Chapter 1279
"Lying grass, why didn't you say it earlier, I threw away the aluminum foil bag I ate!"

"Then there is no other way, let's see how to deal with it!"

"How about I solve it directly at the abandoned port?"

"It's also a way, but if this is the case, the smell will probably spread to the entire escape cabin!"

"I have a suggestion, you use the island monument to make a container suitable for your own convenience, put it in the container and then throw it out! Although this is a bit wasteful, it is much cleaner and more hygienic!"

"Uh, I'm afraid this won't work. Can you imagine such an environment without gravity, the excreted things will always linger around, it's not easy to collect!"

"Hey, it's okay to make do with it, I didn't expect the start of this stage to be so difficult!"

"Yeah! I was suffocated to death without oxygen before, but now I feel like I'm going to be suffocated by urine!"

"I really want to go back to the first stage, at least I can breathe freely and resolve internal conflicts freely!"

"If you come here, you won't be able to go back. Let's hurry up and find the supply box!"

Looking at everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, if he could stay in the last stage, no one would want to enter this stage and suffer this!
Xiao Yi endured his defecation, took the sleeping bag out of the system space, and fixed it near the island monument.

He hadn't rested for a long time, so he got into his sleeping bag directly.

Although it still felt weightless, the S-class sleeping bag was very comfortable, and Xiao Yi quickly fell into a dream!

This time, Xiao Yi slept for six hours.

If he hadn't been awakened by urination, he would definitely be able to continue to sleep.

After waking up, Xiao Yi glanced at the island monument. It was already the third day, and he immediately said to himself: "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Urinary and Feces Collector (S Level)*1."

"Great, it solved my urgent need!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, and immediately took the toilet collector out of the system space.

"It has been detected that you have obtained a urine and feces collector. Do you want to spend [Corner Stone]*2, [Dark Gold]*1 to install it in the escape pod?"

"Yes!" Xiao Yi clamped his legs and replied.

"Please select the installation location!"

Xiao Yi immediately displayed the three-dimensional map of the escape cabin on the island tablet, and chose the location he had previously isolated.

"Successful installation!"

Seeing the reminder of the island tablet, Xiao Yi suddenly pushed the island tablet, and flew directly to the bathroom.

When I came to the bathroom, I finally saw the installed toilet collector!

"Urine and feces collector (S level): Used to solve personal defecation problems in space. It can automatically deodorize and remove odors! Automatically clean the excretion port."

Xiao Yi looked at the two pipes on the seat, one thick and one thin, and he was a little confused: "How do you use this thing?"

The system immediately gave a prompt: "Connect the two tubes of the urine and feces collector to the organs of defecation and defecation, and you can solve the internal contradiction. There will be an air pump in the tube. Please rest assured that your excrement will not be exhausted." Will go against the current!"

At this moment, Xiao Yi couldn't hold back anymore, and immediately stuck the two tubes to his organs.

The next thing is naturally a catastrophe!
Five minutes later, Xiao Yi floated out of the bathroom easily, muttering: "After this is solved, I'll clean it again. The S-class toilet collector is really good. At least it saves paper, but it's a bit uncomfortable when it's wet." I’m so used to it!”

Although no paper is used, Xiao Yi still feels that he should wash his hands, after all, he has to eat soon!

Do you wash your hands before and after meals?

Xiao Yi squeezed out a ball of water from the water bag, and the water ball just floated in the air.The water bags are originally included in the escape cabin, but there are more than one, and they are all empty. For humans, water is too important!
Xiao Yi stretched out his hand, rubbed it in the handball, and then let the air purification balance device absorb the water ball, and then electrolyze it to produce hydrogen and oxygen.

Xiao Yi let out a long sigh of relief, then took out the half bag of roast beef with potatoes left over from yesterday, and ate them all in one go!

Before, it wasn't that I couldn't eat, but I was worried that I would eat too much and internal conflicts would not be easy to resolve. Now that there is a way to solve this problem, it doesn't matter.

But now Xiao Yi has too little food in his hands. After finishing the beef with potatoes, all he has is the 2kg of chocolate that was unpacked yesterday.

The quantity is quite a lot, but you can't just eat chocolate!
Now that Xiao Yi was full and had no burden on his body, he floated directly to another room, where the operating device of the space hook was placed in this room.

Activate the space hook!The light outside is still good, and the photovoltaic panels are still generating electricity.

These two solar panels can fully attack the basic operation of the entire escape capsule, and can also ensure sufficient power for the collector and the space hook.

After activating the space hook, Xiao Yi didn't have to wait any longer, but floated back to the island monument.

in the public channel.

"Hahaha, when I passed by a meteorite, I grabbed the meteorite with the mechanical arm, and the collector has been released to collect it. I believe there will be harvest!"

"Look at your ignorance, you can only collect some metals and water from the meteorite, nothing too good!"

"Brother upstairs, water is already the best thing, don't ask too much!"

"That's right, you said that, don't you have too much water?"

"At least enough, oxygen is still relatively scarce for me now!"

"Boss, can you sell me some water?"

"No, I only have enough for myself."

"What kind of water do you want? If you drink it, you will still excrete it, making the entire escape cabin angry. Try to drink as little water as possible."

"It's nothing to be angry, I'm full of stink!"

"Made, I'm about to throw up!"

"I've already vomited, and the escape pod is filled with another disgusting smell!"

"Stop talking, I'm about to vomit! I don't dare to eat or drink now!"

"I already regret that I ate too much before I came here. I was going to starve to death at the beginning of the first stage. At this stage, at the beginning, I guess I was either suffocated to death or smoked to death! Made!"

"Haha, everyone, look at what good things I got! [Manufacturing Diagram of Urine Collector]*1."

"Brother, sell it to me, 20 cornerstones!"

"I will offer 25 cornerstones!"

"Don't bid, I'm dying of suffocation, don't sell it or sell it! But the main raw material needed for this manufacturing plan is plastic, is anyone offering plastic now?"

"I just sold five units of plastic, 10 yuan cornerstone!"

"Made, why don't you grab it?"

"It's up to you, I don't care anyway!"

"You! You are ruthless, I want a private chat deal!"

After the transaction was completed, the man immediately made the urine and feces collector. After making it, he finally relieved the burden in his body!
(End of this chapter)

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