thank you, boss!" Lu Meiyu accepted it happily.

It was only then that the space hook heard a prompt: "Hey, the target material box has been captured."

Xiao Yi thought there was only that one supply box today!

But even if there was only that one supply box, Xiao Yi was basically satisfied. The supply box opened today exploded once!
Go to the collection cabin and open the supply box.

"Obtain supplies. Trigger quadruple harvest, obtain supplies: cornerstone*80, tomato seeds (C grade)*20."

(End of this chapter)

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