Chapter 1295 Someone Packs Oxygen, Brother Pig, Why?

"No, this is collected by the collector outside, which means that the comet should also contain dark gold!" Zhu Wu said excitedly.

"Great!" Xiao Yi also said excitedly, "It seems that I'm going to give you a raise!"

"There is no need for a salary increase, just let me follow you in the future!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, and then initiated a transaction.

"[Dark Gold]*5, [Water]*800kg, no transaction."

When Xiao Yi saw the deal Zhu Wu sent, he refused it with a smile!
Seeing Xiao Yi decisively rejecting his deal, Zhu Wu was stunned, and asked, "Boss, did you make a mistake?"

"No." Xiao Yi replied, "Trade me the water first, and give me the dark gold when I want it!"

Zhu Wu was full of doubts. Holding this thing by himself is not the same as holding it with the boss?
Why should I take it first?
Although there were many doubts, Zhu Wu still followed Xiao Yi's request and only traded the water to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi resolutely agreed to the deal, and said, "All the dark gold you collected for nothing will be left to you first, and you can trade it to me when I want it. In the future, after you escape from the comet, I will help you upgrade the escape pod." level!"

"Thank you, big brother!" Zhu Wu said gratefully.

At this time, in the public channel, someone @会跳舞的猪.

"Brother Pig, have you figured it out? Transfer all the inheritance to me, and I can give you some food."

When Zhu Wu saw the news, he immediately scolded: "You are not my son, why should I transfer it to you?"

"Lying grass, you are almost dead, and your mouth is still so hard? I think you can hold on for a few more days!"

"Brother Pig, you'd better stop being so stubborn, don't give it to him, give it to me, I can raise you for a week!"

"Don't listen to them, they are all liars, I am not, as long as you trade all the cornerstones to me, I will block you immediately!"

"Is everyone so realistic?" Zhu Wu said proudly when he saw the speeches of this group of people, "But you don't have to worry about me anymore. Food and shelter, maybe one day I will be able to leave this damn broom star!"

"What? The big brother actually hugged you? Are you a woman?"

"Get out, I'm a pure man!"

"Fuck me, that boss is a woman! Tell me, how did you conquer the boss!"

Being ridiculed by the people in the public channel, Zhu Wu was a little dazed, and then immediately chatted with Yi Ranpin in private, asking: "Boss, you are not a woman, are you?"

"I'm also a pure man, and I'm not gay, so don't think too much about it!" Xiao Yi hurriedly replied.

"Huh, that's okay, otherwise I don't know if I'm 1 or 0!" Zhu Wu said with a sigh of relief.

"You still have this hobby, even if we meet in the future, you have to stay away from me!" Xiao Yi scolded with a smile.

"Hahaha, just kidding, boss, don't mind!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile, "No, I'm going to the public channel to explain this matter!"

With that said, Zhu Wu switched to the public channel, and said: "The boss is a pure man, you are being fooled!"

"The boss is actually a man, this scene of yours is a bit exciting!"

"That's right, boss won't cover you with oxygen for no reason!"

"I feel that the boss may be raising fish. I found a few at random, and I can enjoy it slowly when I grow up in the future!"

"Stop talking nonsense, be normal and don't drive. I'm curious, why does the boss support you so much? Are you including oxygen and food, better than the teammates I met while playing LOL?"

"Yes, yes, I am also very curious, let's chat with Brother Pig!"

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "Of course it's because I'm the Chosen One, otherwise how could the big boss like me!"

"What about cheating ghosts? If you are the chosen one, I am the chosen one!"

"Wucao, brother, please speak politely. Can you not scold others according to your elders?" Zhu Wu scolded immediately. "I don't believe that a big boss would invest in a small character like you who doesn't know when he will leave Comet!"

"I don't believe it either, Brother Pig, you're not kidding us, are you?"

"Yeah, there is no reason at all. Being carried away by a comet, apart from flying faster, it seems that there is no material at all!"

"I see!" One person suddenly sent a message.

"What do you know? It's a surprise!"

"I know why the big brother is wrapping oxygen and Zhu Wu!" the man continued.

"Why?" Many people questioned their souls.

"Because Zhu Wu follows the comet and is the closest to the comet!"

"and then?"

"Didn't you find that the boss hasn't purchased fuel and oxygen raw materials recently?"

"Hey, it seems so. Yi Ranpin doesn't seem to be collecting water anymore. Could it be that he is no longer short of water?"

"Boss sells so much oxygen and fuel every day, yet he doesn't lack water. Isn't that obvious?"

"Lying grass, I know!"

"Mad, I know too!"

"Brother Pig, I want to cover you too!"

Zhu Wu replied with a smile: "Now I know that brother is a sweet pastry. I'm sorry, but now I only accept the oxygen package from Yiranpin, and the others stay away from me!"

"Don't worry, no one can protect you, and now only Yiranpin can protect you!"

Seeing this news, everyone was slightly startled, and then instantly understood the meaning of this sentence.

Others can't support Zhu Wu at all, because it's useless for them to ask for so much water!

They didn't have the air purification balance device in Xiao Yi's escape cabin, nor did they have an air compressor cooler!

Without these two instruments, they have the strength to pack oxygen and Zhu Wu!

"However, the boss's thinking is really divergent enough!"

"Yeah, when we can only see despair and death, the boss sees resources and vitality!"

"Yi Ranpin is really not easy. You should have obtained a lot of cornerstones in the first stage. In addition to the search from us these days, it is estimated that there are no survivors in this galaxy who have more cornerstones than him!"

Seeing this, Lu Meiyu couldn't help but said: "You guys think too much, the boss didn't bring a single cornerstone here!"

"Why didn't you bring any cornerstone?" Everyone was shocked, and then expressed their disbelief.

"Master Lu, do you know Yi Ranpin? Otherwise, how do you know that he didn't bring a cornerstone?"

"That's right, I don't believe it anymore. The island tablet reminds me that the cornerstone is very important in the second stage, but he chose not to bring it? Is he a fool?"

"This Master Lu should also be a fool."

Lu Meiyu was apologizing to Xiao Yi at this moment: "I'm sorry, boss, I was quick to speak just now, and I exposed the fact that you didn't bring the cornerstone!"

"It's okay, this is not a big secret, besides, didn't everyone believe you?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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