Sign in, people are on an isolated island, and they just built a luxury villa by themselves

Chapter 1290 Rental collector, large amount of water, water purifier

Chapter 1290 Rental collector, large amount of water, water purifier
After dealing with them for a while, Zhu Wu came to the window and felt foggy outside.

"It seems that there is no need for any target in this situation, just release the collector directly!" Zhu Wu muttered, and then released his collector,
After working for a while, the collector returned automatically.

Zhu Wu was slightly taken aback, and then saw the red light on the collector flashing indicating that the battery was too low, and immediately understood the reason why it returned automatically.

"There's no electricity?" Zhu Wu frowned, and looked at the collected supplies, only water.

Zhu Wu shook his head helplessly, and muttered: "I haven't done my work yet, so I started to ask the boss for supplies. I hope the boss won't despise me!"

Switch to the private chat channel on the island monument, and first send a transaction.

"[Water]*51kg transaction no."

"Boss, I just collected this, but now I have a problem that needs your support!" Zhu Wu said with some embarrassment.

Seeing this transaction, Xiao Yi immediately agreed, and then asked: "What's the problem, just tell me directly."

"Okay, the power of my escape pod is low!" Zhu Wu replied immediately.

Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and then initiated a transaction: "[Power] * 15% transaction no."

As long as Xiao Yi can escape from the shadow of the planet in front of him, his power will soon be replenished.

Seeing the transaction initiated by Xiao Yi, Zhu Wu was stunned. According to everyone's general situation, the power of everyone's escape pods should be around 10%. The power generation efficiency of the board is extremely low, so the power for everyone's escape pods is not very sufficient.

Xiao Yi actually gave himself 15 points of electricity without saying a word, which shows that the boss has at least 30% of electricity.

The boss should still have a lot of equipment that needs electricity, such as oxygen production, such as fuel production.

There is still so much electricity at this time, which shows that the boss definitely has a generator with relatively high power generation efficiency!
It's only been three or four days, where did the boss get so many good things?
"Agree to the deal!" Xiao Yi urged, "I still need a lot of fuel!"

"Yes!" Zhu Wu finally came to his senses and agreed to the deal.

After receiving the power, Zhu Wu immediately charged the collector.

Xiao Yi thought for a while, and then initiated a transaction again: "[Collector] Six-hour usage rights * 1 transaction no."

Two collectors are always faster than one collector!

Seeing Xiao Yi send the transaction, Zhu Wu immediately agreed, and after getting Xiao Yi's collector, he immediately released it to start the collection work!

And Xiao Yi had already obtained [-] kilograms of water from Zhu Wu, and if all of it was converted into fuel, it would fill up the fuel tank again.

According to the previous plan, continue to drive in the opposite direction of the planetary movement, and the fuel will soon be exhausted. After Xiao Yi filled up the spare fuel, he waited for Zhu Wu's results.

Six hours later, the leased collector automatically returned to Xiao Yi's escape pod.

Zhu Wu also sent a deal to Xiao Yi: "[Water]*1200kg no deal."

Seeing this amount, Xiao Yi was shocked, more than one ton of water in six hours?

Then he immediately agreed to the deal. It would be inappropriate to let the water float in the escape pod, so Xiao Yi used the materials he obtained to make a large water tank to store the water.

"Boss, should I continue collecting here?" Zhu Wu asked in a message.

"Of course!" Xiao Yi immediately replied, "Otherwise, I'm not investing in vain?"

"Uh, what I mean is, sir, can you fit in your escape pod!" Zhu Wu explained, "I have been collecting here without any problem."

Anyway, it doesn't require Zhu Wu to pay too much attention. After releasing the collector, whether it is out of power or the space for storing items in the collector is full, it will return freely.He only needs to take out the collected things when he returns!

Xiao Yi smiled and replied, "It's only about a ton in six hours, enough space! Besides, I'm still consuming it!"

Zhu Wu was stunned again, and then realized in an instant, the boss has enough oxygen, and he must have expanded the escape cabin to a larger size!
"Okay, I understand!" Zhu Wu responded.

Xiao Yi immediately started making fuel, and then flew in the predetermined direction.

After filling the fuel tank ten times, Xiao Yi finally saw the light of day, and the light in front began to become stronger.

"If I don't see the light again, my electricity will bottom out!" Xiao Yi said with a long sigh of relief, then activated the power system of the escape pod again, and flew towards the light.

This time, only 50% of the fuel was consumed, and Xiao Yi finally came to the position illuminated by the star's light.

The two SSS-level solar panels immediately began to work at full power.

In the past, the window was relatively small, and the two battery panels could not generate electricity at the highest power, and could only accumulate electricity little by little.

But now it is surrounded by glass, which will not limit the power generation efficiency of the panels at all.

Xiao Yi also thought about putting these two battery panels outside the escape pod, but now the escape pod is too simple, there is only one place for the solar panel, and there is an escape pod on it. battery board.

If it is really necessary to install it, Xiao Yi needs to go out of the cabin to operate, and the mechanical arm of the escape cabin cannot complete the replacement operation.

It can be said that the current robotic arm cannot complete a slightly precise operation.

It can only send large items into the cabin roughly, and the other requirements cannot be too high!
What's more, now that Xiao Yi doesn't have a space suit, it's impossible to go out of the cabin to operate and replace the solar panels!

At this time, Zhu Wu sent another transaction.

"[Water]*1000kg transaction no."

Xiao Yi immediately agreed and threw the water into the water tank that he made earlier.

Now Xiao Yi finally doesn't have to worry about running out of water, no matter who hoards water, it won't affect him.

"Drip, the target has been grabbed, the supply box!"

Xiao Yi's eyes brightened slightly, and then he pulled the handle in the escape pod and floated to the space hook.

Open the supply box.

"Materials obtained: cornerstone*10, aluminum*3, water purifier manufacturing drawing (level C)*1."

Seeing these things, Xiao Yi muttered helplessly: "Is there really no food? Is it because there is too much food in my cabin?"

Xiao Yi traded oxygen for a lot of food before, but since completing that transaction, Xiao Yi never opened the supply box again.

Of course, only three material boxes were opened in total.

Food is not a big problem for now, at least enough for Xiao Yi and Zhu Wu for a week.

And on the trading floor, Xiao Yi was still using oxygen and fuel to buy food.

(End of this chapter)

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