Chapter 1274 Leaving, Space Survival Begins

In the feasting of everyone, the time slowly came to 59:[-].

"I'll leave this to you!" Xiao Yi looked at Anyue and the others, and said in a deep voice.

"Don't worry, be safe, we'll wait for you to come back!" Anyue nodded and said.

It was one o'clock in the morning.

All the survivors with the island monument were instantly surrounded by a beam of dazzling white light, and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes in the next instant.

"They will all come back?" An Ran asked uncertainly.

Li Yan hugged her gently and replied, "I will definitely come back!"

Xiao Yi felt as if he was floating, and the surroundings were pitch black, so quiet that he could only hear his own heartbeat!

"Where is this?" Xiao Yi stretched out his hand, trying to touch something, at least let him grab something.

He tentatively moved forward, and suddenly touched a cold wall, which felt like metal!
"what's going on?"

Just like the last time he came to that world, Xiao Yi was also stunned!

But at least there was light last time, but this time I couldn't see anything, and I felt even more confused.

Xiao Yi kept groping around, like entering a dark room at night, trying to find the light switch.

Suddenly he felt that he touched something, and Xiao Yi immediately knew it was his island monument.

After all, after getting along for so long, I am still very familiar with it!

Feeling that Xiao Yi touched the front, he secretly said: "The screen of the island monument will always light up!"

But it was still pitch black, Xiao Yi muttered helplessly: "Have you touched the back? How embarrassing!"

So Xiao Yi turned around, touched it with his hand, and the screen of the island monument finally lit up.

With the faint fluorescence on the island monument's screen, Xiao Yi finally saw his current situation clearly.

He was in a metal cabin, feeling the feeling of weightlessness, Xiao Yi instantly understood, they went to heaven!
This is in space!
"So the next stage is to survive in space?" Xiao Yi thought to himself, and then searched for Jiang Yuntian's ID on the island tablet.

"Sorry, the other party is no longer in this galaxy!"

Seeing the reminder on the island monument, Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, they were indeed separated!
"I don't know if it was done by the people behind the scenes!" Xiao Yi muttered, and then began to check his current state.

The island tablet shows that he is now in an escape cabin, with basic equipment.

But there was no electricity, so all the devices couldn't work.

Seeing that the battery on the island tablet showed zero, Xiao Yi suddenly reacted.

When I signed in on the 120th day of the first stage, I was rewarded with a solar panel, which was still in a double state.

He was very speechless, thinking that this thing was completely useless, wasting double status.

The Yiranpin Alliance even has nuclear power plants, so they don't need solar panels at all.

So Xiao Yi didn't take it out of the system space at that time, and now he finally knows the deep meaning of the system!

Fortunately, Xiao Yi didn't take out the solar panel from the system at that time, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to bring it.

Xiao Yi once tried to put other items obtained by signing in into the system space again to bring it to this stage, but it was completely useless and could not be put in!At this time, Xiao Yi immediately took out two photovoltaic panels and placed them on the glass window of the escape cabin.

As long as there is light, this SSS-grade panel can produce electricity.

Now the surroundings are pitch black, and Xiao Yi doesn't know where the survival pod will go, so he can only wait!
I glanced at the island tablet again, and it showed that the escape cabin was only 80% airy.

If there is not enough air, you will suffocate yourself!

But thinking of this, Xiao Yi found that there was still one thing in his system space that he hadn't taken out!
Air Purifying Balancing Device!
At that time, I only took out one to use when dealing with the undead, and another one was in the system space!
Bring it at this time, just in time to use!

"I have to admire the system's foresight!" Xiao Yi couldn't help but pat the system's horse!
Fix the air purification balance device aside, and then think that today's sign-in seems to have not been signed yet!
"System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and get a reward: Space Hook (SSS level)*1."

"It really is this kind of thing, it's exactly the same as on an isolated island!" Xiao Yi nodded.

Only the hook claws can grab the surrounding material boxes. Although the island tablet reminded that there are very few material boxes, but the lack does not mean that there are no, there must be some. The space hook is very important!
"Space Hook (SSS Grade): Made of very special materials, there will be no loss at all, and the success rate of grabbing materials is [-]%!"

Seeing this explanation, Xiao Yi nodded in satisfaction. With this success rate, as long as he can see the supplies, he can grab them back!

Xiao Yi immediately swung himself to the side window and looked outside, trying to find some supplies that could be grabbed.

But it was pitch black outside, only a little bit of starlight was constantly flickering!

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, then looked at his island monument again!
At this time, someone finally spoke in the public channel of the island monument!
"Is anyone there? I managed to touch my own island monument, and finally turned on the island monument screen!"

"Yeah, I just opened it too, it's too dark!"

"I can already confirm that we have come to space, and we are going to survive in space!"

"Yeah, I really can't get used to this feeling of weightlessness!"

Xiao Yi looked at the chat on the public channel and frowned, because these people used all kinds of weird words and were not mosquitoes from the Xia Kingdom at all, which meant that they were not from the Xia Kingdom!
But Xiao Yi could understand all the words they typed, not because of the skill of telepathy, but because the island monument was completely translated!
"Where did everyone come from?"

"I'm from Planet Habu!"

"I came from Planet Maclaren!"


Seeing that everyone was talking about galaxies he didn't know at all, Xiao Yi shook his head and didn't get involved.

No matter what galaxy you come from, you have only one identity here, and that is Survivor!
"It's bad, my oxygen is almost out, can someone trade me some?" someone said suddenly.

"No way, everyone's initial oxygen is [-]%, so it shouldn't be consumed so quickly!"

"You must be lying, everyone ignore him!"

"There's an air leak in my survival pod. Really, I beg you guys to save your life!"

Creatures that can survive to this stage are not easily fooled!

No one paid any attention to his plea for help, and everyone began to discuss other issues.

"I saw a supply box, great!"

(End of this chapter)

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